How has your job redpilled you?

>be me
>recently graduated college w/ a business degree
>working at a top cosmetics company, corporate arm

>I'm the only male in my department
>all my coworkers (female) come in 1-2 hours late
>they sit down and browse the web, shopping for clothes/makeup, sit glued to their phones, and talk/gossip about pointless female shit until lunchtime comes
>they go buy some over-priced vegan or whatever the trendy meme food/diet is currently
>continue browsing online for clothing and shit
>meeting at 2pm
>starts productively for the first minute and then all they do is gossip about the other women in different departments
>nothing ever gets done
>they get an email from a higher up and they fuss about having actually doing work
>wait until last minute and then try to fake flirt with me and get me to do it
>as soon as 5:00pm hits they all run out the door

Share your stories, lads.


it must be weird to work with women. or having a woman manager


Just stick with it for 6 months user. Then you can put that experience with a reasonable measure of time

Working with niggers made me hate niggers

That's the plan

How does your company still functions if no one works ? Exaggerated story or Larp?

You ever work a desk job with women in the work place?

>Be me.
>HR manager for nursing home.
>(((corporate))) wants us to hire more diverse floor staff. I get the order handed down to me from regional director.
>start hiring more blacks. Try my best only to pick ones that seem decent/qualified.
>At that point, Id never really interacted with blacks. Grew up in sheltered suburb and bought in to all the diversity is out strength stuff. Fully bluepilled in college.
>Before long, begin to notice an obvious and undeniable trend that blacks as a group are terrible employees.
>constant discipline issues, neglect/abuse complaints, absenteeism, write ups for fucking off in their phones, sleeping on the clock on thirds, belligerent behavior/being needlessly confrontational with staff, showing up to work high.
>like maybe 1 in 20 end up being acceptable tier workers.

It didn't take me long to figure out that we were better off recruiting out diversity from the Asian applicant pool as much as possible.

>work in the corporate arm of a cosmetics company

FFS fake lame jobs like that are basically daycare for the men's wives/daughters. Think about all these jobs that women have, they're literally only hired so that in the 1% of the time when having one person would help, there's someone there. FFS the position of "Secretary":
>screen for calls so boss doesn't waste his time on telemarketers or scams
>write down any important quick notes like dates and times etc
>communicate if other people call and he's busy
>help direct any visitors/guests, take their coats, etc
>get boss man his coffee in the morning
>pick up his drycleaning

and that's a "career" - a super inflated economic burden that men (CEO's and upper level management) placed on themselves so their wives/daughters/friend's wives can feel important. She can spend 40 hours a week at a desk like her husband/dad/uncle, but her only responsibilities are normal day-to-day functions that even a chimp could do. Then it opened up to everyone later on.

Use what you learn about women in your workplace and apply it outside for profitable gains such as sex, money, antiques, and even real estate. You're in a very fortunate position.

Just don't fuck any of them. Ever. You'll get #metoo'd even if you're some office plankton.

>Be a male nursing student
>Found out the reason why we have patriachy

I know this is going to infuriate you as a pole who would probably kill for a toilet scrubbing gig, but in America the most lucrative jobs (executive positions) are the ones where you get paid primarily on your ability to bullshit, take credit for your inferior's work, and make your superiors look good by letting them take credit for your credit stealing.

We call it corporate politics.

>Business degree.

Really of all the degrees that’re in the world, you chose that one. It’s like saying hey guys I can draw on paper look how intelligent I am without knowing that everyone else is very capable of drawing on a piece of paper. Lol retardation is real in this thread.

To your credit, I don't know what it's like in Mehiko but in the states male nurses are treated like gods at work. The staff like them better, the patients like them better and they move up the ladder quickly since they don't spend their days being catty. Just don't fuck other nurses or a patient and you're in for a good time.

i sympathize with you but i know lots of men who spend 50% or more of their work hours on twitter, Sup Forums, facebook, IG chat and texting or reading the news. Most wagies are completely unproductive asshats which is why affording them respect is an embarrassing stance to take for any knowledgable adult

Even in IT, most places I've worked only works maybe 4 hours a day. That's not to say we didn't come in for weekends or stay late on occasion, but the average day usually started after we came back from lunch.

