which is worse, somalian or sudanese?
Which is worse, somalian or sudanese?
which ever one raped your great great grandmother
This a trick question?
Very tough choice but nothing boils my blood faster than a random somalian face. I don't know what it is but fuck this one looks like a living mummy.
I'd say the zoomali, i do believe they are a cursed diseased race, there is no god that would love such degenerate beast.
Really good malware is way worse than any nigger. No matter how much work YOU do to be productive and get rid of it, the damn thing just keeps reproducing with strange names you're not familiar with
ratfuckfaced somalians
Somalian xD
somalians because i know a guy from sudan who is against people owning guns and was a never-trumper despite being persecuted by muslims in his homeland. fuck those retards
Trick question. They're both shit.
zoomali detected.
He's got to be retarded.
>I don't know what it is but fuck this one looks like a living mummy.
Nailed it. There's something unnatural looking about Somalis. Probably comes from being nigger-arab mutts.
I find somali women strangely attractive, but if you mix with it and have a son it's going to have that stupid somali male same face
Somalis. They are almost as bad as Mexicans.
Sorry zoomalishit, there is nothing as bad as you niggers in this planet, not even abbos are as fucking ugly as you.
Every muslim country is shit.
They have very rigid mindset.
Even saudi would have been same if they didn't had this much oil money.
What are they made out of? Are they a combination of egyptians and neanderthals?
They look like a hillbilly version of a black person
also, somali women love bwc and hate the jews
Says the literal mutt you are barely white most of your kind has mostly native and negro dna. Jesus south Americans shilling as "white nationalist" lmao
kill yourself beaner
you're a brown stain that refuses to go away
niggers>wild animals> mexicans
Yep, I live in El Paso, 90% Hispanic... safe and peaceful except for the nigger colony around Ft. Bliss.
Eat my shit niggers, you are nothing but a fucking disgusting restult of inbreeding goats, niggers and pisslam.
When the Chicago/Gary welfare niggers migrated to the Twin Cities in the late80s-early 90s we did a good job of containment. This can not be said about the Somali migrants a few years later. They occupy every significant city in Min.
i love the fact mexicans kill each other so much
it's vermin killing vermin
nothing better than a dead mexican
Except a dead Weim*rican
These are North African Niggers mixed with arab pisslam trash.
Sub Saharan Africans aren't as bad.
Everyone of those were better than any zoomali that has ever lived and they were dumb fucking criminals.
Yeah they are sort of shit overall, lived outside of London and there was a lot of smalis in the area.
all with 13 kids and all on the dole
>nigger like I want too be a 7 race mongrel
Can't come up with a good counter lol btw not Somalian im nigirian
This fine niggers don't look like diseased beast like the zoomali.
agree, North african niggers are the worst.
I don't know enough about Sudanese immigrants or culture, so I'll have to go with Somalis since I know they're Muslims and, based on Ayaan Hirsi Ali's autobiography, they seem to have an innate hatred and derision for host cultures and total cognitive dissonance about the decadent West outperforming their homeland by every conceivable metric.
Yes purebreed zoomalis are fine examples of why you shouldn't follow pisslam and fuck goats and your relatives.
You niggers are pathetic, you're not even niggers, the murican nigger is an apex predator, you niggers are fucking bums.
Learn the spell mutt **result** also knell too your black king
fuck zoomalis and fuck beaners
beaners are subhuman
Literally the most retarded thing I have seen anyone type are you a abo honestly I'm being serious
Eat my shit zoomali beasts.
yeah. they really do look inhuman. A few of the Andid type Ameri-Indians also look unnatural too. But Somalis are by far the worst, and their behavior is demon tier.
Is Worf Somali?
mexicans>somalis. I'm canadian and have to live among both. Mexicans and other south americans are okay but somalis are either braindead, gangsters or salafists
Look at me
I'm the captain now
Somalians are probably one of the lowest races on the earth. Their mere presence gives me great respect for Ethiopians, whom I consider one of the greatest races on Africa.
The British explorer Richard Burton was the first ever non-muslim to visit the Somalian city of Harar, a city forbidden to anyone non-muslim, it was said they would behead any Christian who entered the city.
After entering the city and setting the historical milestone, he said fuck it this place is so pathetic it isn't worth it.
I have met Bantu (west-african) people who were genuinely good, honest people, and some who are very intelligent, but never a redeemable Somali.