Support NRA thread 4

Ok Sup Forums let's have a membership drive for the NRA. If you're already a member or you want to support the cause, make a donation on behalf or David Hogg.

Oh, and make sure you tweet the results to him!

Remember the left is trying to derail threads just hide them and ignore

Other urls found in this thread:


There's already like 3 threads for this baby boomer garbage.

stop spaming you cnn nigger

looks like the NRA wants to be connected to Sup Forums? that'll look great for their image


I’m makeoing another thread and you can’t stop us

Donated as well

This idiot leftist are so ez to filter

You have my support as well will be marking threads all night

>joining a list of gun owners

I’ve hidden 5 post here alone
These threads trigger liberals so much
This is why we must make more

Why are the Russian shills trying to get us to join the NRA?


You can save $10 to $40 here
hikhok45 is a big gun youtuber so I guess it supports him too.

If a bunch of rural cousinfucking SHALLtards care so much about the constitution, they should care more about Article 3 Section 3 than they do about the second amendment. The one that says their Nazi buttbuddies deserve conviction of treason, since they're adhering to america's enemies.

But all you morons care about is your tiny penis compensation machines. It doesn't matter how many assault rifles you have, you'll never make your sister happy when you fuck her because you're a limp-dick micropenis ugly inbred fat idiot.


What happened with that OP saying NRA was up to some big announcement on Friday?

Fake and admitted it was fake in the same thread multiple times spamming replies to people with the same copied explanation multiple times.
Not too keen on observation, eh?

This is awesome the liberal shills are resorting to running around threads copy and pasting shit
Make poknting them out so ez to filter

>Analpained grandpa cleetus thinks the NRA isn't just some backdoor money laundromat that profits of rural hicks in the name of rights protection

The constitution enables my firearms ownership, not some flaming club of homos and closet homos.

Why save money on a charitable cause?

Are you on Sup Forums lately? How many shit threads do you make it through before your eyes glaze over and you want to shoot yourself?
>sorry, user, I'll try not to do it again.

IDK The promotion encourages more people to signup or possibly choose a longer membership than they would have because of the deal.

The NRA is a borderline cult

Fuck you

Fuck off and sage.

Ok Sup Forums let's have a membership drive for the NRA. If you're already a member or you want to support the cause, make a donation on behalf or David Hogg.

Oh, and make sure you tweet the results to him!

Leftist are out in full force trying to derail becaus they are scared
Just filter and let them bump us87490
Foam at the mouth liberal lol

Can't wait for this dumbshit boomer to get banned.

Ok Sup Forums let's have a membership drive for the NRA. If you're already a member or you want to support the cause, make a donation on behalf or David Hogg.

Oh, and make sure you tweet the results to him!

Leftist are out in full force trying to derail becaus they are scared
Just filter and let them bump us

The NRA has already been infiltrated, if you care about guns find another organization to represent you, NRA never gets anything done, they just want the money.

Alright which nra magazine should I get?

>Doesn't know how to use Sup Forums
>spams just like he does on facebook
Grandpa plz stop.

Alright fuck it went with America's First Freedom. Suck a dick leftists.

U are clearly this youtuber.

Just signed up for the NRA with this method.
There's also a junior version that's $15/year

I went with Shooting Illustrated. Want to make an NRA magazine sharing club?

I went physical copy. If they give me a digital code I'm down but otherwise I can't share.

I had physical copy, too. Just scan it and post the image.

>anything to do with gun rights

Got 5 of my friends to join recently and re upped my membership. What have you done today pol?

I love the NRA

Literally a shill

Lol drown out
To bad I can’t see you post as I already had you filtered

I'm already a member. I renewed my membership last week.

Hahaha honestly I'm not doing that shit. I don't have a scanner and I'm not snapping phone photos of every page.

Freedom bump!

My gun is locked and loaded.
God Bless the NRA

just sage and report these threads tbqh fami.
pro second amendment btw

I wouldn't be so eager to join just now.