Youtubers are the people that Gen Z looks up to
The future is gone
Youtubers are the people that Gen Z looks up to
The future is gone
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>Ban Semi Auto rifles that are made out of plastic instead of wood because they look scary
What a fucking nigger
>plz subskripe to my funnhey bideos :DDD
Literal soyboy, used to be cool a very long time ago.
Kikes influence and their money changes people.
whats the definition of an assault rifle? Asking for a retarded no gun friend. hehe.....
I am convinced that every celebrity that only discusses politics when it benefits the deepstate is either being bribed or blackmailed into it.
It was fucking laughable how half of Hollywood was suddenly extremely pro-Hillary, even fucking australian and british actors.
It's almost like they all knew she was evil, but still pushed her because "you know who" told them to.
How many election are we away from seeing a youtuber as president of USA?
>”understand that I am not coming from a place of ignorance”
>”we need to ban assault rifles”
>assault rifles have essentially been banned already for years since the reagan administration
>giving a communist traitor views
Let's hooktube that.
I seem to recall some media place's list putting plier of ahead of pewdiepie for most powerful youtuber. I wonder if its just a coincidence....
Oh look, it's that fag who's known for being unfunny and overreacting to absolutely anything.
Pure coincidence, ofcourse.
Don't white liberals who want to ban the AR-15 because their suburban kids could die realize how priviliged and racist they are?
In 2016 8,000 people were shot to death by firearms, only 300 of whom were by rifles of any kind. The majority of deaths are vibrant POC who die by handguns, NOT by rifles.
Even while in the vast minority of deaths, whites are willing to pass legislation to ban the AR-15 and possibly save a few dozen white kids per year, meanwhile thousands of black and hispanic youths are dying to handguns EVERY YEAR!
End the hypocricy. An AR ban is white privilege in practice.
>hapa wants to see more dead whites
hey, he's SHOT GUNS before
you need to respect his opinion
>Youtubers are the people that Gen Z looks up to
gen z here
only at the beginning
>start watching youtube for skits and gaming
>funny compilations
>wrekt compilations
>feminists wrekt compilations
>stupid feminists/liberals compilations
>pick up on frequent presenters shown in compilations
>Sup Forums greentext compilations
>go deeper to more right wing channels
>go deeper into the web
>find Sup Forums
i see this happen a lot
He is a man and great person. You /poltards/ are not. he should not respect all pro gun fucktards
You right wingers need to grow the fuck up and quit playing with your little dick-compensation toys. Hand over your Assault Rifles now!
lol. Only faggots would care what this dbag thinks
>that fag who's known for being unfunny and overreacting to absolutely anything.
that's literally every Youtuber
the problem is these people don't even know what assault rifles are. Assault rifle implies that it can be switched from semi automatic to full automatic which very few people actually own. Hell, the military doesn't even use fully automatic weapons because they waste bullets.
literally millions of people
And there are a ton of faggots. Democracy gives one vote per person, not additional votes based on merit.
I'm not watching that shit. what doe she say?
tl;dr He supports more gun control and the students speaking up about gun control, but he doesn't necessarily think everyone's guns should be taken away.
Also he does mention that mental health is a huge issue and needs to be seriously addressed as well.
Who would that even be? Seems like all the big "right wing" youtubers I see are not from the USA. I mean probably most of the non political youtubers are libs, but they are off reviewing butt plugs or whatever they do
A rifle that can switch between automatic/semi/burst fire modes of intermediate caliber
>been on youtube since day 1
>have no idea who this guy is
I thought automatic weapons weren't available to the public?
I like 'The Holocaust was baloney' Oney and 'Defends Hitler's Clone' Dingdong.
well... with a class 3 licence and a 200 dollar tax stamp many states allow them
I'm just wondering. 40-50 years into the future there's a real possibility a youtuber will run for the office and might actually win. Or candidates will do their campaigning with youtube audience etc.
did the las vegas guy have this? has any recent mass shooter had this? i honestly don't know.
>caring about what this liberal mutt e celeb says
But most of them watch Pewdiepie though.
No worries
Ghost Gunner = Gun control BTFO
Everyone younger than 25 in America will own a gun before they die.
For them social acceptance equals money
idk about the rest of gen Z but my little brother (14) loves guns. Every time he sees me he barrages me with questions of gun X or Y he found on the internet and wants to know about. He asked for a pistol for christmas and our parents got him a .22lr pistol and grandad gave him a 20ga winchester pump action shotgun. He's been telling me he wants to get a bolt action .308 "sniper rifle" and an AR15. I've told him just to get a .22lr rifle and git gud until he's old enough to get a job and can actually afford to buy them
this guy was paid to say this. these are not his thoughts. he has no brain and no mind of his own. in fact he has no brain.
>guns kill people
>people getting killed is bad
>guns are bad
>removing guns is good
thats the end of their analysis. it's beyond retarded.
Maybe I'm just insulated, but at least to me it seems like there are way more right wing political youtubers than left wing youtubers. Very similar to the makeup of talk radio in this country.
Which is the complete opposite of how it is on tv/film. I'm guessing it has to do with the fact that 95% of the every day media you will see on a given day is liberal.
I still doubt a youtuber would seriously run for president but I could see a youtuber run for the congress or something. Hell my favorite radio talk show host just won a seat in the house of representatives. Changes are coming.
who cares about burgerlanmd and their gunny issues?