Do you guys still wear them? I wear mine on occasion, but want to know if I should retire it.
MAGA Hats in 2018?
I never worn's pretty expensive for an antifa faggot to fuck up. And oddly enough even though i'm in trump country, i never saw anyone wear one.
I'm mexican mestizo and still wear mine, specially when I use public laundry machines, you only find the worse of the worse illegal ghetto hijos de su reputa perra puta perra puta bofa madre
I live right in the middle of commiefornia, and when I rock mine in public it, they look at me like I'm a Nazi.
i wear mine whenever a HAPPENING is starting.
i also occasionally wear my USA 45 hat out because its less assuming and just looks like a more normal hat.
the MAGA hats are ENORMOUS on my head, idk why theyre made like that
Sorry, I don't speak Italian.
I have one but I never wore it. It stays in the bag like a collector’s item. The only MAGA hat wearer I’ve seen this year was some old Santa Claus looking dude at the zoo. Looked friendly and no one was harassing him which is odd since this is in a blue state.
Haven't worn any of mine yet. I'm just not a cap person.
I bought a knockoff and the Velcro ripped off day one
That’s what I get I suppose, but I’m not paying $40 for a billcap
Only school shooters and fucking retards wear that shit.
so you are wearing it ?
The next time I see somebody wearing a MAGA hat I’ll break his fucking skull in
how is trump going to make america great when whites are like less then 5% of your immigrants, you have more african immigrants then europeans...trump is a jew controlled puppet
I live in Hollywood so I can only wear mine around the apartment. But I wear it all the time when my liberal roomie is out. Just bought another for a redpilled old lady I know
go suck trudeau cock faggot
trump great
That's why we voted him in to find out. He doesn't have unilateral power. We just wanted to find out what he might be able to deliver as the figurehead.
if he was a jew controlled puppet the media would love him and the sheep from the left would praise him all the time.
he clearly not
I am from Comifornia. Live in Brazil currently. Would have LOVED to wear it everywhere if I was still there. Hoping for trouble. Would love to beat the shit out of some socialists parasites and if they come at me, they give me excuse to unleash. What could be better'n that?
Its retired till 2020
Commies like you are always pencil necked faggots that women slap around.
Live in liberal city in a conservative southern state. Wear mine frequently.
they are all jew controlled, the jews don't care they win no matter what, they are playing with all the cards and they can see everyone's hand.
I'm an older looking, 6.3, dude. Most people are too pussy to do anything. The bravest someone ever got was calling me a racist from their car.
People probably thought he was retarded like most trumpfags
>exposing yourself as a red hat
good good, make our jobs easier.
Fuck out of here indio.
Implying you faggots have ever had a real job.
Trump is starting to go after the first and second amendments. He's not building a wall. There is no reason to support him anymore.
If he was really going after the 2nd amedment, he would have banned all firearms. And this is the first I'm hearing of him going after the 1st..... Why would he go after the 1st? He's the anti-pc machine.
This guy was wearing his Trump gear for 2020, even though he lost his daughter in Parkland.
Central casting: "Quick we need a Trump supporter otherwise middle America will not care about some Jewish kids killed in South Florida."
>Still supporting Trump in 2018
No reason to get into "why"s. It'd enough to know that he's doing it.
They can't ban all firearms at once. That's why they're doing it piecemeal. Any Federal legislation against firearms should be considered a serious attack on the 2nd. They're the ones who the 2nd is meant to protect us against.
>oy vey!
mine is like an artifact
no way i'll wear it outside though, not around here
I have mine in a hat box display in my living room. The first run red and the first run Sup Forums green.
Just got the 2018 St Paddy's MAGA hat. I'm either gonna resell it to someone who is willing to pay for it or I'm gonna do like this user and put it in a hat box display case.
MAGA Hats are so 2015!
americans are so cucked they won't even wear a stupid ass hat! the absolute state of the jewnited states of niggermerica
I got one on my car on top of the dashboard
I'm not really a hat person, but I've worn it to events before.
I live in Minneapolis and will probably get attacked if I wear mine...
>gets trips
>blows dog
Mine was always more of a keepsake than clothing
>I am from Comifornia. Live in Brazil currently.
How does this happen?
>I'm an older looking, 6.3, dude.
Is that your height or displacement?
They don't fit my head correctly, I retired it right after he won.
Ive never once gotten a comment on my bumper sticker or hat on the dashboard. Pro or anti trump. No one dares speak about it for whatever reason.
MAGA cats are so 2016core
kek I typed cats instead of hats. I am drunk lads.
I've had one for a long time, but haven't worn it outside. Don't feel like getting jumped in this Democratic shithole.
t.luz extinguido
>what is living abroad
for liberals and shitskins
Trump hats are so hot right now. Specially after sheep Sup Forums user than rocked a trump hat shot up a school.
If you never want a girlfriend, make sure to wear it often. You could grab a Guy Fawkes mask and possibly a trenchcoat to complete the edgy teenager outfit.
I keep mine in the back window of my car. I've never worn it.
Nigga, way beyond you.
What will 2019 be?
might as well just tattoo retard on your forehead
Usually only wear mine when I am overseas. Have mostly been hanging out in SE Asia since the election. Not as much reaction as my Bush/Cheney shirt used to be back in the day. I'm going to bring it with me when I check out a few places in Yurop in between Luminosity and Tomorrowland this summer.
*breaks into your car*
If youre not wearing it how will everyone around you know that you're a dumbass?
we need to form /ourbar/ out here and it can’t be in weho and no fags are allowed
people can’t fathom the balls it took to wear maga hat down the blvds at rush hour in la ... we are the barometer
and trump is a fucking jew now it’s gay
Anglin? Is that you?
nah that’s 2017 berkeley chic for newfags...lame
israel was never great
It’s a “collector’s hat”
Faggots are hoping to collect it like boomers with commemorative plates.
I don't know anything about the guy, had never heard his name until someone mentioned he was in Cambodia recently. Most of the expats in PP are just casual racists, not white nationalists. So not sure if he would fit in.
how do i get one?
Sure you will Mr. Prime Minister.