Varnashrama Dharma

All you need to do my Aryan lads is to switch from Kike Consciousness to Krishna Consciousness. Is that simple.

Also, reduce (((burger))) intake

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I respect your persistence

Gatling guns are the only thing that get me excited anymore

Because you are the only people left with few brain cells

There is no one left for me to preach too

Aren't you the retard that thinks Hinduism started in Siberia? Top kek.

No I’m not . I hope you find him though

There are, but we hide ourselves well.

What are you teaching? I've some passing familiarity with Hindu, mostly through reading some commentary on the Vedas. Not much else other than Kali (Goddess).

FWIW, I'm pretty sure Krishna consciousness and Christ consciousness are the same thing, and in that vein, I agree completely. But what else do you have?

what's the best 1972 edition of Bhagavad Gita As It Is?

What's that stuff you were saying about warrior class? Why am I so obsessed with warfare and weaponry recently even though I've always been about loving and helping? I feel like I should be guarding a hall somewhere or something like that.

Also, why do Hindus randomly approach me IRL and talk about spiritual stuff for no apparent reason? Are you guys just getting really preachy lately, or do I look like someone who needs spiritual guidance, like they can see my soul going to shit becoming obsessed with violence even though I don't act that way...?

Your cool weapons pictures keep drawing me into these threads but I feel like it's not quite right.

Hello, how are you?

whats your opinion on joining the military?

I enjoy your threads. Not to many people understand that the Gita is the manual to become a spiritual warrior. Hitler seems to me to be an adherent, even if he never actually read the thing himself.

ok sign me up

Here is a good place to start :

The theology that I believe in is as follows:
Ishvara Krishna is Sanskrit pronunciation of English Jesus Christ.
The Name is the same.
In simple terms to illustrate is by analogy of a father and a son with the same name but they differ in Sr and Jr. So ,
Ishvara Krishna = Jesus Christ Sr. = The Father , The speaker of Bhagavad Gita
Jesus Christ = Jesus Christ Jr = The Son , got Crucified by New Bible followers

Bhagavad Gita = The Original Testament
Torah = OT
Bible = NT
Ishvara Krishna

This is your nature as a Kshatriya.
Kshatriya means Ksha = From Hurt , Triya = To Protect

It means a Kshatriya wants to protect those who are innocent and loving by engaging the aggressors with violence. He likes good people and he discriminates against bad people.
This is a basic theory on Kshatriya.

There is also Brahmana, Vaishyas and Shudra Class if Kshatriya nature is too strong for you.

Is it fair to say Jesus Christ was a manifestation of Krishna. Krishna stated when times of irreligion rule he will manifest. It's fair to say at minimum Jesus chastised the behavior of contemporary Judaism. He attempted to set the path straight?Can you explain to me if Krishna is both a male & a female?

If you have a strong Aires mind like Hitler do it. If not don’t , do it. If you still decide to go have a copy of Bhagavad Gita as it is 1972 version with you.

>not being christian
ok follow your meme religions

If not , don’t do it.

what makes 1972 version different from the others?

Hitler and Germans built the first nuke reading Bhagavad Gita and the Vedas.

Because Prabhupada approved of it before his assassination by CIA shills in 1977

You are right, my friend. Christianity is dharmism for normies.


Please provide me insight.
I have heard the Bhagavad Gita. And I have been reading Guenon. Can you give me a basic run down on Hinduism? The Bhagavad Gita makes me think it is actually monotheistic since Krishna states he is everything? Is the Bhagavad Gita the supreme text in Hinduism or are there other groups that don't hold it to the highest degree.

You are tarnishing gaudiya vaishnavism by making these threads. You don't understand the vedic philosophy.
We mainly read Bhagavad Gita and them move on to the Srimad Bhagavatam which is considered the highest teaching. Krishna is the original form of God with Vishnu as a direct expansion.

Fair to say indeed. Still much to say about the topic.

Krishna is the Absolute Truth. So, everything in existence is Him and His different Energies. So, you could say from this high level perspective that Krishna is both. Again, much to say on this topic.

