Why is America such great nation?
Why is America such great nation?
We The People.
largest white population in the world
well it certainly isn't the people
Where else can a man walk on game trails next to a road and pretend to be Bigfoot.
Guns bombs and BBQ
But definitely not not the women
Heinz 56
Route 56
the San Quentin 56
Who IS white? Or name a country with higher population of white people?
>constitutional rights which cannot be "voted" away by mentally ill communists
>in the debate of freedom VS security, America chooses freedom
>free market
Tru Tru
Because America is the spiritual successor to FUCKING ROME.
>Both founded under Monarchial rule
>Both fought a civil war to get out of Monarchial rule
>Both became republics
>Both developed frontiersman culture
>Both constantly fought wars against tribal peoples and other countries
>Both rapidly gained prominence in their respective regions,
>Both ascended to become the most powerful countries in their respective worlds.
Punic Wars = World Wars
>Both fought wars of magnitude no one had seen before
>Both Nations fought for supremacy of Europe
>Both Nations won supremacy over Europe
>Both laid waste to their enemies
>Both became supreme hegemon over their entire sphere of influence
American Presidents have the same powers as Roman Emperors
>Both have supreme power over military
>Both have supreme power to execute law
>Both still have to keep elites happy
>>Congress, (((Bankers, Financial Elites))) for America
>>The Senate, Praetoriate, Financial Elites for Rome
>Only difference is that these powers are codified in America, but in practice they have the same power
>>Jackson going against Chief Justice John Marshall's decision against Indian Removal under the auspice of National Security
>>Washington Putting down Whiskey Rebellion
>>Lincoln, Roosevelt, and to some extent Wilson nationalizing industry during times of war
>Another, small difference is that Congress has power to declare war, but that didn't stop Nixon from sending troops to Vietnam, or Bush from sending troops to Iraq.
Washington = Cincinnatus
>Both had ultimate power but gave it up
>Both used their ultimate power in times of crisis highly effectively
Trump = Julius Caesar
>Very similar in character
>Both born to "lower nobility"
>Both came in times of crisis
>Trump went bankrupt, Caesar was exiled and captured by pirates
>Both became some of the richest men of their time
Our whites are so masterrace, that even despite 44% of our nation being subhuman, we manage to come out on top of, and far more right-wing than any 99% white nations
WAS a great nation before boomers, diversity and the Frankfurt School
T. burger
We're favored by God. (we also got lucky in that the Greys decided to work with us instead of other nations)
what he said.plus you can start from nothing and become richer then your wildest dreams.
>>Both founded under Monarchial rule
>>Both became republics
>Trump = Julius Caesar
I've been saying since that acting troupe portrayed Trump as Caesar in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar that he's unfortunately destined to be assassinated, ushering in the end of the Republic and the rise of the Empire.
I don't know if he'll be assassinated, but that was a bad omen. It could just be that some neocon runs against him in 2020 and splits his vote leading to another neocon presidency since the Congress will undoubtedly choose the neocon over Trump. Hopefully that won't happen, but I think that's the best play these kikes have right now. If Trump got assassinated, I and people like me would go rouge and start killing high level kikes. They know that, and they don't want that to happen. Besides, the American President has essentially the same powers as a Roman Emperor, so there wouldn't be much change.
Petrodollar + jew puppet
In 1836, for thirteen days, a few American men stood their ground against Mexican invaders. Even though they came to know that the Alamo would be their last home, they stayed to buy enough time so the rest of America could rally a proper defense. This is one of the greatest historical moments of honor and sacrifice, and America gets to claim it.
Press F to put a man on guard.
The American idea is to put the individual above the state. Problem is that that truth is heavily censored. America better wake up because we are well on the road of euro tier cuckery.
Because of the fast food
Free market, individualism and freedom. Sup Forums fantasizes about Nazi Germany but then you wouldn't have this freedom if they had won.
Freedom to be a fat piece of shit isn't a good thing
>so the rest of America could rally a proper defense
I'm as proud of them as you, but technically they were fighting as Texans, not Americans, and it was Sam Houston's army that they were buying time for, not America's.
>Why is America such great nation?
We used to dream.
Nowadays - meh.
"White" aka including Hispanics and mutts.
Better to be free to be a fat piece of shit than forced to be Australia's little retarded cousin.
Better fat and free than thin and unhappy slave
no, do the math, it doesnt include spics. 95% of white americans are 100% white according to ancestory and 23andme
*Breathes in*
>meme flag
only white males had rights and we only accepted the best from the rest of the white world, aside from the slaves we imported obviously
it isn't jews killed it in 1812
>A recent genetics ancestry survey by 23andme found that White Americans (European Americans) on average are: “98.6 percent European, 0.19 percent African and 0.18 percent Native American
One-drop rule faggots
show yours cuckboy
I mean, he's not wrong. The US does have the largest white population in the world.
>it was the Texans, not the Americans
>It wasn't "Mexican Invaders" they were reclaiming rebellious territory
>Even though they came to know that the Alamo would be their last home
There was a plan for 900 more soldiers to come through, which never happened irrc
>, they stayed to buy enough time so the rest of America could rally a proper defense
This is purely false, the US annexed Texas and the entirety of Northern Mexico later (now Northern US down to Southern US)
> America gets to claim it.
No, Texans get to claim it
t. not a texan fag that knows history
Free Speech, Guns, Pussy Money Weed
Senator from Arkansas on TV (local station) just days ago said;
the USA spent more money on our military than the next nine countries (behind us) combined.
Mess with the Best; Die like the Rest
shart in the mart is a southern thing bud
all of the amerimutt memes are about the South
>not from apex British/Irish stock
close friend.
>Why is America such great nation?
for one reason and one reason alone:
Trump won't be assassinated. That would be cause for actual civil war. Unless the people with billions want civil war there's no way it will happen
Family swedish or high quality norge?
What is your exact genealogical ancestry?
nice digits.
we the southerners, go to the mart to shart
Guessing E. Norway due to no Finnish %
father is from bergen, mother is from copenhagen, they met in college moved to the states in the 90s
Wow, no British and Irish given your dad is from Bergen? Very weird...
>1/5 Jewish
>i'm a kike now
i literally didn't know this until 23andme
You're not 1/5, you have a fully 100% Jewish grandparent mate. Did you not know that?
just lucky, i suppose
>(((rootless internationals)))
Or just some crazed normalfag who drinks too much of the MSM coolaid. An assassination attempt doesn't have to be part of some wider conspiracy. Look at that lady who tried to ram the president's car last year.
Nah, it's in there somewhere for sure - statistically it has to be. I blame 23andme.
my great-grandfather was from Germany so it was most likely him
No. Not a great grandparent. You have a fully Jewish grandparent.
You could also have two half-Jewish grandparents - i.e. two fully Jewish g. grandparents.
Or four fully Jewish g. g. grandparents etc.
i suppose it could be in the 4.4% broadly european/north western european
Yeah, I guess so.
Anyway, very ubermensch results :P
I don't worship Judaism or really any religion, occasionally I'll go to this Anglican church in my neighborhood so I'm not really bothered by this or anything but I'm slightly annoyed that it doesn't say German/Polish as it specified it on the website that I had to to manually. Feels like this 22% of DNA is a bit speculation/assumption regarding location
thanks, i did my best
Let's all give our DNA to the Jews!
Freedom of speech right to bear arms
our men still function despite unbearably unfair burdens and wish for death every day
>afraid of learning he is a mongoloid
Haven't had that since before 1913