Measuring #MeToo: more than 80 percent of women have been sexually harassed or assaulted
A new survey asked Americans about sexual harassment and assault. The results are disturbing.
80% women have been raped, u mad cis male?
Ban assault Y chromosomes
>self surveys are reliable sources of data
and america is 80% white dont ya know?
100% of the women polled are profiled and hand picked.
100% of men over the age 16 have had sexual intercourse or masturbated
See how that works?
Isn't that the rape rate of Liberia?
These are all different things.
they have just boarden the meaning of rape
One time when I was 17 at a party, my friend's drunk girlfriend tried to kiss me. That's sexual assault. #metoo
>complimenting a woman - harassment
>asking one out on a date - harassment
>asking one for consent for sex - harassment
>asking for consent to prevent the human species from going extinct - harassment
99% of women have been either mildly annoyed or murdered.
>more than 80 percent of women have had a man say "hello" to them
omg wow so terrible!
If feminists wanted us to care about harassment then they shouldn't have watered down the definition so much
Society lets women decide anything is harassment/assault, even if they change their minds weeks after consenting.
funny story, I am an employer for a company that creates arm based micro's. had a week old hire tell me I was "mansplaining" her by correcting her work
fired her ass right then and there.
Also this. Lumping in "guy said hello to her" with "guy literally raped her" and combining the numbers to make it sound scary
>fired her ass right then and there.
>more than 80 percent of women have been sexually harassed or assaulted
Yea according to them. Men are barely interested anymore. I think the ladies are severely over rating themselves. And their notion of " sexual harassment " is questionable. Did someone ask them out on a date? Oh shit no!
fucking creepy beta orbiter probably rapes drunk women on the regular
Actually now that you mention it, I've been groped and kissed by girls suddenly who I was revolted by too. Mostly in the college years.
I wanna believe this so bad.
>sexually harassed
Boo freaking hoo
Most people have been sexually harassed men or women.
best part was her reaction
>you can't do that user, i just started working here
>do you want me to tell you why you no longer work here? or would that be mansplaining?
she then tried complaining about me to HR, but wouldnt you know they couldnt do anything because it was way before her grace period of 3 months was over.
this wouldn't have happend if the nazis won ww2
You tell best bedtimes stories....
He looks like that fat cuck from snl
Bobby (((Moynihan)))
>Typing #metoo on twitter
>Not telling the police
These women are liars or shitty people.
well this one is true
Ive been working for this company for 20 years now, part of my job is working with onsite contractors and the companies we outsource IT/software programming work out to. this means I regularly work with hiring managers and so on.
with a email that took me all of five minutes to draft I black balled her from the tri-state area more or less.
>only 80%
I guess the 80/20 rule is true
>asking a bunch of habitually lying psycho bitches a question and expecting an accurate answer
yeah, no.
just because i dress like a cop does not make me a police officer. that bitch may not be a stripper but she is wearing a strippers uniform
>wouldnt you know they couldnt do anything because it was way before her grace period of 3 months was over.
As someone who was fired by a vindictive lady boss this is so comfy
I bet the questions are like:
>"Has anyone ever flirted with you when you didn't want it?" y/n?
>yes = "+ 1 RAPE"
Dont you think that is a bit much?
>more than 80 percent of women have had a man say "hello" to them
You should see how miserable women are in a few short years when men start ignoring their aging fat asses. Eventually they're invisible.
I've probably 'harassed' hundreds of women at bars just by trying to talk to them.
It's basically this. My school's Sociology department is hyper vigilant against this kind of shit and they have to fight some students tooth and nail over
>Leading questions
>Subjective questions
>Any answer except "No" means the worst
>Questions which contain specifics yet are hysterically general
>Questions such as "Despite all previous answers do you FEEL like you were sexually harrassed/assaulted"
>Questions which contain two entire delineations such as in the previous question
Chad doesn't have to ask
Cold as ice. God bless you, user
The term sexual assault has been so watered down that if some bumps into you aggressively on subway that equates to rape
Back in my day it wasn't considered unless the victim was bleeding from at least 2 orifices
no, I fucking worked my ass off during some of the best years of my life to get where I am now. while all my friends were getting drunk and going to parties I was studying and working on projects.
