We need to start pulling our weight and start a white family Sup Forums. Any help on how we can secure a future for the white race?
Ethnostate when?
friendly reminder.... we need fucking SONS
stop settling for daughters.... Ok ????
for all we know, the water is poisoned and reducing our chances of producing MALES
THIS. Also be sure to filter and hide any and all posts by slidefags who shit up these threads with their anime/asian waifu nonsene. DON'T reply to them, simply hide their post and filter their ID or flag
Shut the fuck up storm weenie
as a man you need to not indulge or reward or pay any attention to sluttish behavior of white women. and help them to feel part of the *senpai* . and be a loyal bf / husband at least until you get kids, even with 6/10 girls, honestly take the ug-pill, because a cooch is cooch lads.
To save the white race requires strong women who value being mothers.
>To have strong women who value being mothers requires strong men who value women who put family above themselves
>To have strong men who value women who put family above themselves requires you to stop looking at women who are not your wife as sexual objects
Stop watching porn
Stop fucking whores
Make yourself better
Jesus Christ. This thread is like Hitler's Facebook page.
Our daughters will bear the future of the white race, fuck off with that bullshit.
>impliying I can choose
>More German Qts
Follow the words of the Lord
>to keep you from the evil woman
From the flattering tongue of a seductress
>do not lust after her beauty in your heart,
Nor let her allure you with her eyelids
>for by means of a harlot
A man is reduced to a crust of bread;
>and an adulteress will prey upon his precious life
Dont mind me boy... i'm just doing my part of the 56% kek get fuk
how do you accomplish this..
there is probably 90% men on this board, and irl for every women who think of ethnostate or even of conducting herself properly up to these rules (i'm not saying that all those anons would either) there is 50 men to 1 women...
there is not enough women for this
Kill all jews and rest would be easy.
No seas malo
Can a man take fire to his bosom,
>and his clothes not be burned?
Can one walk on hot coals
>and his feet not be seared?
So is he who goes in to his neighbor's wife;
>whoever touches her shall not be innocent
>You have to go back
There are more women who want to live a life of purity, comfort, marriage, and childbearing than there are men.
>poor fathers don't show them the good men they should seek to be attached to
>shitty men pump and dump them
>they end up mindlessly fucking their way through their childbearing years
There are not enough women currently over 20 for the men who want to do this.
So it is going to be up to us to refuse to have sex and show those who follow that there is no value, no attention to be had, by being a slut.
Then we can marry those who remain pure, be they ten, fifteen or twenty years our juniors.
>then we will be strong, virtuous, encouraging, teaching fathers
>and we will raise our sons and daughters properly
Every person who wants to save our race should be retraining as a teacher to strip education away from the left.
Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding
>he who does so destroys his own soul
Wounds and dishonor he will get,
>and his reproach will not be wiped away
*there are more women at the age of 15 who want to live a life of purity, comfort, marriage, and childbearing than there are men
A worthless person, a wicked man,
>walked with a perverse mouth
He winks with his eyes
>he shuffles his feet,
He points with his fingers;
>perversity is in his heart
He devises evil continually,
>he sows discord
Therefore calamity shall come suddenly;
>suddenly he shall be broken without remedy
But the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord
>And he delights in His way
Though he stumble he shall not be cast down
>For the Lord upholds him with His hand
there is no future
Women do not let your adornment be merely outward
>arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel
Rather let it be the hidden person of the heart,
>with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit
White is very precious in the sight of God
>Jesus Christ. This thread is like Hitler's Facebook page.
The socialist Hitler? Who forced gun control? Govt healthcare. And mass media propaganda? Gee who does that remind you of politically today?
you are making me more depressed than i ever thought possible
Lay aside all malice,
>all deceit,
All hypocrisy,
>all envy,
And all evil speaking,
>as newborn babes,
Desire the pure milk of the word of God
>that you may grow thereby
Do not breed or associate with feminists.
Cull that shit out.
sounds good to me brah
Husbands dwell with your wives with understanding
>giving honor to them,
As to the weaker vessel
>and as being heirs together of the grace of life
That your prayers may not be hindered
You must honor your wife, and lift her up. Teach her, instruct her, purify her, make her white as snow.
>She cannot do this herself
And when you do, she will honor you, love you, comfort you, and make you a man among men.
Without Christ, you cannot improve yourself, or your wife.
>without Christ the best you can hope is to live a life of Genesis 3
You will lord it over her
>and she will resent you
But with Christ all is made new
>a whole new paradigm for living
You are a chosen generation,
>a Royal Priesthood
A Holy Nation
>a people belonging to God
You become an adopted King of Heaven. Your citizenship is not of this world. Your treasure is in a place that can never be robbed.
So your heart is changed, and so is hers. And together you show the world a better way to live.
Do not be depressed annon
>for what man can not do through his own strength
God has already done by sending His own Son in the likeness of man
>who died for us to take away the failings of our flesh
And restore us into righteousness
Each white family is their own white race. So you are not my race. I am my own white race, as are you. We are not the same so stop copying me. Thank you.
Is there a source on this clip? I need more of that mommy.
I did not intend to get famous. Just speak truth to power.
The alternation of greentext and regular text reminds me of
>prime minister of Malaysia bad!
Child labor good!
>kill the prime minister of Malaysia!
I don't recognise that meme annon. Where's it from?
