Why don't we push race mixing against jews and make them assimilate and lose their ethnic identity so they stop attacking us?
Srsly, this is the only solution that seems doable.
Why don't we push race mixing against jews and make them assimilate and lose their ethnic identity so they stop attacking us?
Srsly, this is the only solution that seems doable.
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Flag seems right
Kill yourself degenerate.
I would gladly use a Jew to quench the sizzle in my pizzle
You can't jew the jew they will see what you're trying to do from a mile away and put an end to it.
>Why don't we push race mixing against jews and make them assimilate and lose their ethnic identity so they stop attacking us?
It's already happened - something like 70% of non-orthodox jews in the US marry out of faith.
Jews only make jews, they dont make goy.
You can 100% European with no Jewish DNA and still be a Jew.
you cant crossbreed them, it doesnt work. Jews already do this and have done so for a long time.
having sex with Gentile women is one of their largest fetishes. Its pretty much the basis of the porn industry.
They're still Jews if their mother is a Jew according to Jewish law.
>ethnic identity
Jews don't have ethnic identity. Jews have just evil religion that teach hate and steal from everyone who is not jew. Problem is in their religion. They don't have special genes.
But you if you import enough niggers to Israel, they would be mad. Niggers destroy every nation they live in.
How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
That's why they don't let Ethiopian Jews in, whereas if you're Ashkenazim they'll pay your rent in West Jerusalem.
>they don't let Ethiopian Jews in
but they do
Keep in mind that Jews are being arrested in Israel attempting to stop Jewish from mixing with non-Jews. Jews do not want Jews and non-Jews to mix.
there aren't any more coming because basically everybody left already
You guys aren't going to pump semen into anybody any time soon.
So why not just make whites matrilineal?
If your mother is white, you’re white
A partial Jew can still exhibit the traits of a full Jew. Look at Louis CK - I think he's a quadjewn, but his pattern of behavior matches so many other full Jews in the MeToo thing.
I believe the Nazis set the standard for goyishness at octojewn, which seems sensible to me.
Sup Forums made some memes for hanukkah. Black hanukkah or something
It doesnt work.
Every white person is actually puritans when it comes to race. Even normies, they just done realize.
you cant be mixed race and white. The greatest example of this is Obama, he is the first black president despite being as black as he is white.
also we are a patriarchal society, you would literally be cutting through one of the oldest traditions and i think it would lead to more cucked white men.
Jews will outlive whites. Judaism is a religion, not a race or ethnicity - black, white, Asian, Arabic Jews all seem to get along quite well in their country, with none of them trying to push for a certain sect (such as Ashkenazis) to have their own autistic ethnostate like whites are in America. If Christians learned to do the same - with black, white, Asian, Arabic Christians getting along - then they'd be just as sorted as the Jews are..
but that's how you get more jews
Brazil has an inverse one drop rule where if you have any White DNA you are white
>Push racee mixing against Jew and is a mutt him self
Jesus Christ you can't make this shit up
Jewishness is cultural rather than purely genetic
THISSS JEWS are way smarter thanThis Brazilian thinks
"DNA Links Prove Jews Are a 'Race,' Says Genetics Expert "
goyim knows ???
Cause Jews will never fall for it. They are 100% race conscious Goy
Being a Jew isn't a race, it's a religion.
Push race mixing between Palestinians and Jews. Its what will trigger them the most
Jews are the biggest racemixers already though. The thing is that they don't care about racial purity. As long as the mother is Jewish, the child is Jewish too.
If your mother is white you are at least half white. You can be half white and half black. Black dominance is a meme
Kikes are already race mixing and not reproducing.
Also I would rather die a thousands times over than mix by sacred Nordic blood with a filthy Jewess
Nope, it's a disease
>my first gf was a colombian jew
if i knew then what i know now
True, but my point is there are yarmulke wearing fuckers that are white as a sheet to coal black
Pic related.
>Sup Forums thinks women in pic related are of the same race *baka*
you either are or you arent. Race mixing is ethno-masochism.
He literally threw that number out there to subconsciously invoke the Holocaust to jews. That or jews are just genetically obsessed with the number 6 million.
rollen for a milky 9
The problem is, OP, that your solution just gets Jew DNA fucking *everywhere*.
hurr durr im a virgin basement dwelling cuckhold testosterone deficient soygoy. rollin for fap material.
Read that """"study""" again.
Bet you feel stupid now.
>Jew-Owned DNA Testing Companies Fake Results to “Mess With White Racists”
I shall give you the explanation you seek
pic related
stop posting this shit
>rolls a 4
fucking rekt, kek is against you nigger
And at the same time Jews want to abolish the second amendment
I support this for Brazilians. Hue Hue Jew is the future.
Not all of those are even Kikes faggot
user pls
like whom for example?
If jews were as smart and cunning as what most of you claim, wouldn't they be vehemently against jewish girls racemixing ? But I see so many jewesses with non-jew guys, one would think they'd control their weakest link, the women first, but they don't, after all women wreckcultures, and if many jewesses marry non jews, wouldn't jews die out or something?
Also asking because there's a qt pure jewess at work who mires me daily and flirts, gonna ask her out with the intention of marrying her later for kids with extremely highIQ
We should meme a one drop rule to kangz so they divide against eachother along tensions that have long been prevalent between goodhair mulattos and blacks.
clever goy
I-is there a trap one desu?
Some funny shit like this already happened. Whenever there is a debate between kangz leaders aka hucksters jockeying for audience share, the darkest one invokes his greater melanin.
This shit is huge among blacks especially 20-40 yr olds males.
We need to finish cataloging all the phenotypes
What type is this?
Nope, see: Its a good read.
Cutie-Jew Phenotype, same as Paul Simon
No because Christians are not God's chosen people
Good idea and trips. Too bad I can't fucking stand jews.
Shapiro get!
Whats this from?
Im a leftist and I think this is profound.
Really dunked my donut there kraut