I worked like a dog to get the connections to obtain the position I have now, and I for sure am not gonna let some diversity hire cunt make the next decade of my life a living hell pseudo social experiment because she is an arrogant piece of shit.
I single handily make this place millions of dollars a year, no one here can do the job I do, and am compensated well for it. I could show up to work with my balls hanging out and not get fired. but I show up in suit and tie every day. Why? because im a fucking professional and I expect the same with the people I work with.
same, not gonna lie, wouldnt have been so mean if it were not the case.
>80% of women who bothered to report were raped
We live in a world were a man spreads his kegs wide for comfort is given a ticket,
Sexual harassment = someone less than 8/10 talked to them
>Dont you think that is a bit much?
No fuck her. It's not even a gender thing. Employees need to know their place. She's too far gone.
Reminds me of this story:
>A blog post on says that a reader recently scored a summer position at a company within the field the individual hopes to work in post-graduation. “Even though the division I was hired to work in doesn’t deal with clients or customers, there still was a very strict dress code,” the person wrote, adding that they felt the clothing rules were “overly strict” but weren’t going to complain. That is, “until I noticed one of the workers always wore flat shoes that were made from a fabric other than leather, or running shoes, even though both of these things were contrary to the dress code.”
>Angered by the hypocrisy, the reader rallied other interns, and the group wrote a proposal, along with a petition signed by the whole class (minus one who declined to participate). The request mostly focused on footwear, asking for non-dress shoes that would fit under a more business casual dress code, but also asked if it was possible for the workers to not have to wear suits and/or blazers in favor of a more casual but still professional dress code.
>The next day, everyone who signed was called into a meeting, where the lot was informed that due to their “unprofessional behavior,” they were being let go. “We were told to hand in our ID badges and to gather our things and leave the property ASAP,” the post reads. The young adults were shocked and weren’t given a chance to defend their actions. But that’s not the worst part. “Just before the meeting ended, one of the managers told us that the worker who was allowed to disobey the dress code was a former soldier who lost her leg and was therefore given permission to wear whatever kind of shoes she could walk in.
its the most moronic thing. how can there be dozens of different kinds of assaults, battery, and harassment charges for every little detail in the crime, but a rape could be fucking anything
its insanity.
>same, not gonna lie, wouldnt have been so mean if it were not the case.
You're living the dream for all of us, bossanon.
>It's basically this. My school's Sociology department is hyper vigilant against this kind of shit and they have to fight some students tooth and nail over
There are no standards for (((journalism))) anymore. They make up shit and statistics pretend it's "scientific", justifying what they do because they are "on the right side of history!"
These people are so consumed by their own bullshit they don't even know they don't care anymore.
most of the young kids are like that these days, they band together like this is some kind of fucking hippie commune not a place of business
good, i would fucking hang on to that dude that did not sign it.
turn over and training are one of the larger financial drains on a business. loyal employees are keepers and you need to treat them well, which is why they let that chick were different shoes.
fucking hell, they were not even employees, where do they get off?
>when the data doesn't exist, lets just make it up!
>I single handily make this place millions of dollars a year, no one here can do the job I do, and am compensated well for it. I could show up to work with my balls hanging out and not get fired.
Just be careful. Being alone with a woman in a room briefly is now justification for a man to be fired no matter how professional or how much money he makes for a company.
If you have to hire a woman, hire some dyke that works hard and looks like Joe Pesci.
I have literally seen this firsthand in the few sociology classes I took.
>Taking "Global Problems"
>Turn in weekly, non-US associated, current events on a chosen topic
>Chose "Religion"
>10 weeks worth of reports
>1 was simply the pope visiting another country
>Another was some bickering
>8/10 were Muslims blowing shit up or executing randos all over the world
>Required to make summary video of what we learned
>Video is an explanation as to how simply researching religion turned to religious strife because Muslims can't go 5 minutes without fucking someone up
>Literally get a 100
Few days later
>Hear half the class whinning about their project grade
>Go to our Canvas page which contained everyone's video links
>Half the videos were people literally making shit up because their SHOWN statistics didn't match up with their expectations
>Someone else ended up with the same shit as me
>Whole video was mental gymnastics on how this is all bullshit
Lol I guess so have I. I've had girls grab my butt at the bar and club a few times. Even had a dude give me a serious titty twister for no reason. That shit brought me to my knees.