>wait until last minute and then try to fake flirt with me and get me to do it

i remember first experiencing this in high school, I got a kick out of treating them like shit and icing them when they thought this would work

This desu. Being a Secretary is essentially getting paid to be someone's wife without the sex. And sometimes with the sex.

If you allow your wife to work as a secretary, you're a cuck in essence, and often times will become one in practice when your wife stays late to help her rich boss work on "the big project"

If men with Secretary wives were able to watch hidden cameras of how their wives interact at the office with other men, they'd probably go homicidal.

devil's advocate

I work an accounting job with mostly women

they work way harder than I do, or at least appear to do so.

>Non profit cuck
>two female bosses
>Ask me to share my feelings because there is tension between us
>Say Im uncomfortable sharing my personal feelings in a work environment
>Shit gets more and more unhealthy
>After a while, I am pretty much coming to work to shitpost and teach myself programming
>More and more "performance meetings" where they borderline badger me to share my feelings about work n sheeeit
>Keep telling them I am not comfortable doing that
>One time i recorded one of the meetings of them berating me into a feeling session and my refusals to do so.
>Get gastritis
>Go to hospital
>Get let go while in hospital
>Get lolyer
>Lolyer gets my doctor to admit that my illness could be caused by stress.
>Show lolyer tape of bosses berating me into being a pussy
>Sue non profit
>Get awarded 30K for emotional damages
>Also get unemployment insurance
>Got a masters in data science from award
>was on unemployment insurance the entire time
>Inb4 welfare nigger
Yup, taxcucks btfo

tldr: sued my former employer and got a masters degree for free.

yep, that's how it goes. They bring that hood ass attitude into management and it makes me want to blow my brains out. Can't ever suggest an improvement to the workspace, or else it's "why? you got a problem with the way I run this place?"

Lazy as fuck too. I envy the other departments where their management actually LEADS them and works beside them, instead of just sitting on their ass and bitching about quotas not being met.

Honestly how is this even possible? I can imagine some government job or something being like this, if they have a steady financial backing regardless, but if this is an actual business...that means if they want to profit they need to keep their shit on a tight leash, and somehow this whole department is fucking off everyday? Like seriously, whatever the work happens to be, isn't there some metric by which "work" is actually measured???


It might help if you say what the actual work these women are SUPPOSED to be doing is...

>going to school to be a teacher
>learn they make 28k gross
>drop out
>decide to drive a truck
>get a pretty decent job at a pretty big hub close to where I work, local work
>hundreds of trucks in and out every day
>65% of these over the road truck drivers are dirty ass, rude foreigners, I bet tons of them are illegal
>most of them do not speak English at all
>they are driving 80k pound vehicles down the road not even knowing how to read road signs, being assholes to everyone, texting, and then sending the money back to their home countries

if it weren't for dirty foreigners trucking would be a solid career choice as the companies would have to pay the drivers. as it stands now they have people lined up out the door.

>Just don't fuck other nurses or a patient and you're in for a good time.
I look like a total beta so i don't have a problem with that. My classroom is divided into smal groups that hate eachother for no goddamn reason. Some of they are neutral and quite nice, the rest are like puting a lot of hamsters in a cage.

>only three males in a groupf of 25 students.
>We are all orbiting the same chubby myopic girl who cannot run without feeling exhausted.

this is fuccd

Don't worry user, self-driving trucks will take their jobs within a decade.

>How has your job redpilled you?

Reinforced my belief in triplicate that corporations shouldn't be allowed to legally exist.

It's kind of purplepilled me. On the one hand, black people (at least the ones who can hold down jobs) can be thoughtful and caring. On the other hand, the black guy is never the smartest person at your job. Hey shareblue shills, you know this is correct, don't you.

Cushy office jobs where women sit down all day make women obese as hell. I also work with several women, many obese, and there's one in particular whose vagina I can smell as soon as she walks in the room. I say it's her vagina, but I think it's really the baby powder she's using as a feminine hygiene product. The smell lingers. I know what floor she's on. If she's not around, the smell remains. I think the other women pretend not to notice. There's nothing I can do about it. If you have a realistic recommendation I'd love to hear it.

>Did job-training for a social work department in a liberal city
>Even though I'm a moderate centrist, now I believe that government is too incompetent/corrupt to solve any of the problems it actually could

>armed guard for guardian alarm
>the redpills literally drop themselves

Do any sort of job in LE, security, or loss prevention and you'll understand why no one likes niggers.

