I have chronic anxiety and mild depression and I been taking Abilify and Prozac to help get the mental weight of my shoulders. I feel relieved somewhat thanks to the Abilify but I want to know negative side effects or whether I should find alternatives to medication. I hope I'm not being jewed or anything because I feel fucked enough as it is with bad anxiety issues.
Opinions on pharpharmaceutical drugs?
Painkillers are magic. You struggle in pain and then you don't. No opioid ones here, Jews aren't tricking us.
RUN from them. get your minerals sufficient. read mineral for the genetic code by charles walters & chemistry of man by bernard jensen.
People used to suffer from these things since the dawn of times, that's why they were invented. People who oppose modern medicine just don't know how shitty it was back then, when infections were treated with hot iron and mental illness with drilling your head and shit like that.
>I have chronic anxiety and mild depression
I hate young people a lot.
Literally get fit and eat properly and your made up garbage will go away
SSRIs will turn you into a literal psychopath.
I was put on that shit about 10 years ago by some street shitting Dr.. The drug lifts the sides of your mouth up (making you look happy as hell) you almost become convinced of it, but inside all you see is a burning hell!
There are things that do not heal you.
A healed patient won't pay anymore.
The government uses psyche meds to make people go on rampages and kill their family etc. Like another poster said, get in shape and eat right, and jerk off like three times a day.
Bruh, I just order CBD weed strains through online dispensaries and they deliver it to your door here in Canada
CBD weed doesn't even get you high, just gives you medical benefits. Kills your anxiety with no side effects or anything. literally makes you normal.
Psychiatry is a pseudo science. They literally don't have a clue what they are doing. You're just a guinea pig. They don't even know how the medication works.
If you're a normalfag with some anxiety or depression (as opposed to heavy paranoid schizofrenic for example) you'll be better off staying away from meds.
I cannot trust anti-depressants. It seems far too often the negatives outweigh the benefits.
I'm actually on Fluoxetine right now, been so for over a year. I take the 20mg pills once daily for panic attacks and anxiety, it helps a lot.
I don't know what this guy is talking about But the most it does for me is calm down my emotions and relax, thus lowering my blood pressure.
To continue: There are a lot of different medications, and it can take a LOT of trial-and-error to figure out the "Right" one. The trick is to take enough of something to help, but not change you. There's no magic here, but they can certainly help.
Believe me user, physical fitness is the key to mental health. How can your software perform adequately if the hardware is a piece of shit?
>alternatives to medication
don't fall for the pharmaceutical Jew
Its fucking garbage. If they are helping you I think thats great though. Perserverance and helping/loving yourself is the best medicine though.
They can work if used carefully.
Look up liposomal supplements. Pharma companies had a patent on it for 30 years to just use for Chemo but it just expired and a bunch of vitamin companies are taking advantage.
You'd be surprised how much nutrition plays into brain chemical regulation, and how much 100% targeted absorption actually changes the game.
Listen darling, it's quite simple; I was in a far worse position than you are now, and for a period of about six years. If not for my younger sisters I would of taken my .22-250 and blown my brains out.
Start sleeping, start eating healthy (cut out all the nasty carbs like breads and pasta, ditch the sugar entirely and try to eat some fibrous green vegetables so you'll shit on a regular basis and never feel bloated, it's amazing how much better life is from this one alone)
Stop jerking off and get some exercise, even just go outside of an afternoon and walk for 30 minutes, try to walk to a location that you consider serene. Start reading, may I suggest Voltaire: Candide or Optimism to start, then Cicero: How to Grow Old. Both of these books were the turning point for myself, Cicero puts things into perspective and shows you the joys and ideals with simplicity in life; Voltaire on the other hand, with this book, points out the absurdities of the blindly optimistic and the overly pessimistic, whilst also highlighting the fact that your life isn't all that bad compared to others of the world.
Cut back on the video games and surround yourself with people that are capable of having intellectual conversation without resorting to screeching like an autist or scurrying off to their safe space. May I recommend you go and see a psychologist, a (((psychologist))) I know, hear me out. Don't talk to them about your family and don't allow them to engage in the usual rhetoric that you see on the television, if you find a therapist that likes (((Freud))) kick them to the curb. Your aim is to discuss the absurdities of the world, your political and ideological views, your therapist should play the devils advocate here and challenge you regularly. This is beneficial for two reasons, a good therapist will not scurry off to their safe space as it's their job to confront the offensive or the immoral; secondly, they'll not report you for your ideological views.
I’m on Wellbutrin now but I really shouldn’t be since I’m anxious as fuck. I honestly hate the name abilify so much I’d probably argue with the doc if he suggested it. I hate the name that fucking much.
Do you even exercise?
Further to this,
You're on the medication now, if you seek to follow the path laid out in my previous post, do so before trying to kick the pharmaceutical Jew. And, if and when you decide to give the medication the boot, please taper off slowly and safely. Going cold turkey will likely resort in you having a complete meltdown.
Something further to add, if you're of a like mind to myself, ride the fascism train, Hitler will boost your positivity like no tomorrow. He's the greatest speaker in history for a reason, listen to his words and don't listen to the overly bias parties for or against him, formulate your own opinions at all times. Depending on your cultural background, see if you can engage with the religion of your ancestors, I became quite spiritual and this just added to the joy.
Kick all forms of materialism, embrace the arts of old and find your niche within the world of craft, I have an obsession with carpentry, masonry, smithing, leather work, pottery and oil painting. Creating something beautiful for someone else is incredibly rewarding, do it as often as you can afford. More to this, go and help someone with something, menial or significant, your brother or your neighbour, just help someone, there is no better boost in confidence and happiness than helping someone in need.
Love you lots user, and the coming war is not a war of the races, it's a war of Gentiles Vs Judaism. Know thy enemy.
>get fit
I fucking hate this faggy one liner so much. Dude like lift weights lmao its like so uncomplicated !!!1!
jewish weapons, like weed
Literally every mass shooter had been
taking this shit.
it literally is that easy. make a free account on myfitnesspal, get a gym membership, borrow a book on weightlifting from the library, make a plan.
you can do all that in a single afternoon. the next day wake up and go to the gym. track what you eat, adjust so you make calorie goals. add cardio if weightloss is a higher goal.
I am fit and on venlafaxine
Society turns you into that, meds just keep you from offing yourself as a solution
Gamma Amino Butyric Acid.
A naturally occuring Neuro inhibiting amino acid that people with anxiety problems run short of.
Basic function is to stop your brain from overexciting itself.
No weird side effects other than better sleep and muscle growth.