So how does Sup Forums feel that the entire board is nothing but Russian propaganda?
So how does Sup Forums feel that the entire board is nothing but Russian propaganda?
Even if it were true, it would still be better than every other social media site filled with nothing but Jewish propaganda
Дoбpый дeнь.
What an excellent rebuttal, Ivan!
You will be getting not 2, but 3 roubles for this post :)
Nothing to see here Goyim.
So how many other confirmed Ruskies do we have on this board besides you?
its ok op, when i was analwarts newfaggotry i blamed everyone but myself too. now i do the thinking, perform the due dilligence, and generally don't blame other entities for anythings
I feel way more adoration for Putin than almost any US politicians, and I prefer most Russians over most Americans now days. I don't even recognize my fellow Americans anymore. They're strange creatures, completely lost in a consumerist haze, rebelling out of fashion rather than out of necessity. They have lost touch with what it means to be alive in this world, that outside of our comfortable borders lies a cold and deadly world that doesn't care one iota about your identity, about your preferred pronouns, about your anything. There are people who would kill you because they think consuming a soup derived from your bones gives them magical powers. There are murderers, slavers, rapists, drug addicts, drug pushers, warlords, gangs, authoritarian nations, hardened foes. The problems these people think they face here are nothing, and if they do succeed in destroying America they're going to be inviting these problems into the country. It's going to be the fall of Rome once again.
So yes, please, give me some based Russians who still believe in being strong, who believe in masculinity, who have a sense of humor, and who are intensely loyal to their way of life. Russian women are some of the most beautiful in the world, and none of them have cocks.
I've never seen a burger with an American flag posting in broken English, indicating proxies. But there's a suspiciously low amount of Russian flags posting, a lot more Poles.
ARGUMENT.EXE not found.
beepski boopski vote trump 2020 comrades
Meant this for
идти caтaнa
A babushka's gotta do what a babushka's gotta do.
Horrible to be honest, I want the russian bots to go away.
>So how does Sup Forums feel that the entire board is nothing but Russian propaganda?
is it?
guys i found a cuck
>Oy vey, goyim let us focus on Russians rather on jews... truly the best salvation of our problems
>"muh russia propaganda" is literally russia propaganda because hillary is actually literally bought out by russians, and the chinese, and plenty others im sure
sometimes the best defense is offense, in psychology they call it projection
russia finally turn a profit and was upgrade to a little above junk bonds
my dudes
>04:44:44 No.161695555
So how do you feel about mainstream media and much of science publications (eg. le black British lies) being nothing more than (((progressive))) propaganda?
Russia is a distraction from Israel.
ISIS, Qatar, Morocco, Big Pharma...
Same, I would rather be Putin's bitch than get trampled on by progressives and ungrateful self-serving and disgusting shitskin hordes
Russia propaganda and and NSA "political sandbox"
As long as you know it's going harm no foul
That's the only reason I come here.
They will double down and keep sucking Russian cock.
Maybe Russia is pol propaganda?
how can she suck?
for you
>russian boogeyman
Death to russia.
>So how does Sup Forums feel that the entire board is nothing but Russian propaganda?
Pretty OK actually .
Except Russia was the only country that she bashed for at least the last 4 years. She compared Putin to Hitler. Ever heard her compare any other leader from that list to Hitler or even bash like she did Putin? What a strange fucking collusion between her and Russia / Kremlin if you ask me. And I didn't even touch the tip of the iceberg when it comes to arguments.
Why do you keep fucking your son and asking loaded questions?
good. because putin started in anti gayness. and became a pedo. and there's like 912 people who now surround burger politics who are the same kinds of jew pedos. proves that if you hate men so much that you "hate" two of them together, you might as well be a woman because youre already gon be a fucked up jew mason pedo :). daily reminder dugin wants to kill the west and bannon was a self described leninist
melania's a commie. family was. she's prolly an illegal immigrant
no we're all just Buzzfeed or HuffPo 'journalists' and CIA interns here.
Where is my pay cheque, Putin?
Russian trollbot here. AMA.
russia is just helping us get rid of liberalitis disease... its actually helping
How do all you well paid yet ineffective retards feel knowing that “Russian Bots” are simply riding the coattails of Sup Forums‘s supreme memetics?
We’re all poised to double down in 2018 on what we delivered in 2015/2016....and there ain’t no false flag that can stop us.
PRO TIP: KYS while you still can. Otherwise your end won’t be on your own terms.
It's probably for the best honestly. I mean consider the alternative.
Change the second one to Tsarist Russia and you would be right.
I can't take the left seriously anymore.
In fact I don't think I have been taking them seriously at all, i've been looking at them like I look at a retarded child, I answer his insane delusional mumblings out of social duty only.
Even your post? I can't tell who's Russian hacking who anymore!
say it over and over again until you believe it.
kill yourself, shariablue shill
trump and putin are gonna MAGA and BTFO democrats and muslim terrorist shills like you, fag
You sum it up rather pragmatically, in the typical Kangarro fashion...fuck eloquence. Eloquence is for the fragile bird whose self determination is overcome by random prevailing winds.
It means good day.
Watching leftist propaganda claiming that everything is russian propaganda has been amusing.
It has indeed!