CNN Damage Control Backfires
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An Ode to CNN -
I got 30 seconds in and realized I can't listen to roasties talk about politics
nicely done
keep up the good fight
What is it with women and their fucking goddamn glasses. Jesus christ it's just two fucking glass lenses you don't need to fancy them all up like a homo, we get it, you think they make you look smart
Dana is so fucking sexy
she is a fat slut who actively works to get guns in the hands of mentally ill people so that they can kill. She had blood all over her hands and will burn in Hell.
You are categorically wrong.
Is that a dog driving a car in the background? They did that shit to fuck with us, didn't they? Either I really am taking crazy pills or the world itself has finally gone mad and I am one of the few people left who is sane.
This Hogg guy legit reminds me of the son from Breaking Bad
I'd like to thank the DNC, Time Warner and their affiliates for finally making me believe in crisis actors. Thank you.
*citation needed
Hahahahaaa what in the actual fuck????
Let's fist talk about the 4 deputies and their Sheriff Scott Israel who failed to take action, then we can talk about Dana Leosch and the NRA.
A hero put his good doggy dog in the drivers seat, and slowly rolled by so he could troll those crisis actors.
its like virtue signaling but with trying to seem smart
It's amazing. I feel like I'm watching a fucking movie.
> Hi my name is Jeff Kasky!
> My son is a Stoneman Douglas "student" and we're both shilling for disarmament
> I'm sad because I had to pull my sullen child, Cameron Kasky, out of the central role in media after Sup Forums discovered I run a corrupt child trafficking organization via One World Adoption Services
> If you post about me on the_donald, the mods remove your post due to "misleading or inaccurate information" !
> I'm also an adoption lawyer, reserve policeman and Rabbi (see below)
> Hand in your guns and stop discussing Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Scott Israel, L3 Technologies or myself!
wag the dog
To start a war or military operation to divert negative politcal attention away from yourself. Based on the movie of the same name, where the President fabricates a fake war to take political pressure away from a scandal.
When Cater ordered Opertaion Eagle Claw he was playing wag the dog, because he was a very unpopular and weak President and wanted to seem like he handled it strongly.
It is suggested that Clinton wagged the dog by helping NATO bomb Kosovo at the same time as the Lewinski scandal. This theory came about because the film had just been released.
Isn't this some psychology mindtricks?
I'll just point out this satire video about crisis actors now ranks lower than the Kevin Hogg / Parkland stuff:
The absolute state of MSM
(Also they put an offensive content warning on it because they couldn't take it down fuckin KEK)
Is this a shoop? Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy?
pic related, sorry
Yeah, but kosovo wasn't wagging the dog as much as it was overcompensating
Glasses on a girl exist solely as a target to jizz on.
Are we sure kasky doesn't just have an older brother?
>assuming the kids were actually outside
Or the dog was there because they're posting on Sup Forums
On the internet, no one knows your a dog
Why do they all look like that and why would anybody care what a bunch of stupid women think about anything?
t.mentally ill fat slut
nah, see, only police and military should have guns.
but police are cowards and racists who shoot on sight.
but seriously, only trained authority should be armed, rest of us just need to call police for our problems.
Also, police can shoot and do wrong, and their union pretty much gets them back on to their post after a lengthy trial where they are cleared of all wrong doing!
the military should have these scary guns, they know how to use it!
be sure to remember to protest all wars and conflicts our military is in, because they are led by dirty corrupt politicians into killing innocent bystanders
really now, you gun nuts, just surrender all your guns, you can't fight the military guys
but if our racist oppressive government ever wants to become more racist and biogoted, we have to fight back! non-stop protesting on social media and on saturdays and sundays. Marches! sit ins! That is the answer!
It's going to a be a long, brutal 7 years for you delicate flower.
The best one was philip mudd crocodile tears. I burst out laughing when I saw it.
Holy fucking shit. They deleted most of the other copies of this ultimate crisis actor video.
who's a roastie?
I see three copies up but they're all flagged as inappropriate and all are unshareable (can't get a share link). Amazing.
For anyone wondering why, it's because the genius who made this used actual CNN crisis actor footage that they can't claim to own.
>tfw when you see the clip version of it and the dog still looks like its driving
my sides are in fucking orbit
your mom
The CNN is strong in this fool.
The amount of blatant censorship and the fact that CNN is addressing Sup Forums and crisis actors makes it obvious they are afraid of the people knowing too much
but i was told they trolled Sup Forums and are better at the internet than us
Checked. I listened to it earlier today and can’t blame ya, user. But OP isn’t lying that the CNN talking head was pigioned held by common sense and fact.
Jesus, 2011 doesn't seem so long ago. Good times.
