Fsg/ - Fascist General- Falange Edition

Fsg/ - Fascist General- Falange Edition

Thread for discussion of Italian Fascism, and other forms of fascism, Mosley, Codreanu, Falange, etc. Also for sharing fascist literature and information.

A Fascist general for Fascists and those interested





Be respectful and please try to keep conversations relatively "intellectual"

Good fascists/similar or influential people to get an introduction

Oswald Mosely
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Stepan Bandera
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
Ettore Ovazza
Gaetano Mosca
Friedrich Nietzsche
Charles Maurras
Enrico Corradini
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Johann Plenge
Alceste De Ambris
Gabriele d'Annunzio
George Lincoln Rockwell
Juan Perón
Giovanni Gentile
Julius Evola

Types of Fascism

British Union
Meme futurism
Clerical Fascism
Brazilian Integralism

"[Fascism] was an explosion against intolerable conditions, against remediable wrongs which the old world failed to remedy. It was a movement to secure national renaissance by people who felt themselves threatened with decline into decadence and death and were determined to live, and live greatly."~Oswald Mosely

Other urls found in this thread:

maalla.es/Libros/Obras completas de JA.pdf
archive.org/search.php?query=subject:"William Dudley Pelley Silvershirts"

Any rare pdfs? Mostly from Pelly.


Oh shit, didn't notice this thread...

Hello, anyone here?

Don't worry there's a bunch of bait wouldn't be surprised if you accidentally scrolled by.

OP here still sucking cock

Alright, i think you should add this guy to the list of fascists.



Where would you guys put Mosley on a political spectrum chart?

anyone have tds260?

I haven't heard of him. Who is he?

(0.2, 0.5), something like that at least

Boleslaw, are you familiar with this flag?

Oh yes radical camp. Haven't read anything about them have anything?

wut? i don't get the poster

Shiiieeeet, i actually don't, maybe that Pole will come and give the full story.

I was just looking for one of these! In the last thread I said I had just finished Codreanu's "For my Legionaries." Some user told me to read "The Squire's Trial." Are they here?

I wish someone could add Salazar to this. Then it would be perfect.

>red and yellow
What are we, gommies?
Also would an elective monarchy with romanesque earned citizenship be considered fascist?

I believe Rexism could be similar to that, not so sure...

>the national colors of Spain are communist

>Also would an elective monarchy with romanesque earned citizenship be considered fascist?
does it have a national syndicalist or corporatism economy?


Somebody should edit to black color.

So hypothetical situation here, bear with me.

Let's say that the lefties do push too hard and start a civil war in the States. Anyone with half a brain knows that the result would be quick, brutal, and not in the left's favor.

So now you guys did it, you run the entire show. What's your take on the average white American who didn't want to get involved with the combat side, but didn't attempt to hinder you guys either.

For instance if the hydro electric plant engineer says something like "I like this new system because my pension is back and I have great job security, but I'm getting tired of seeing that flag on every street corner." Would he get a visit from the local political hygiene officer?


He'll just have to deal with it.

Literally 15 seconds in Paint.

Nice. Couldn't do it my self
>t. Subhuman phonepposter

Anybody know some websites with pdfs?

>Phone posting

although it would be nice to go back to pic related


Since the thread is Falange-oriented, I'll dump a link of Primo de Rivera's entire writings, although it's in Spanish.

maalla.es/Libros/Obras completas de JA.pdf

His formulation of the "third way" between capitalism and communism was particularly appealing to me. Also he was a poet, his speeches are aesthetically unmatched.

honestly that sounds like a strange scenario. Political unhappiness generally stems from economic or social unhappiness. Someone who's biggest problem with society is a vague dislike of the current governmental system isn't worth worrying about

Yea I have his roots of the right saved. I'm okay with spanish since I know it.

I freaking love Salazar.

Why do most people not consider Franciso Franco a fascist?

He was conservative with a facist face.


Here's a screenshot I made of one of his speeches regarding capitalism. Again, I'm sorry it's in Spanish, but it would take me a while to translate it.

Should really start supporting Falange more. But Sup Forums is flooded with Natsoc

because he tended to dance around ideologies and try to combine anything he thought would make people like him more. The only thing he was really consistent about was disliking liberals and communists

I guess it also had to do with him Nationalizing certain companies.

It doesn't help that most are fake NatSoc. True National Socialists can be strong allies for us, but they can also attract the worst of humanity.

Is synarchism Sup Forums approved?

Could you give some details?

Fair enough. A lot of Americans just don't know much about fascism, except that it's very, very bad. It's probably the same way in Canada.

The only reason you guys are even on the radar is thanks to antifa and their shenanigans. People are starting to ask a lot of questions about how fascism really works. For instance, why am I going to punch the alleged Nazi when antifa is burning the flag and trying to shut down traffic? The Nazi seems to be minding his own business, why even mess with him in the first place?

Some people here label his regime as "National-Catholicism" rather than Fascism, because of his emphasis on tradition and particularly Catholicism, which wasn't as prominent among Italian fascist or German NatSocs. There are probably other reasons too, but I don't know.

It's okay. I just love Jose and his Falange movement. It should be spread more in Latin American countries like he wanted too. Something like the Mexican Synarchist party but it's not really popular anymore, I wanna see it make come back so bad.

