Yfw Texas goes blue in 2020


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They say that every election year.

we were too late

>America becomes apocalyptic South African hellscape with Orwellion government arresting people for hatethought
At least we still have the constitution

Fake and gay!

>Democratic gains are likely a reaction to Trump and his relative unpopularity, with approval ratings consistently below 40%. Obama was more popular while president, with approval ratings largely in the 40s, but there was still movement away from his party at the state level, suggesting a potential political downside for the party occupying the White House.

Heil trump lel

The last based thing Morning Joe did was piss his pants with laughter about Blue Texas after Trump won the election

We were literally being told Texas was going Blue in 2016, of course Liberals are acting like they never said that, but this year for sure right?

Polling Austin, and beaner/niggnogg Houston. Wow!!! We made Texas blue you guys!!!

Remember how Texas was supposed to be a battleground in 2016 and how Trump was almost about to lose it to Hillary? Yeah that was a great lie.

Any Texan anons here? How popular is Gov. Abbot? Will Cruz lose the Republican primary?

>movement away at the state level
Demoshits have LOST the vast majority of special elections, who the fuck do they think they're fooling?

Apparently, they also list Kentucky as competitive, that really helps their credibility.

Both are easily safe

This. Like clockwork.

Abbot is insanely popular at least here in the panhandle. Austin may be a different story. But around here he is seen as a good gov. All polls show him locked in by at least 20%

If they're smart.
NRA is done. Hope you guys didn't join. Might
wanna hold off on that save yourself a conspiracy charge.

Revolution begins

lol good luck,

>with approval ratings consistently below 40%
> ratings consistently below 40%

fat orange jew degenerate BTFO his entire party. enjoy the indictments that are so bad the same people make bargains and get more charges for having done so. tick tock pumpkin pedos

Not going to happen, but Trump has to campaign there. We have the lowest turnout among many all states.

deport all spics and the state is 90% red

half the country is competitive now, except for blue coastal cities

why are city people so intolerant and inflexible?

It's well known that most city people are pedos and racists

don't group disgusting pedos in with good racists