Jesus was not a manifestation, he was an empowered avatar. Krishna is the male aspect of God whereas Radharani is the female expansion. This is also likened to Laxmi Narayana.

I am Indian and I want to say thank you brother for making this thread! My culture and heritage is RICH

And you should be ashamed of yourself for worshipping a bogus guru of gaudiya Vaishnavism. You and your false wanna be guru are disgusting streetshitters.

Great threads. Dont stop doing these. Keep Hinduism alive in Sup Forums reading the Gita change d my life.

Hare Krishna!

You are disgusting I am Indian and Trump said our culture is very supreme

Stupid. Surrender to Krishna. That’s your tradition.

Why do you think Gaudiya Math acharyas are illegitimate? Srila Narayana Maharaja was intimately related with Srila prabhupad and his mission.

Tell me about the brahmin caste.

As a devout Hindu, I respect and appreciate Shri Jesus Christ as well, as he can be considered an incarnation of Maha Ganesha.

Try and be less ignorant dude

Exactly you are a shitskin that’s worshiping a bogus guru from shithole India.

Srila Narayana Swamiji is a dangerous Sahajia demon.

In the interest of keeping this thread productive rather then devolving into fighting. What common principles unite these different aspects that you all seem to fracture on. Do some hold Krishna as the highest & others Vishnu?

I thought this thread is suppose to honor people like me?

While the Shrimad Bhagavatam is a highly revered text, try not to fall under the influence of a singular Guru. If you have the desire, you can become your own Guru. Remember, God is inside you

Fuck Hinduism

Agreed, don't fight and stay balanced. Do not let a mere label/name set you off. Lord Krishna and Lord Vishnu are the same to all bhagats.


It is very simple my son. Regarding Varnashrama Dharma Vedic Authority there is none but Prabhupada.

Keep it simple my lad,

I have many gurus. God is inside as paramatma but guru must lead externally. It is absolutely essential.

>Do some hold Krishna as the highest & others Vishnu?

Same being, just some debate as to who is first. It really isn't that important.

You're going to have to stop trying to recruit people and making your wonderful ideology look like a cult. Let people follow themselves through pure knowledge (through the scriptures). Educate and inform. Do not convert. Give seekers the tools to progress. Stop making this wonderful religion look bad.

You are so stupid. I don’t even know where to begin.

Do me a favor,

Surrender to Krishna

the normie invasion is real.

I have bad news for you. Read my lips.

Fuck Hinduism

Surrender to Krishna

You're so stupid. I'm an Indian and want to worship who you are saying i should.

From what I have gathered from the Bhagavad Gita through following yogic principals knowledge of the absolute will be revealed via Krishna in meditation? Keep in mind I am asking all these simple questions because I have found this through reading Evola & Guenon for their thoughts on Tradition but it lead me to here. Honestly I couldn't believe how enlightened the Bhagavad Gita was and it is strange how I arrived at this path. Krishna mentioned those on the yogic path from previous lifes will be drawn to this even without there knowledge. That passage blew my mind.

Yes , I know stupid. That’s why every Guru likes to fuck you

>From what I have gathered from the Bhagavad Gita through following yogic principals knowledge of the absolute will be revealed via Krishna in meditation?

Yes, namely through the nine processes of devotional service as well as the mercy of God, guru and devotees.

That’s fine. Just surrender to Krishna, and only worship Krishna.
I don’t ask much.

No stupid. It is only by the mercy of Krishna and Prabhupad.

Its hard to respect people, especially when they start to attack an entire belief system. Why do you hate Hinduism? Shri Krishna is the pinnacle of Hinduism?

Also, you DO NOT need to tell me Surrender to my beloved RadhaKrishna. His lotus feet already deep within my heart. Open your mind, and stop falling under the influence of a single Guru/ideology. That is not what our wonderful religion teaches us to be like.