Fresh OC

Hell yea it is. Seriously has a chance of coming back with the social strife and increasing wealth gap. It could come back if it plays it's cards right.

Have you seen Cultured thug's videos? He explains it pretty well, it's basically a mexicanized version of the falange with highly catholic influence.


Well, Fascism is always different in every country, like another user has said, a British fascist isn't the same as a Spanish fascist, and a Spanish fascist isn't the same as a Nordic fascist.

I'll check it out.

I also think it was a great political philosophy, although I have yet to read more about it. You probably know more about it than I do. What would you say are the main differences between Jose Antonio's Falangism and German Natsoc, besides the emphasis on race?


This. Most are all kill all nigs XD

What could have been, although he never really was specific on what kind of goal he wanted.

Some, mostly his mystic stuff. They did scan Nations in Law. Other sites have Dupes of Judah and Hidden Empire
archive.org/search.php?query=subject:"William Dudley Pelley Silvershirts"


Could anyone add Salazar to this, please?!

Well Jose didn't blame Jews ( well I don't think he did) this literally only thing I can think of. I am ashamed of my self :(

Let's post some dumb things said by people who have a textbook definition of Fascism.
>Military dictatorships are all fascist, Pinochet was a fascist!

if fascists took over the government after a civil war, it's very likely that most immediate dissent would have been curtailed by casualties on the other side. After that most of the solution is just making sure society runs smoothly. Thought policing is difficult and inefficient compared to just making people not want to commit crimes

Does anyone know about Adrien Arcand?

Okay, yeah, that's another main difference. Franco used to talk about the "judeo-masonic conspiracy", afaik, but not José Antonio. He seemed to emphasize more the unity of workers and patrons, or rather the unity between all social classes, and not so much the "foreign agents" as the Nazis did.

Don't let the thread die!

I don't, who was he?

Creative, but simple is the best in my opinion.

Agreed, he really was a brilliant if absent minded man. More an opportunist than theorist, but a fascist theorist none the less.
Reminder to aspiring pelleyist and researchers that the 1961 copy of No More Hunger is edited heavily. Go for the copies before then if you buy.

Holy shit I never seen a Canadian look like a serial killer damn...

He does look like the evil clone of Mosley, no?
A Canadian National Socialist, called himself, the Canadian fuhrer. I believe he was Quebec.

They were also anti-racist no?

>Punished "Venom" Mosley: an Anglo denied his beadiness

>Mosley, full lightside
>Arcand, full darkside, corruption.
I'd like to see someone make this.

Funny thing is that adrien is québécois.
He was born in Montreal and died in Montreal.
The madman even called himself the CANADIAN FUHER Haahahah holy shit.

Nice, although "Canadian Führer" sounds a bit like an oxymoron nowadays. Did he have any support?

I don't really know, but it's probable. Spanish Catholicism has had some strong anti-racist branches since the colonization of America, so it seems likely that such kind of "ecumenalism" influenced Falange.

/fsg/ is back? Oh boy, who here /againstthemodernworld/?
Anyone know about Ezra Pound? I would love a tl;dr about him
They were still big around the 80's, I can't believe no one here remembers them, they tried to set up a sort-of colony in my state (BC) for God's sake

Gah! Fuck me I meant Führer

As with most Fascist movements during this time, The National Unity Party (Canadian Natsocs) were banned, but he did get support.

Oh no, Attomwaffen, the edgelord group, is now gone.

>they tried to set up a sort-of colony in my state (BC) for God's sake
What's that about?

Same im against the modern worlds too.
I actually don’t know about Ezra pound but I will like to know, border crosser.

What are essential readings for understanding fascism as a political theory?

So, how would Fascism really work in the United States, Ethno-nationalism and a Homogenous society is pretty much impossible.

Mosley - Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered
Mussolini - The Doctrine of Fascism


They still big? They should really start doing something for support maybe a march in a city.

Unrelated question, how do you guys feel about Holocaust Denial? Personally, i don't consider myself one.

First, we would have to ask: Is fascism necessarily related to ethnic or racial homogeneity? Or is it more about order, regardless of how heterogen the social substratum is?

But you have to understand, African Americans and authority don't go together.

really inspiring to me, Degrelle was a machine


That's possible, but that's kind of an empirical matter, not a foundational one. Or is it? That was my question.

Well i know that racism and ethnic nationalism doesn't have to be a rule in Fascism, (The Integralists did believe in racial assimilation, no?) but then again, civic nationalism is kinda stupid.

most Holocaust denial stems from the pisspoor way it's taught in the west. It's taught to instill guilt and not to educate, so most facts are blown out of proportion or stripped of context. Holocaust deniers seem right because usually they're attacking things that no one credible actually believes, like all 6 million Jews being gassed and burned in ovens

Ethnostates aren't really necessary but we should have racemixng laws like Italy did.

Well, I think there are various issues to take into account. Desiring racial purity or the preservation of one's race is certainly a plausible (and legitimate,in my opinion) political position, but yeah, as you said, I don't know how it should be inherently linked with fascist doctrine. Perhaps different types of fascism emphasize different things. What I would argue, although it might seem paradoxical, is that the original Italian fascism could arguably be closer to "civic nationalism" than American-type ethno-nationalism. What do you think?

Ok, I pose the same question to you (I didn't know about Italian race-mixing laws):