The only way is to just maintain status quo
oy vey
It's a crazy time to be alive
> Be MSM, Wikileaks drop in late 2016
> It's okay guys, full steam ahead, no one mention the wikileaks
> "You guys are lugenpresse"
> Absurd, Alt-right, Nazis
> Multiple false flags
> Whoops we used our kakistocratic pedophiles in Las Vegas and Parkland and people are finding the Kasky stuff, Paddock pedo florida stuff, they know about (((Saudi Arabian))) power shift and people being deposed related to hotel in Las Vegas
> "You guys are lugenpresse and we've connected your psy-ops to the pedophilia"
Gonna be an interesting March, anons
Wow...when did ShareBlue start allowing their employees to body shame women as “fat cunts” in order to make your shit shill posts appear as if it were delivered by an seasoned oldfag?
Heads up - if you want to download the video from these flagged videos, get "Youtube Flash Video Player" which you can force the page to play the video in Flash. As flash, you can download the video with "Video Downloader Professional"
Don't let faggottube delete/remove videos from the public.
>t. projecting shitskin
yikes cnn are pedos
Heh....indeed. This is the great timeline we anons are navigating and the rest of the planet is about ready to catch up with us.
Cheers, Leaf.
NO WTF WHY WAS IT A JPG?!?! my life is over
>tfw you realize "how many more kids have to die" is not a rhetorical question or a political statement but rather its a threat that they will do anything to take your guns from you
lol, libfags never change
Nigger Logic: The Post
Does anyone even watch CNN as a serious opposition opinion anymore?
fuck, this is depressing
You can’t copy and past a url? How the fuck is that hard? Did mommy and daddy give you way too many chromosomes?
I'm not signing in, put it on hooktube
Yeah, you're right. Made it to 45. Im out.
>face when the kid threatened more US citizens would be sacrificed if POTUS doesn’t scrap the 2nd Amendment.
That’s exactly how many many many US Military Intelligence folk interpreted that statement.
My god, they Restricted mode it and age blocked it. There’s not even anything age inappropriate in it. Fuck the (((ADL))).
lmao, because you downloaded the thumbnail when you should have expanded the image then downloaded
They also went after the mirrors for “bullying”. It has nothing to even do with the recent shooting. Fuck them.
The police do not have a duty to protect the people.
same, dear god it's painful listening to these women talk
top kek!
there's no such thing as hell.
I saw all these hit piece articles against Dana earlier today, and fake seeming social media comments. I guess OP pic related is exactly why. The crass and classless american media needs to change.
Yes, here is a quote from a thread on from a person talking about the whole script cnn town hold situation.
>I fail to see what the problem here is. Even if it was true that CNN had asked this kid to ask a specific question, aren't the answers to the questions kinda more important than the questions being asked? Or do you think CNN wanted this kid to ask how Trump's azz tastes or something equally crazypants?
That sight used to be one of my favorites for news but long ago it was taken over by the SJW and shifted all the way to the left all while saying that it was in the center and the right had gone crazy.
You'd be surprised lol. Just look at all the liberals and snowflakes on twitter
This is fucking pathetic
Let them keep looking like fools in the eyes of the masses
It's a shame it's such a taboo in hentai.
>another one knows that feel now
Dogs love trucks
>won't white people think of the black mothers!?
based Dana Loesch!
>JewTube can’t ban video because it was listed as satire/comedy and there’s no cussing or racism throughout
Troll Level: Garrillion
Thanks for the wiki article that completely excuses the fact that 4 deputies were on their 4 minute lunch break while teenagers were getting shot up
Who thought this was a good idea?
Somebody is gonna be waking up dead for this one
There is a lot of protein in cheese you know. You jelly cus she is getting swole.
Anyone have that pic with the crisis actor kid on tv talking about a previous school shooting with the recent one under it?
I saw it yesterday but I wasn't paying attention to the filename.
I love Dana Loesch.
Jeff Kasky the father has a twitter account and he tweets and namedrops his son Cameron (the one from CNN) all the time
here it is, I am not mistaken, this guy is some kind of kakistocratic pedophile involved in the psyop.
>You can’t copy and past a url? How the fuck is that hard? Did mommy and daddy give you way too many chromosomes?
Being this fucking stupid, goddamned.
Or pedophile procurer, at the very least.
That was great, I don't understand why they flagged it
Also his obsession with the Cruise ships in the youtube video is reminiscent of stories of Royal Order of Jesters (shriner / mason pedo sub group) who have been reported to do the deed to kids out on boats and have many cops among members.
Note Jeff Kasky is a reserve policeman. Gross
Right? I mean, just look at his flag.