Porn, Masturbation & The Brain

Sup Forums , I have been thoroughly red pilled on the subject of porn and it's detrimental effects on society, men, testosterone, and the brain.

All of that being said, it is Friday night. I am a college student. My girlfriend is not available, and I would like to consume pornography for the purpose of ejaculation. The urge is very strong. I understand how bad it is, that (((they))) control the websites, that it's basically cucking ourselves by getting men used to watching other people fuck. I understand all of that. But I guess I'd like to ask all of you the question. Is it really all that bad to watch a little porn?

I've done my homework, got my exercise, read Jordan Petersons book today, cleaned by room. I've been bettering myself all day. I don't do drugs or go out drinking, I barely toot the Juul. What is the harm in a little porn?

I get it if you are a low life degenerate who doesn't have an SO, and if you're busting a nut multiple times a week its damaging your T levels so you'll get stuck in that negative feedback loop. But if you have a lot going for you already, do any of you think that a little PME (porn, masturbation, ejaculation) is ultimately that bad? Yeah, I get its addicting, but so is cigs and heroin and that shit kills you. I cant remember anyone dying from porn. I mean how is it different than if my gf was here bouncing on my D? The cum will be the same, right?

I'm not trying to troll, and I get that it's faggy to ask a bunch of dudes what to do or think. But I am genuinely curious to what you guys have to say about a little casual jerk off session.

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This effort desrrves a (you). Hope to see more shitposting like this in the upcoming weeks, "fellow Sup Forums user"

go outside and walk around right now. make sure u breath some fresh air. then make the decision.

I can't really prove that I'm not trying to shitpost, you're just gonna have to take my word for it. I promise you this is a 100% serious question

alright, I'm gonna try it, brb


why do you need to watch people having sex you faggot?
do you need to see a penis to get off?
why can't you just look at still images of naked women?
or even just two naked girls kissing?
>nah man I gotta see a well hung bull reaming some roastir

I don't understand how people actually enjoy straight porn it's disgusting to watch and I never enjoyed it from the first time I saw it as a teenager


Before you decide to nofap, just remember this:

Your body literally can't tell the difference between masturbation and sex. It's the exact same chemicals.

Now, who is more masculine, Chads who fuck 10 women a day, or cucks who never have sex and are locked in a chastity cage?

In my experiences the best thing is to not wear underwear. My balls regenerate in like 2 hours and they are soft and huge. I have to nut when I wake up in the morning, and I have to nut before I go to bed. That's at LEAST 2 nuts every day. And it's all because I stopped wearing underwear, which restricts your bloodflow and doesn't let your balls breathe and swing freely like nature intended. If you stop wearing underwear you don't have to waste your time with this nofap placebo-effect troll BS.

Just watch that every time you want to fap to porn. Nofap is a bit of a stupid meme; if you can work entirely from the spank bank, you're probably mentally healthy, but porn is pure degeneracy and a tool of population control. Resist it. You should not need it to placate your urges.

its degenerate desu

I don't need to, but it is an option. I don't really like cumshots. I could try still images, thanks for the tip.


Humans evolved in a communal setting as animals. We've only had houses for a very short period of time, evolutionary speaking.

Seeing another person fucking turns you on, because then it motivates you to fuck the same woman and overtake the other guy's sperm and impregnate a fertile woman. Why do you think your dick is shaped like a plunger with a hood to scrape out semen with?

what is Abilify

I went outside. saw girl with a dat ass. didnt help

>Humans evolved in a communal setting as animals. We've only had houses for a very short period of time, evolutionary speaking.

I think it's also interesting that humans evolved in settings where you would see perhaps one hundred other humans in your lifetime, and now we've been violently thrust, on an evolutionary scale, into societies where you see that many that you may never see again in your morning commute. I can't claim to have any academic standing or astute knowledge, but this fact always strikes me as interesting; I often wonder if many of our social problems come from our exponential growth versus our mostly stagnant mental capabilities.