>The results are disturbing.
any suggestions on how we get it up to 100%?
that's funny achmed
>Half the videos were people literally making shit up because their SHOWN statistics didn't match up with their expectations
These people are going to learn the hard way aren't they?
>for no reason
The reason is because you're a fucking nerd faggot
Guys I really never understood this whole "dressing like a slut" thing. Ok, she says she does it because it makes her feel good and it's her right. The reason for dressing like that is solely for attention; no woman will put on high heels or a really short skirt or a low cut top with a push up bra or underwear that goes up your asshole, it looks uncomfortable and it probably is. So while they do it for attention, they also ask that no attention be paid to them? But if no attention is paid, then they would feel bad and get bitter and actually up the ante by dressing even sluttier. What's the end game here, fellas? Is it to make us men as uncomfortable as possible? If you look, they complain. If you touch, they complain. There is literally no good comparison to this. This dilemma is native to women only.
fake and/or gay?
>If you have to hire a woman, hire some dyke that works hard and looks like Joe Pesci.
that is the saddest thing about it. there are women who are just as hard workers as their male counterparts, i work with them. They are great and add actual value to the company.
but these cunts, they just stroll in and fell the world owes them everything and they have to work for none of it. its hard not to become jaded towards women in tech when you see it happen over and over again.
luckily I work with some really great women, in the office and outside. able to remind myself that they do exist and are worth keeping.
Welp ur doing God’s work
>Guys I really never understood this whole "dressing like a slut" thing. Ok, she says she does it because it makes her feel good and it's her right.
Women can't handle both dressing like a hooker and then being regarded as one.
Please note that this isn't a claim that women are "asking" for assault, no. Rather it's a critique that women are stupid for having no self respect then being shocked that they receive no respect. Garbage in garbage out. The male equivalent is being a trashy slob.
All sex is rape
I was raped numerous times when I was a little girl. My father, brothers, uncles, cousins, and grandpa would pass me around like I was a piece of meat you have sex with. It was horrible.
The actual number is closer to 150%. Women are harassed sexually so often men actually have to wait their turn to assault someone sexually.
wrong country, 56%er
my name is gurnam singh dalliwal
tits or gtfo
Best one
>These people are going to learn the hard way aren't they?
The problem with the statement is that you're expecting them to actually learn something.
Well yeah but if women and men are equal as they claim to be, then technically the equivalent of that would be some fucking metrosexual in skin tight jeans and a v neck t shirt or some shit. A slob man is the equivalent of a slob woman.
If getting attention makes her feel good, then why is getting more attention than she wanted a bad thing? I'm not excusing sexual assault because only a subhuman fucking animal would act on urges that violent when seeing a woman dressed in any way, but it doesn't make sense for a woman to dress that way if her self esteem is fed by attention, and then crying about that attention.
This is part of the reason why women want men to lead and make the decisions. So when men fuck up, they can hold it against them while they look perfect just sitting there doing fuck nothing.
these people probably count "Hey hun, you got good legs" as sexual assault
pics or it didn't happen
>more than 80 percent of women have been sexually harassed or assaulted
how do we raise this number?
They consider some older black guy saying "come on girl smile" as sexual assault
The liberalization of “sexual assault” has peaked.
>man makes advance and woman accepts it
This is normal.
>man makes advance and woman doesn’t like it
>luckily I work with some really great women, in the office and outside. able to remind myself that they do exist and are worth keeping.
The problem is (((media))) culture and education are promoting women in tech the wrong way and for the wrong reasons. They want "oil rig engineer pay" with luxury resort spa comfort. No critiques, no hard work, no challenges, no growth, no adversity.
People do need room to fuck up and learn from their mistakes, it's true. But if they have no interest in growing then fuck them.
You did that woman a favor by blackballing her. If she can overcome it, she'll be worthy for the job later having learned a valuable lesson. Otherwise, she deserves to do what women like her ultimately end up doing. Women's studies majors hilariously end up being "nannies" most of the time. A position just under "wet nurse" in terms of humiliating wage slavery deserving of brainwashed clueless feminist ideologues
>then technically the equivalent of that would be some fucking metrosexual in skin tight jeans and a v neck t shirt or some shit.
but it's not. slutty women look trashy.