> Got a job in a Marketing Department
> Only guy working, everyone else, women, including the boss
> First meeting get assigned task of putting together presentation
> Given a week to complete the task
> Go back to desk finish presentation in one hour
> What to do next???
> Pretend that I'm researching some shit for the rest of the week
> Have meeting to show results
> All the women ramble on about their presentations, sounds like they did a lot of work
> My turns comes, what am I going to say??
> Make up all kinds of bs how much work and research I had to do
> Get praised for doing a good job
> Went home bummed out for participating in such a farce
> Got my nice pay check, went party

Corporate world at work, lolllllll....

Delivery driver to mall
Women/girls in retail are based.
They see firsthand how immigration fucks western nations. Even if they're islander or indian/fijian . You boys want a grill? Go too a mall and be polite and respectfull.

I'm in a similar situation, but I've been working with black women since I've started, about 10 years ago. Been managing them for a little over a year. Something I've found is that black women think of white men as better than them. With structure and encouragement, I have been able to almost completely bend them to my will. Manipulate them into wanting to make you happy, and you will be able to control them ~75% of the time, accounting for behavioral issues.

I handle claims for an insurance company. I generally think most people are frauds who should end their own lives.

A -fantastic- indicator of your career and worth as an adult is to count how many women are in your work place. Women are vile, vapid, and retarded creatures and if they can do your job, then you are no better than a festering vagina. Ancedotally

>Be civil engineer
>Comfy job
>40-50 person company, only 5 women, 3 browns
>all STEM related or highly driven professionals
>no complaints

>share building with a start up (it was a successful idea, poorly executed)
>50-80 workplace, over HALF are women (most qts)
>such a stark contrast to my workplace, wtf
>look up glassdoor reviews
>SHITTON of 1 stars, complaining about "toxic workplace", "incompetent management", "gossip culture", "ass kissing and ass covering mantra"
>softwate engineers claim management commonly pitches and sells vaporware to clients, rest of workplace are retards
>people claim two CTOs quit in a single year, indicating the horrible corporate suite
>most of all, 1 stars claim management is rewarding employees to go to glass door and put favorable reviews to offset the bad

women. not even once.

>Black guy is never smartest person
>Premise falls apart
>Forgets there are stores and companies etc where everyone is black.
>wut? lol


This is exactly how my experience with 90% of the women I've known in the workplace went.

No job I've ever held has redpilled me on anything. If anything, most of them have been high dosage black pills.

I'm a manager at a top company

Men in Group
Females isolated

Men isolated
Females in Group

Any manager will agree with me

Stick a lit candle up your nose and never smell anything again

I work in insurance too, user. If anything it's made me despise insurance companies more than I already did. Not sure how you went the opposite way.

So you're the diversity hire and the work horse? How's that feel?

You probably work in sales, marketing or underwriting.

They're always looking for truckies in Aus.

Underwriting, yep.

What's the secret to milking a car accident for sweet insurance monies? Is the go to still nerve damage and back pain?

Im a lousy produce associate at a grocery store.
Women are all cute, only 3 or 4 ugly ones.
I cut vegetables.
I havent noticed any bad behavior that distinguishes them from any guys except that theyre very loud.
Im going to a tradeschool later this year for auto repair.
I dont think women will be much of an obstruction in my life.

So, the thing with "pain and suffering" is that because it's inherently subjective, there is no milking it; the claims staff for the guilty party's insurer will try and make you feel guilty for "milking" (lol, as if you would), but just stick to your guns. If you come up with something outrageous, obviously it won't get paid, but ask for what you think is fair for what you went through. They're always gonna undercut you, but you can't quantify "pain and suffering".

The longer you hold out the more heat they get from above to work out a deal with you. Again, none of this is illegal or fraudulent, it's more bargaining with them than anything.

what do you think?


I would say that shows more about the kind of women who would seek/be qualified for accounting jobs, rather than women as a whole.

I work in IT. When I was interviewing for positions I specifically asked how many women worked in the company before accepting because any company with more than 10% females in IT fails.

I chose a job in Chinese satellite tech because the only women in the company work in the canteen making soup and sandwiches.