Withdraw yourself from those who suppose that godliness is a means for gaining material wealth
>Godliness with contentment is itself the greatest wealth that can be gained
For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
>And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.
But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction.
>For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
There is a reason traditional marriage vows include, "for richer, for poorer". Look around. How many people are "waiting until they're settled in their careers", or "waiting until we own our own place" before they commit to the God-given union of marriage, or before obeying the God given command to be fruitful and multiply?
They bring calamity and shame down upon themselves. Be thankful for clothes on your back and food in your belly, and in that contentment obey the Lord and have a family.
that baby is in heaven
Flee the lust for material wealth!
>and pursue righteousness
>If you are materially wealthy
Do not be proud, nor trust in your uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.
>do good, that you be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for yourself a good foundation for the time to come
That you may lay hold on eternal life.
>White women need to STOP.FUCKING.RACEMIXING
>Bros, Asian females are the true redpill. White women are a lost cause, embrace your new hapa overlords
You guys are such disgusting hypocrites. You really do only think with your dicks. "W-well pretty white girls don't like me, they only want to fuck Chad and Tyrone. Well fine! I'll create the new ethnostate with azns who are so obedient and loyal!"
Never noticed the guns in the kids basket before lmao.
Fapping to hentai, shitposting about niggers and kikes, & hating women who have sex is a good start
OP is a shill. Wants you to blindly worship whore white women. As if they aren't already high up on the pussy pedestal and are responsible for low white birth rates and degeneracy.
Is it really their fault for wanting careers though? A woman without a career who can't find a husband is fucked. Most of us men play it safe with our careers too...trades and college degrees. If you don't have a gf/wife and aren't asking out at least one girl per week, you're part of the problem
Penis goes in vagina, ejaculate conceives the baby.
If you mean how, you need community and families rebuilt.
Pick a religion, any works, talk with family build bonds, self improve.
The family needs the community, you can't secure a future for white goys and gals, if there isn't a white community.
I am glad I could be of service goyim.
You have a very childish way of looking at things.
Basically youre saying white guys simply aren't asking out enough white women on dates?
Jesus Christ...
Oh, ok. Haven't watched that in well over 15 years.
I think guys have gotten less assertive...back around WW2 men were horny as fuck and hit on anything that moved. Now everything is so quiet when I'm in public, no one speaks to each other just staring at their phones
>just staring at their phones
no need to communicate with those near you when you can talk to anybody on the internet
i'd say social media and smartphones have done more bad for society than good
My friends, beware false teachers!
>for when they speak great swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error.
While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage.
Yeah because back then men werent shamed and hen pecked for being men. There was insentive. Now days western women can accuse a guy of rape just for looking at her wrong and the system will fully support her.
Then roasties wonder why they're childless and alone at 30. Because western women are toxic and a huge risk to even be around.
>Soft-lit beatific women holding babies.
>Beautiful prime-breeding-age women in wheat fields
Meanwhile, in the local 'family courts...
By WW2 our civilization was already ruined with degeneracy.
>being horny, assertive, and convincing women to make whores of themselves led directly to the world we have today
One thing I notice in the obviously carefully staged and processed videos is that the women have actual joy in their eyes being near the children that are most likely not even theirs. They have joy in their hearts being around children because the normal female brain has been programmed to feel that way since the very beginning of the species. As men, it is our duty to give women that joy. Go have white babies, Sup Forums.
Women are naturally creative
>but they have been brainwashed into being driven into competitive fields
You must inspire your wife and daughters to create.
>this will bring their minds back to the natural state: where they want to create life
There is no higher gift for a woman than this
>that she creates life, and life in abundance
you're absolutely right
>Now days western women can accuse a guy of rape just for looking at her wrong
lol spend less time on Sup Forums and you will see that the chance of this actually happening to you are little to none. I can tell you don't talk to girls much. Worst thing that can happen is they talk to their friends later about a "creeper" that tried to talk to them but who gives a fuck, you're never going to see them or speak to them again
You sound triggered. Also...project much?
>project much?
Uh...yeah I am speaking from personal experience because no chick has ever accused me of anything even after a couple of "blurred lines" type situations. Also I am looking for a wife right now so I started forcing myself to talk to at least one new girl per week since I moved to a new city. So far I've been rejected about 12 times but I am finally going on a date this weekend. But I am not attractive so I think an average guy could do better
Get on pol. Spread filth until some impressionable kid shoots up a school.
fuck texas!
I need to find myself a good woman first, and in my country where women are overwhelmingly whores, it's hard.
Still studying for my engineering degree as well, but to have a large White family is my goal.
To late, I married and had children with a Metis.
If you want to find a good woman you've got to look for ones who never went to university and themselves come from large families.
>if you limit your search to the most physically attractive, educated women you will never find one.
You sound creepy as fuck.
Oh fer Christ's sales get over looks. Have you seen married couples. Theyre middle aged both average looking Americans. Try and have a personality.
I'm trying to get out to Northern Alberta to start a home-schooled family innawoods. Anyone else out there/know what its like in Northern Alberta in the Fort Murray/Peace River.
you're not wrong
>introducing yourself to women because you want to further civilization is creepy af
See how ingrained the illuminist brainwashing is.
>Any help on how we can secure a future for the white race?
As a white woman I'm doing my best. I already have a son and currently I'm working towards a second child with my black husband.