Ok Sup Forums let's have a membership drive for the NRA. If you're already a member or you want to support the cause, make a donation on behalf or David Hogg.
Oh, and make sure you tweet the results to him!
Ok Sup Forums let's have a membership drive for the NRA. If you're already a member or you want to support the cause, make a donation on behalf or David Hogg.
Oh, and make sure you tweet the results to him!
Other urls found in this thread:
Sign David Hogg up for membership. Make donations in his name.
>membership drive for the Micropenis Compensation Association
russians can't join the NRA you fucking retard
Didn't they shill for the cuckservative gun laws you guys have today?
How can you compartmentalise support for the NRA meanwhile overlooking their ultimate support for Israel and Jews who are the leaders of the attack on your right to bear arms?
bump im already a member senpai
Checked. Gift him a membership, make a donation in his name, share results to his Twitter.
Nah, fuck the NRA now that I can't get discounted cars from Enterprise.
Further proving these aren't Journalists, but Political Interests.
Actually anyone can join the NRA.
This was honestly the only reason to join. The NRA is a cuck group for boomers. They don't go far enough in protecting rights. And they shill for neocons. Gunowners of America is a better group.
idk is supporting them really a good idea? i'm still a little pissed at them for what they did soon after the Vegas shooting.
Join both or either. Just sign yourself up, gift David Hogg a membership, or make a donation in his name. Make sure you tweet the results to him!
>Shilling this obsessively for donations
Micropenis Compensation Association on suicide watch.
Aside from a few minor benefits not really. If you're just dying to join a gun rights group Gun Owners of America is better. The only point to joining NRA is for the insurance really.
>make a donation on behalf of David Hogg
literal shilling
you people are an embarassment
Fucking lol I love you Sup Forums
Why are liberals so obsessed with dicks?
Fuck off shareblue
Hope can you type with a dog's dick in your mouth?
Why respond to a meme flag? This board would be a whole lot better if you just ignore them
You're the ones so obsessed with a blatant penis compensation device.
Say Wat U Say - Gotta Love The Good Ol' HESTON...
Yes, they’re using an Alisnky tactic. Don’t cuck like RINOs and fall for Commie tricks. Support both groups.
Flag checks out
Join both, and post results to David Hogg's Twitter
>muh hero stalin never needed guns for his revolution
2A retards tend to be easily punched nazis. It'll be warm, whiny, crying hands after one solid punch.
>Literally shilling
Woah dude, he would be totally mad! I'm donating $100 right now, thanks fellow MAGApede!!
I'm already a life member, but I bought some cool swag. The store has a lot of cool new shit. Bullet shot glasses, mugs, hats, etc.
bullet proof binders and backpacks yet?
I memeflag for you (You)s but everyone will be so busy jerking themselves off over sending money to a megacorporation for Le Epic Win that this post will get ignored and they'll still think I'm an ardent communist anyway.
What exactly has the NRA done for me?
Let me guess, he's a Jew.
>Oh, and make sure you tweet the results to him!
just donate.
You idiots ruines the last donation ruse with pic related because you autists started tweeting her thanking her and she had it shut down.
Tldr: donate if you will but DON'T tell hogg you did
Increases chance you'll get shot.
But I can shoot back.
Sorry. I already gave every cent to the ACLU.
Check back next payday.
No, you shoot back when you get shot AT. When you get shot you stop doing everything and start dying, that's how bullets work.
Kill yourself you worthless commie waste of life
Why? The butthurt will be amazing.
>join the NRA, give up a part of your paycheck every month to their cause
>they spend money lobbying politicians in DC, all of whom are zionists, some of whom are democrats
>literally giving money to the swamp
seems legit.
Nah im sure you're just lusting for cock buddy
I just joined for 5 years
Fuck liberals
Hidden for thread Derailing
Trash sub human
Born of Russian Jewish immigrants in Chicago, of all places.
Good one Shlomo
reminder to do this
hogg has been posting all day, like the smug little cunt he is, asking why companies still support the NRA.
what he doesnt understand, because he is such a dumb little child, is that he is actually causing MASS investments in the NRA like never seen before.
i bought today and im 22 and dont even own a gun.
kill yourself you worthless capitalist waste of life
Found you
>t.nra ceo
meanwhile, in the real world:
communists are being hunted down like game in the Philippines for less than 300 dollars a kill (^:
what is it like having such little value on your life just be declaring yourself a communist?
Unable to prove me wrong, runs away and hides.
I just own one pistol that I barely use and I'm going to join.
The shilling against gun rights is absolutely insane this time.
NRA membership is going to swell because of this.
Better than being a cousinfucking rural retard.
Joined yesterday, let's get the memberships up.
get on the gun nut list
no, dont
People can't be made to kill a communist for free.
Meanwhile people punch nazis for free.
Shit eating faggot
>a mere punch that changes nothing
so this....
is the....POWER.....
of communism....
It is correct that you are wrong. But you should hit the dimmer down a notch or two, jew.
New thread since we have a derailing troll and retards responding to it
Remember to filter the liberals
Look man I can stop sucking dog dicks long enough to make 1-2 line posts, I'm not swedish
Yeah, having to pay someone to bribe politicians to not take away your rights is a bad system when you think about it. Like a protection racket? "Donate to the NRA, or somethin' might happen to your rights, capisce?"
The power of conservatives is unironically wearing adult diapers in public.
>IGNORING MY POST ENTIRELY and bringing up something completely unrelated
i wonder if i can get you to over 50 posts by this ID
the problem for you soybois is we're on their side. so you run along little boy and carry on dreaming about punching nazis because that's as close as you'll ever get to reality. cunt.
>Your duplicate shillthread got deleted
How will he ever recover?!
the NRA sucks ass
Dana's milkers make me want to throw money at them
> Hi my name is Jeff Kasky!
> My son is a Stoneman Douglas "student" and we're both shilling for disarmament
> I'm sad because I had to pull my sullen child, Cameron Kasky, out of the central role in media after Sup Forums discovered I run a corrupt child trafficking organization via One World Adoption Services
> If you post about me on the_donald, the mods remove your post due to "misleading or inaccurate information" !
> I'm also an adoption lawyer, reserve policeman and Rabbi (see below)
> Hand in your guns and stop discussing Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Scott Israel, L3 Technologies or myself!
angry sisterfucker detected
If the donations are high enough THEN it has amazing potential. If he's tipped off early then he'll do exactlt what miranda did and tweet to his 100s of thousands saying nra fake donations in ny name disregard them etc and it helps his cause ultimately. Especially if his page is flooded with a bunch of memes and thankyous
>we're on the side of avowed enemies of the united states
Why are you projecting so hard?
stop spaming you cnn nigger
hush you silly little cunt.
Bump, on a side note, opinions on the flight jacket?
If a bunch of rural cousinfucking SHALLtards care so much about the constitution, they should care more about Article 3 Section 3 than they do about the second amendment. The one that says their Nazi buttbuddies deserve conviction of treason, since they're adhering to america's enemies.
>Sup Forums is reduced to the point that it's so retarded that openly shilling is accepted, while actual facts are referred to as "shills."
You are the jews you fear.