If you could add one amendment to the US Constitution, what is it? Be reasonable.
>legalize weed
If you could add one amendment to the US Constitution, what is it? Be reasonable.
>legalize weed
Other urls found in this thread:
Clarification that only landowning white men have voting rights.
>No member of the superior elected federal governement may maintain longer than 2 terms regardless of position
Mitch McConnell, Pelosi, Ryan, Schumer, all the garbage career politicians that suck off goldman sachs and the other banking/industrial big wigs can fuck off and die.
rape every female
kill every non-white
torture every shill
>Be reasonable.
>>legalize weed
r/aznidentity still spamming?
This desu senpai
Pink flamingos?
I like it
Only married white males with a family are allowed to vote.
The 28th Amendent shall simply repeal the 13th, 15th, 16th, 19th, and 26th amendments. The name Barack Obama on all federal records shall also be retroactively changed to King Nigger.
Seriously though, this country would be fixed overnight if you did that.
>makes weed post
>uses “political words” to avoid being banned
>posts unnecessary ass shot to draw attention
You have to be over 18 to post here. Leave.
Y'all are posting in an r/aznidentity thread
Legalize roids because there’s is LITERALLY no reason that Testosterone is illegal for everyone but the mentally ill and senile.
>stpeach ass
>one post by this ID
cmon this is an easy one
Redistribution of Jewish wealth every 5 years.
That should get rid of them.
What about legalizing prostitution?
Fuck it, repeal the 23rd Amendment too.
>>legalize weed
way to have your priorities in order user
What about repealing the 1st and 2nd amendments?
Why the fuck would you do that?
Fuckin' A man
Rights identified by the Supreme Court and Circuit Courts as "umbral or "penumbral" (with or without having used those specific terms) under various other amendments (particularly the 4th), cannot be enforced without affirmatively supporting legislation.
Specifically (but not exclusively), abortion is not legal in a state unless you pass a law specifically saying that abortions are legal.
when you repeal the 15th and 19th, there's no one left in DC to vote anyway...
Trump is declared God emperor emperor's name their own replacement
only male landowners vote
We could do it by banishing nonwhites to a few states like New York and California then hold a Constitutional Convention
They both are, the real man is on the phone.
28. DAT ASS is made for slappin'.
i just wanna see how that one works out.
Instantly sets us on the path to fix this shithole.
no niggers jews or beaners allowed
> the end
i see evidence of good pussy here
Or Asians
Easy secession. From county, from state, and, by God, from the Union. I'm not even a Dixiecuck, I just want to possibility to be open.
not necessary. constitutional amendments were necessary to ban and unban alcohol. this is the procedure that should have been taken to legally ban certain drugs. the current federal ban is unconstitutional. any ban/unban on current controlled substances should be done on a state level per the 10th amendment
Ratify the 19th amendment.
or faggots
That includes you.
Wew, you sound like you aren't old enough to post here, Chang.
Right and duty to protect and live in a safe natural environment.
No wonder Asian dudes are so insecure lol
14th too
OP needs to stop being obsessed with ST Peach.
He likes e-whores and then he wonders why some women do what they do. Pathetic.
What a disgusting ass, holy shit
What about a balanced budget amendment?
Increase the age of consent,to 125 to make every Mutt a pedophile
Term limits for Congress
Earn voting rights through a year of national service to be completed after high school and before reaching 25 years of age. It would be entirely voluntary and would last for one year. Service options would include stuff like working on Forest/Park service maintenance crews, merchant marine, infrastructure construction crews, garbage/sewage crews, individual assignment to farms/ranches/fishing boats, menial labor in the public sector type things. Military service would count as well. Pay is $500/month and $4000 upon completion of service year and food and housing is provided by the employer.
Never gonna happen but whatever.
How'd they get rid of that clause in the Constitution in the first place?
>How'd they get rid of that clause in the Constitution in the first place?
Some interesting ideas