RIP Atomwaffen.
Between the dead gay jew and the jokes about pranking infrastructure the feds are going to be swarming. This shows just how dangerous discord is for any sort of serious organizing. Not only can it be banned at anytime the entire history can be dumped by anyone with access to it.
If you want to do offline larping you might as well use something like Briar, since meeting another member IRL is the only way to join a group. You can have private groups for local cells and use the forum for more general posting. Sure it isn't as nice to use as discord but you shouldn't be shitposting with your criminal co-conspirators.
RIP Atomwaffen
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How embarrassing
Good riddance they were retarded edgelords to the extreme.
If you unironically consider yourself a genuine satanist you should kill yourself, if you start "declaring war" on other groups of neo-nazi Stalin-worshipping satanists because their satanism is wrong you should kill do a murder suicide. Atomwaffen did all that and seriously thought their discord group was going to bring down the entire government.
I hope they can figure out who the snitch is. They clearly want to put everything natsoc behind them so it would be very unfortunate for them if uncensored pictures of them doing larpy things surfaced.
holy fuck so these goys were the real deal ?
ssshiieeettttt i thought they were LARPing & just waiting for shit to hit the fan
>Hubsky, 29, lives in Las Vegas and leads of Atomwaffen’s Nevada cell. In online chats he discussed blowing up the U.S. power grid and natural gas lines.
fucking hell loool
Good, fuck atomwaffle.
5 murders are assosciated with attomwaffen.
2 were Atomwaffen members getting killed by another Atomwaffen member who converted to Islam and called himself the Salafist Nazi.
2 were the parents of a teenager Atomwaffen members gf, after she broke up with him he shot them and then himself.
one was a gay-jew,
wewey that organization of 80 people sure is hitting above its weight. its totally not a bunch of unstable retards larping on the internet to the point of insanity where they hurt themselves and whoevers nearest.
>This shows just how dangerous discord is for any sort of serious organizing.
How fucking dumb do you need to be? Don't join groups. Don't LARP. Decentralized, leaderless connections are the worst enemy of the alphabet soups. And people give it up to go paint a target on their own ass.
This is like those "browsed child porn at work, surprised people found out" stories.
what has your one man cell achieved?
>its totally not a bunch of unstable retards larping on the internet to the point of insanity where they hurt themselves and whoevers nearest.
Considering I'm competing with people murdering each other and unrelated idiots, it's not a large hurdle to clear buddy.
I said decentralized, leaderless. Not one-man. You're not a network alone.
This shit is really news to you?
yeah you shouldnt these retards just hurt themselves or embarrass anybody pro white.
I cringe every time i remember a man identifying as a Nazi converted to islam and murdered his two nazi room mates. thats so pathetic. the satanism added on is just fucking sad.
Who would of thought killing some random guy you don't like could destroy your movement.
This thread is being logged by the FBI
they're too busy investigating fake Russian allegations to care about real shit
That’s literally all neo nazism is. The loan wolf thing, it’s always been this way. Even before the internet it was just edgy insane assholes.
This is a thing?
you kill people of your tiny micro movement?
white people deserve to be replaced
Not if he did it undercover. It’s possible they got infiltrated by the feds. The feds have made sport of it.
They are glorious internet heroes.
Better to name and shame them now. It's like a rabid animal; there's no helping it so you may as well put it down.
I doubt the feds would have leaked all the chat logs to the media.
It's what happens when you focus your recruitment on unstable young men. ISIS is in the same game and has better media.
discord gg/pN7jSV
add a .
This is not exactly the thread to be shilling a discord in.
get rekt autiswaffen, discrediting edgelords
Interesting, in my resesrch ive found that AWD follow James Masons Siege guidelines and share his esoteric admiration of Charles Manson.
You don't need any research to realize that.
>read seige faggot
Is pretty much all that atomwaffen people do.