If you really need to that bad, just whack it to a picture or still image. The videos are what fucks up your brain the most

Looking at porn takes away from the joy of actually seeing a naked woman.
Porn often involves super model women that you'll never get to sleep with.
Quitting porn will result in you valuing the real sex that you do have because the back of your mind won't be comparing your real world girl to a plastic Barbie bimbo.
Just wait for your girl, give her that extra load, they like it when you have a big cum.

>I often wonder if many of our social problems come from our exponential growth versus our mostly stagnant mental capabilities.

Almost certainly. People claim to hate Jews or Blacks or Europeans or whatever, but in reality, your brain just thinks anyone who isn't part of your 100 or so tribe is "the enemy" (Hell, that's why we have so many languages, races, countries and cultures in the first place).

But really, even if you exterminated the group you hated down to the last member, in 20 years or less you (or your kids) would hate a different group of people. Doesn't matter where in they world they are, you would hate them. Your brain would make up reasons to hate them.

If Europeans somehow managed to wipe out all non-Europeans, they would just start trying to kill each other again for not being British, or not having blonde hair, or not being Catholic.

>Why do you think your dick is shaped like a plunger with a hood to scrape out semen with?
that is not remotely correct
that is not why are penises are shaped this way at all

and so basically you're saying cuckholdry is perfectly natural?
I can't say I agree
and straight porn doesn't turn me on at all and it never did because I hate seeing other dudes' penises and I don't have any enjoyment out of seeing other ppl having sex even if the penis is blurred out like out with japanese porn
I do not want to see some ugly slob sweating and hear him grunting as he busts a nut in some whore's many orifices
in fact I know that a large majority of male straight porn viewers try to mentally if not visually block the male porn star out and focus on the girl
so I think I'm not alone in my aversion to seeing men in porn

Making babies is tiresome

>t. soyboy

I have hypogonadism

then you should have eaten clen and trened hard faggot

>Why do you think your dick is shaped like a plunger with a hood to scrape out semen with?

yep in fact ive NEVER EVER FAPPED to porn only naked girls ass (does that count ?) cause as a straight man i hate seeing other dudes dicks

I'm just saying, that's still porn. It's not cucky like watching porn with dicks is, but when all is said and done, all you're really doing is throwing away your time by wanking your weinee to pixels on a sceen.

This is no joke you degenerate Sup Forums tier fucks.. Quit porn and jacking off. You must do it. It's the sole reason blacks are perceived as more alpha and white guys are becoming beta cucks.

Wealthier white families buy computers for their kids which make it very easy to access porn and make it an addiction. Meanwhile Tyrone and Jamal are too broke to buy fucking anything.

Tyrone/Jamal develop into healthy, masculine men as is natural. Meanwhile white dudes are left weak, socially awkward, and sapped of any form of masculine energy.

This has been my life experience. One of the hardest things to kick. I've experienced it though.

Longer you go without porn and jacking.. more masculine and alpha you will get. Girls can sense your alpha presence and seek you out.

Commit and spread the word.

Fuck me.

I tend to fap only to nude (18 y/o) teen photo shoots
I prefer the front rather than the back though

Fine sir, you couldn't have said it better.

you're a freaking idiot
black men love porn
more than white men I'd say
you clearly never had a black friend or ever shot the breeze with one
every single black male I've ever known were all chronic porn viewers
and so were all their friends and I know this because they openly talk about their porn viewing habits frequently
a lot of them even watch porn with their friends/male relatives
it's pretty disgusting imo but I've heard of white guys doing this too (normies not retards)
and your idea that black ppl don't have computers and wifi is idiotic too
black people and poor people in general will gladly spend all their money on wifi and computers and phones and tvs even if they can't afford to fix a hole in the wall or repair their car
they watch porn just as much if not more than well off white males

your entire post is just wrong in every way
and if your logic is to be applied to reality than you could conclude that heavy porn watching increases masculinity
but like I said your whole comment is wrong so clearly that isn't the case

Yet it is friday and you are on Sup Forums.