Very nice.
As I said , this is the most authorized resource on the Vedanta :

Make a part of your daily library as well

That would be God and Guru, prabhu.

Youre starting to sound like you have no idea what Krishna has preached in the Bhagavad Gita. "HURR ONLY PREY TO KRISHN XD" is making you look really, really uneducated and bad. Read up on our own God's principles and philosophies. You're starting to sound like older radical folk from different religions (such as the radical Islamic folk that burned/raped many in India)

what did you say

What is the importance of a Guru though. From my understanding you only have to meditate on Krishna. 4 types come to him. I would fall in the class of those seeking knowledge of the absolute. It seems there was no mention of a guru?

Because Hindus destroyed the Original Vedic culture by their merit less birth right caste system.
Because they are the number one exporters of beef in the world.
Because they sold their soul for American dollars.
They are disgusting street shitters who worship all kinds of bogus gurus and bogus Gods.
It is very easy to hate Hindus.

No. That would be KRISHNA and PRABHUPADA

What do you think of the Northwest Front?

It is very hard to explain any philosophy to the street shitters .

Stupid. You need to be raped and burned.

true, you have to learn to love God, whatever you may refer to him as. Meditation is a great way to connect (you can choose to pursue any one of the 4(+?) ways)

yes, I harbour hatred against the meat industry, but that does not make me hate the millions of people around me and everything they stand for. Once you're a little older, you'll realize that you shouldn't be hating the people, you should be hating their actions.

wrong again

Yeah, fuck off and kill yourself you toxic whore. I tried to have a meaningful discussion, but you show no intelligence and willingness to understand anything. You know nothing about Krishna Consciousness and Hinduism.

Surrender to Krishna

You are no better than Islamic extremists and false Gurus. Do us a favor and remove the "Hare Krishna" handle, you do not deserve to carry it. Asshole.

You are sooo stupid , just because you read something about Hinduism as if you know something. You are a traitor to your own race.
Go fuck with Hindus.

Now you are showing your true fuckin colors

Yes, but should I bring Krishna up with the NWF?

Obviously im pissed someone like you is tarnishing my religion and belief system.

All you call me is stupid lol. You're going to have to try harder than that.

Hare krishnas are just the indian version of evangelical christians.

Serfs of the brahmans instead of jews.

The gita is religious justification for dynastic change in the subcontinent.

You guys got cellphones ?

Just tip tip this in,
And so some studies together

Get back to your delicious vegetarian food...


Ad I told you , I cannot argue with crazies from a shithole country.

Here is all you need to know,

I'll let them know, would be a good topic for the radio show.

>Also, reduce (((burger))) intake

You literally do not have an argument. All you have are ad hominem attacks and your own links. You're incredibly ignorant.

Once again, try harder.

That probably felt good on her coochie

In my case I stopped buying the meat sold in the stores and get local hand-raised beef, the quality if vastly superior. Factory farmed meat is cruel and unethical.

Unfortunately , Hare Krishnas have been hijacked by the bogus Jewish gurus of ISkcon.
Sad but True.
Few solo guys like myself are trying to explain the world to what happened

>unironically taking the jew meme seriously

starting to think this is god-tier bait

Thank you. This is pretty much how my thinking aligns from what I do know and I have an active interest in learning more about this.

I'll check out that site, good luck with your journey.

I’m not claiming I’m perfect. Far from it.

But I do have a firm faith that what Prabhupada wrote is perfect , and meant for humanity.

What he wrote is extremely valuable and in most cases true, but claiming what he wrote is perfect is absurd. Especially when you extend that absurdity by saying "only he is correct".

Let me make myself clear: I am not against Swami Prabhupada. I'm just saying that there is much more to our religion, and step back from your delusion, and open up your mind.

Thas fine. Just purify yourself ma streetshitter , and read the original version not the yellow kiked one you stupid lol
You really deserve to fuckin die asap lol

Me too, it has been on my mind non stop for the past 2 weeks.

HAC of the Northwest Front believes in reincarnation by the way.

Hi, What do you think of this song?

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