Most of them don't learn and had learned nothing from the whole class. Every bad grade was met with criticisms of the professor hating them, being racist, or being sexist. Yet he's a die-hard liberal who married a Thai women and had kids with her and even got their names tattooed to his arm in Thai speak
>Do weekly discussions
>Required to formulate our own answer using outside sources
>Required to reply to 3 other posts by the end of the week
>If posting criticism it must actual criticism and not just insults
>If posting agreement you must explain why you agree and how they could better their argument
>90% of the females proceed to echo chamber and circle jerk
>90% of the females quickly resort to petty insults and behavior
>All of them bitch they got low discussion grades
He also told us he had to switch to an online format because in his previous courses people would straight up fight over
>Gay marriage
>The death penalty
>Racial crime statistics
How long has this been going on for? Decades? Centuries? Millennia?
It's as if sexually harassing women until they let you impregnate them is what humans do.
The "I dress like this for me" line is quickly debunked by seeing how she dresses around her house, which 9/10 times will something very baggy and comfortable.
>80% of women have been raped
>80% of women date the top 20% of chad males
Wow its almost like their feminism empowerment is backfiring
I've been swolested on the regular, dont hear me crying about it.
When so much as looking in a woman's direction is considered sexual harassment it's no surprise that the overwhelming majority of women have been "sexually harassed'.
>80% of women have been sexually harassed or assaulted
>Harassed OR assaulted
You lookn good shawty
Is literally equal to rape
>The death penalty
It feels like a natural response when someone kills another person it's only right to kill them back. I don't understand people being against the death penalty. Moreover, I had a sociology minor and I was exposed to people that flatly ignored statistics in order for it to meet their political views. I would have to sit quietly in the back because if I ever spoke up people would feel obliged to argue with me constantly. It was frustrating, and one of the professors I had was a former prison guard who agreed with me on most things and the class hated the both of us. God forbid you ever tell people in the Sociology department you're pro-gun.
Though 80% seems high, I believe it. I'm an ugly NEET, and even I've been sexually assaulted, during my freshman year of college by a female student on my hall.
Not to mention that Millenial whites are returning to cities in droves, where they are surrounded by blacks and mestizos - who are statistically most likely to sexually assault and/or harass women. And lord knows that their own women are hardly worth harassing.
>It's as if sexually harassing women until they let you impregnate them is what humans do.
What's not made absolutely clear about the (((Me Too))) movement is that you shouldn't "shit where you eat". An office or a business or other place of work isn't a matchmaking service; you shouldn't look for pussy or dick at work. Period. It's wrong and unprofessional when men AND women do it.
Me too should be driving that point home, but instead it's about how all women are victims and all men are pigs and they is "no solution" except for groveling and destroying people's lives through the media.
Not fair I only got raped once that's female privilege for you
I never complain when tight qt's grab a handful
It's almost like....sexual urges and attraction to the opposite sex...are completely natural.
Women shouldnt be in a prifcesuonal setting. Ig they are theyre only there ti ger ficked
>When so much as looking in a woman's direction is considered sexual harassment it's no surprise that the overwhelming majority of women have been "sexually harassed'.
yeah, the "staring" thing always seemed like bullshit but women support it. "He stares at me! Harassment!" but the women aren't dressed professionally and have their legs and tits out. The "professional" or "formal" dress code standards for women are fucking garbage. They can wear whatever shit dress they want like it's automatically appropriate because fallopian tubes.
Female of almost every spices watch males put on a show or fight then let him get sum.
I agree in principal but you have to also consider the practicality of finding an acceptable mate outside of a 60 hour workweek.
Thanks to wages not keeping up with inflation and the the increasing social isolation amongst young people of reproductive age thanks to the internet, it's difficult to find a mate outside the workplace.
You've also got more women in the workplace, aspiring to be the next Meg Whitman or whatever - not "dreaming" of settling down for children. This makes them ignore their instinct to reproduce, so they take solace in feminist ideals and have become hyper-radicalized against male energy.
These are strange times.
Yeah and it's shit. All you want to do is beat the shit out of a dramatic couple that broke up at work. The fights, the crying and lack of fucking work getting done. The "sisterhood" circles where all the women stop working and listen to the dumb bitch cry all day.
Fuck it. Don't date on the job and don't shit where you eat.