>be oldfag /new/pol/tard
>get job
>work with white lesbian
>she's okay
>work with old black woman
>pretty sure she's an aspie, too
>she's okay
>work with fat hispanic woman
>she's okay
>work with old vietnam vet hispanic or wop, can't tell
>he's alright
>work with teleworking fat white woman
>she's okay
>boss is a white woman
>she's okay
>her boss is another white woman
>okay this is starting to get ridiculous
>I'm the biggest racist in the world and nobody has a fucking clue
>they think I'm a liberal democrat
>I manipulate them into actually fucking doing work
>everything is still shit because I'm the only competent white male around

Fucking kill me.

Bullshit. How could they get CDLs if illegal?

>user from the whitest part of South Dakota. never not once seen a nigger before.

>join military to kill sandniggers, went ordinance with 128 GT score for skills instead.

>look around basic training - 1/3 black, 1/3 white, 1/3 (((others)))

>gets to training in "smart guy job" - 80% white, 20% everything else

>8 years later, that same basic training dynamic is in every unit.

>All leaders E7+ look like they were hand-picked for diversity

mfw I learned yesterday affirmative action in the military is the reason we have senior leaders selected for E7+. No shit, E7+ are hand-picked from a diversity quota, not based on merit.

>be commie
>Know that a majority of the workers dont do shit
>All get paid the same
Why even work.

seek muhammed as your lord and forgiving

>be younger, blue pilled version of me
>forklift driver in busy warehouse owned by big international Jewish company
>5 other drivers
>only 1 of them was white, rest were shitskins
>shitskins were slow af and unorganized
>white guy was fast af and a great worker
>shitskins would drop or break something almost everyday
>I would always help them pick up what they dropped without bosses finding out
>would plead ignorance when they damaged product and bosses found out
>fellow white guy damages a $50 piece of sheet metal
>shitskins report it
>white guy gets fired
>get another shitskin to replace him
>other drivers are all useless, I have to do everything
>"diversity is our strength"

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

I work as a software developer at a commercial and government contractor. Most of the male employees here are either flabby soyboys with big bitch tits who are non-confrontational low energy pussies. The rest are generally in shape dudebros who only want to talk about sportsball. There are a handful of people like me who aren't soyboys but aren't dudebro retards, but we're in the minority for sure. This place is very feminine, there are a lot of people who don't really get much done and nobody seems to give a shit about it. I try not to be the "I've had it so tough guy" because someone has always had it tougher, but when I was much younger I did a lot of manual labor and honest hard work to pay for school and stuff, a lot of 12 hour days working your ass off. It's not something special, but almost nobody here has held a real job where they had to do real work. Most of them would be incapable of working with their hands, physical manual labor, or anything where they had to build something that wasn't a physical abstraction like software.

I described how I installed solid hardwood floors in my home last year myself over a concrete slab and the issues I ran into with old asbestos black mastic. Most of what I said was incomprehensible to them and most of the responses were "yeah, that's why I like my apartment! I just pay the rent and if anything breaks they send a guy over to fix it for me! Home ownership sounds pretty rough!" Many of them are nice, friendly, well intentioned people, but when a civil war, strife, and famine hit they will undoubtedly perish before I do to say the least.

10/10 10/10 would fuck both

Everytime she's near sniff and curl your nose a bit then go "Smells weird" then move on. Do it on and off too.

>No shit, E7+ are hand-picked from a diversity quota, not based on merit.
No, they aren't. They're chosen based entirely on their previous work history in evals and on their test scores, at least in the Navy.

The issue is all the good whites get out after their second enlistment and make twice as much as a contractor, or three times as much in the private sector.

>be me
>become xray tech
>4 years in hospital
>women dominant xray/nursing/low/mid level management/HR
>women work together for 30+ years and hate eacher
>women never forget any little perceived transgression against them.
>women in management do jack shit and lack courage or foresight
>Hr is a terrible joke run by the quintessential SJW useless women.
>90 percent of nurses have a stick up their ass, single mother meme is real
>MFW hospital work is soul sucking and corporate. And a type of Hell run by pissey women.

