wtf im gay now

wow im not a woman hater but i gotta admit i never thought of it that way. those are technically some valid points.

wtf? women are animals now

Reminder that rape is the only way to make a woman orgasm.

If you've ever made a woman orgasm without raping her, she was faking it.


>she was faking it
virgin detected. last time i made a girl orgasm she came everywhere.

This man had the sex

The problem is, MGTOW clitties will get rock hard when they read this shit.



Most men have never invented anything or created any theories either. Does it mean all men but inventors aren't humans?

Also it's hypocritical for being against women for merely giving birth but then also being against them doing more as well

> i gotta admit i never thought

That was piss

gay autist detected

Honestly, this has convinced me to be gay too. The only question is whether I should get a nice traditional trap for myself or I should become a trap myself. Which is the better option, bros?

This is what I've been trying to tell everyone. All we need are artificial wombs and traps. Once we get rid of Jews and women all of our problems will be solved.

Trualpha detected.

Found the roastie

Women are the other half of Man. Only when they both support each other equally and wholeheartedly can they, generally, truly succeed.

all men invent things and create theories. if you think they don't then you're not a man and you don't spend your time around men. i've been down in my basement when i was young, fucking around with my buds, we built radios out of weird things, like we built one out of a pencil, a toilet paper roll, some nickel thumbtacks, a razor blade and some copper wire. that was inventing stuff. just cuz we didn't file a patent or something (i admit it's prob been done before) doesn't mean we weren't down there inventing stuff and exploring and doing the things that define men and culture and creation.

even fixing a car involves a lot of problem solving, and every challenge presented to mechanics is unique and requires problem solving.

we used to experiment with lots of other stuff too, like mixing explosives (back in the day when that wasn't such a big deal) or we figured out how to create pure sodium from electrifying pickels (pure sodium goes boom when you mix it with water, it's kind of cool if you throw it in a barrel of H20 or something. you can also make paint bombs with it).

women, by contrast, don't really have any interests, or skills, or personality. they're just kidn of "meh". they make babies. i don't hate them, but they are what they are. can't deny it. you're sort of dumb and dishonest to deny the obvious differences between men and women.

This is very woke. Sounds like Islam is for you then.


I'm convinced most of Sup Forums would join Islam if it weren't for their hatred of brown people.

>What is the better option?
To stop being a faggot

Women are property

>To stop being a faggot
Are traps gay? If I become a trap, does this mean I can not be a faggot anymore?

And a hatred of squiggly line language

>Gen 3:16 Then he said to the woman, "You will bear children with intense pain and suffering. And though your
desire will be for your husband, he will be your master."
t. Literally God

This is correct, but I will expand upon this
>Women don't have interests, skills, or personality
Women do not have their own beliefs/values, they are a mirror. Reflecting what the men in their life display. If a woman is with a hippy, she will reflect hippy values, if she is with a nationalist, she will reflect national values and so fourth. A woman is like a re-trainable dog, she is an excellent asset. But she requires a man willing/able to utilize her properly, a degenerate man will create a degenerate woman

i dont think women are very smart but this is some really edgy pseudo-intellectual shit

Go fuck yourself sharia blue. Faggot.

Waifubots + artificial wombs are coming soon. Biocunts will no longer be needed

Men never build or invent anything. No one does.

Trap = Man larping as a woman
Faggot = Man wishing to express his lust with a man
Yes, traps are gay, liking traps either makes you gay or falling for the feminine qualities themselves (thus entrapment) being a trap makes you a weak and desperate man

Why do some fags literally HATE women, and yet still they often still act like women?

If the origins of this are a literal curse why should you blame someone for wanting to reject it? It's like wanting to embrace disease because that's also the wages of "sin".

I don't know mane, I just started reading the bible yesterday and that line really made me think, seems like that fiction book is full of redpills and shit.

Not wanting to go through this is the same as wanting to cure a disease. Both by that logic are the wages of sin.

So traps aren't gay, since a trap is merely
>a weak and desperate man
This is quite reassuring. It makes me want to think harder about the possibility of being a trap.
What's the best way to start:
1. playing dress ups at home with my sister's clothes
2. going to a bar wearing a dress
3. being a trap camwhore on chaturbate or similar?

>So traps aren't gay
Literally the opposite of what I said, stop being a delusional faggot.
>A weak and desperate man
Yes, still a man

Point one is wrong, what separates humans from animals is the symbolic mind (ie this object represents an idea), which allows culture and civ to flourish.

True nature of a trap exposed, sexual fetishization, all three instances you wish to be used in a sexual manner. Most of lgbt is untreated sexual perversion and then naive leftists condoning it.

Yo, like I don't know what you be talking about but this bible shit really doesn't add up, like why would God punish his sons because some bitch ate some fruit outta some bitchass tree, like why didn't he remove that tree if it was evil and shit also if he loved us humans so much cause we were his creation and shit then why didn't he made us invincible to evil or some shit, I don't get it, but if it was actually like that then fuck women, it's their fault we all fucked up since we're born cause we're cursed and shit, is not fair that we, Men, need to be paying for some shit some shit some bitch did like 6000 years ago and that shit wasn't even something terrible she just ate some fruit and why did the snake talk to her, snake don't talk, the fuck was going on in that garden, that nigga God aint got no chill.

plot twist - you always were

If you're going to do it be sure to go all the way and do it right. I'm on chaturbate right now and pic related looks like he's not even trying. Don't be that guy.

Yo mane, those fucking traps should get killed right off like if you are born a man then yous a man how u gon be a woman in a man's body? It doesn't add up.

>women are animals
>fuck animals
Found the male Muslim.


now that's what i call edge

He's kind of a cutie, though he's very sad today and the wig doesn't fit. At least he tried a little.

Link? Are there any good chaturbate traps you can recommend?

Kill yourself faggot. You gay faggot men will be killed in a horrible way if you touch our women and Muslims will kill you. Our women are amazing and will be protected

Here is the link from the pic:
chaturbate dot com slash ninjacita

chaturbate traps I can recommend are:
eevee bee

>she came everywhere