I get that job to work for myself. 3 years later I finally have some money with 30k in the back and 10k coming in a month. I am becoming a neet tho. I want a worthwhile community, but the normies will continue to live in the illusion of this world.

doing your own hardwood flooring doesnt mean youre gonna survive SHTF scenarios any longer you tard

Yeah because that's what I said. I said doing hardwood flooring would save me in the apocalypse. I said that specifically, and the two statements weren't talking about unrelated things. Having an arsenal of weapons and military training while also not being a soyboy faggot isn't what will keep me alive while these idiots die, it's the fact that I do home improvement in my spare time. That's exactly what I said you colossal fucking numbskull.

Approximately 95% of customers that complain to me or are ask to return something are women. Women fucking suck and i have worse interactions with them than i do with men. They are all stuck up bitches that think they are better than you. I find it funny when they threaten not to buy from our store again as if we would welcome these cunts back in the first place


I've had ONE job where the executives actually got this and openly said that they are fine with you working from home so you don't go to the office to dick around. We already all had laptops and Office 365 at this point.

I at first thought they were being typical SF bay area dipshits, but it actually worked. One of the directors I worked under (a Gen Xer) actually rarely comes to the office but he is definitely approving shit, making and taking calls, etc. I myself sometimes stay home when I really just need to look over something that someone has to e-mail me. Seems like only boomers were weird about it and insisted on showing up even if they weren't doing anything.

Of coruse there are times where you need to be at the office to really get shit done (I cannot see anyone in the sales department doing this shit at home), and sometimes this means youre there without sleep for a week, or you show up during the weekend to get those final touches done by Monday morning but... it just makes sense for salaries.

9-5 feels like something boomers kept and never questioned and, if you notice, they use it as a way to look down on Xers or Millenials who want "flexibility." Boomers will go HURRHURR YOU REALLY ONLY WORK 20 HOURS because they go to work and dick around on the computer and gossip with their dumb coworkers all day for their "40 hours." The irony of course is that everyone else is more open to working on weekends or afterhours, even at home.

holy fuck man you don't even know the cock sucking paki's ruined that industry in canada, use to be a great career, no your worth less than dirt

weird? more like hell. if hell is a place where there is no reason

This is the longest post I've ever read to excuse being lazy, incompetent and lathargic. Why don't you clean the office if there isn't any work to be done at the computer? Why don't you help answer client questions or check up on them over the phone, to let them know you are interested in their well being? Why don't you help get office supplies or work on advertising your business?

I'm not a boomer and even I can tell you people are lazy shits, just doing the minimum to get by. If I was your boss I'd work you niggers 10hrs a day, 5 days a week and make it count.

good job mate. i have learned when you are up against female bosses the ONLY positive outcome for you is to extract as much personal gain as possible because they can never treat you fairly.

cuck harder for Schlomo faggot

>Used to be very liberal and idealistic
>retail job
>told by boss to judge ppl by stereotypes I was uncomfortable with to avoid theft
>didn't listen
>talked to customer for half an hour who robbed me blind while being nice to me
>a racist was born
>every native person on a reservation is a scammer and doesn't pay their bills
>pharmacists fuck up a LOT double check your medication or find someone good at their job.
>getting your medication blister packed is included in the dispensing fee so if you take a lot of pills make them do it for you instead of putting it in the little pill boxes yourself plus you get your meds faster this way and done ahead of time.


I'm in a management position with a team of workers under me and you come off as a code monkey. Neither of us are self employed so we are both working for schlomo by your criteria. I'm happy with my job, but you seem bitter.

>finish EE degree
>start working in aerospace
>no room for retarded diversity bullshit

I got one from when I was a poole in the USMC last year

>Join Marines while in highschool
>Doing ISTs (These determine if you are in shape, usually involves stretching and running)
>Slightly out of shape yet skinny
>Failed meps once because I couldnt touch my toes so im often made fun of it for it
>Doesnt bother me till this one blonde girl mocks me for it
>We start running
>Find out shes slow as molasses
>Legit slow as hell
>Everyone else finishes she 3 laps behind
I get made fun of for not touching my toes which 56% of the country cant do but shes slow as hell

Masters program in a humanities field here.

They are all essentially useless. This poor guy in one of my classes has a useless girlfriend that works with him. You can tell she makes him do all the work at their job. After work, at class, he looks like he's been slaving away for a 16 hour shift and she's chatting up all the other broads in the class, eating takeout with her already obese ass. He's usually writing shit down or looking depleted.

Nope, not at all. We are both working for Schlomo, but I'm sure as fuck not gonna get down and start scrubbing the baseboards if my workload lightens up for two seconds. Fuck that.

Make fun of her, user. And call her pussy stinky.

see this is why lawyers suck you lied about emotional damages and got 30k from a non profit organization that money has to come from somewhere and you basically stole it and then you further stole from people why being on unemployed insurance.

Worst part is you are proud of yourself for this. Do you fags feel no shame are you like blacks in this regard?

The best way to get sweet insurance money from a car accident is to get killed in the accident while not being in any way at fault. Enjoy that money.

>Masters program in a humanities field here.

>Join Navy
>Do a tour in the Western Pacific for two years and never go home the whole time
>Come back to the US after two years
>What the fuck did I just walk into?

Yeah, well it is what it is. I'm doing okay.

>be me
>Accountant at property firm
>hr decide to spend $10k on unconscious bias training for whole company
>wipes out the staff training budget
>forced to do training
>go along with it because it’s only 2hours
>do test
>hr and feminists at work have massive unconscious biases
>I have none
>neither do any of the other based employees
>training suspended
>tasked with getting refund
>$10k was deposit
>I’m now given authority over approving training for company
>hr now hated even by lefty management
>entire office now ironically politically incorrect

And you get offended for being called lazy. Lazy at work, lazy at home, lazy in life. Who you are and the values you have reflect the type of person you are. I'm sure you've heard that told to you a lot of times but you just don't get it. Boomers ARE right to call you gits lazy. We're probably in the same age group and I'm calling you lazy.

Who's going to give you the key to the building if they can't trust you when left alone?

what a coincidence

I work in semiconductors and honestly most of the women are great. There are a small number that are nonproductive and management lets them slide but 90% are a pleasure to work with.

I live in the suburbs and most of the wives are horrible though.

>had a single female employee start in my department (lesbo) somehow she bypassed help desk and went strait to a position with technicians
>Chick is getting paid 60k a year and doesn't know the difference between a usb and a ethernet cord
>Can't fire her because she is only female in entire department
>She just sits in her cube doing god knows what
>We stopped assigning her work because she fucked everything up so bad
>After six months we give her a simple task to send a vp a laptop as his current one wasn't working
>We even give her the laptop all she has to do is mail it to the guy
>2 weeks later we get a call from the vp that he had received an empty box contacted the chick then she sent him the laptop without any cord, then sent him the wrong cords (twice!) and that he still didn't have the right cords.

all in all it did give us the perfect excuse to fire her.

>there are retarded IT tech faggots getting paid 60k to know how to work printers & modems while EEs who make their jobs possible are making the same wage

I hate life

so would you recommend a fellow neet to become an x ray tech?

Rub vic's vapor rub below your nostrils - won't be able to smell anything for about an hour

> Why don't you help answer client questions or check up on them over the phone, to let them know you are interested in their well being?

Because sales handles that. Notice I mentioned that I cannot see most of the sales department being able to do this?

> Why don't you clean the office if there isn't any work to be done at the computer?
> Why don't you help get office supplies or work on advertising your business?

Because they already pay people to do everything you've mentioned. Hell, their advertising is outsourced by an agency. Which is good because when they used to do it in-house it was terrible.

This isn't some small startup or local company. It's a huge publicly traded corporation. The first that I've seen that is flexible with work-from-home options. And, interestingly enough, the one where you see less corporate politics and shit gets done.

> If I was your boss I'd work you niggers 10hrs a day, 5 days a week and make it count.

Yeah but that's the thing, the C-suite continue making a shit ton of money and able to float how "progressive" they are with their employees with most talent unwilling to leave for other companies even with higher pay. Meanwhile you're on here pretending you know how shit works in the real world.

Don't look up "resters and vesters," you'd probably burst a blood vessel without realizing that these people do work, sometimes 120-hours straight with a couple of naps in between, but then they have to wait for a project but need to pay the bills.

I cant she went off to bootcamp

selling vaporwave?

like the music?

>Work at Tim Horton's during y2k
>Welfare office is literally behind us
>See lazy wiggers and niggers spend their welfare check on timbits, donuts and ice capps
>See single mom's looking for hand outs
>See one regular go outside and beat a white kid almost to death
>Hear about one regular who robbed the 7-11 2 mins away and got off

You don't need a 4 chin to get red pill'd