>be first ever woman Pharaoh of Egypt
>be last ever Pharaoh of Egypt
See what happens
Women in Power
women are born cocksuckers. they don't have minds.
it's incredible to me that I live in a world of cucks who want to make cocksleeve children LARP as adults.
when a woman reaches the top of a civilization it means it's lost. Trump saved us from an early demise that Merkel has been fueling for years. All European queens eats babies too btw
>Points out women are born cock suckers
>Woman in question, despite being fluent in 7 languages and an expert in math, is mainly remember for the dicks she sucked
Cleopatra was the second of her name. There was also other female rulers like Nefertiti.
Blame the men. Women are the balance of an Empire. You give them power, they destroy it, and the Empire deserves to burn and be taken over, it’s simple. It’s nature weeding out the weak, if an empire or nations men become weak enough to have women rule over them then they rightfully and justifiably get sacked or annexed until the men of said nation harden up and become men again. Sometimes they never learn their lesson and just adapt to the conquerors order. Most women deep down don’t care if they stay inside and cook and clean and get fucked at night, shit they most likely enjoy it, but if they sense weakness or inability to dominate within their men Mother Nature will kick into their subconscious and they will fuck with you until your broken, when it’s on a mass scale, they will attempt to seize power and destroy the nation from the inside and from the outside, which balances it out and causes a new generation of men to harden up and dominate. Don’t blame the women. Blame the men.
>le women can't rule
>makes England a naval power
Look up how she came into power and laugh your ass off
She fucked her way to the top
Tribe of Dan did that, she's just a fucking tool like the German on the British throne right now
What do you think of Queen Victoria?
>What do you think of Queen Victoria?
She used her powers as a monarch to dissolve the powers of the monarchy and turn them into a meme
what do you think of her?
Apparently she was a total whore
the one in charge is the one giving her the dick.
Behind every "great woman" there is a dude giving her the dick and telling her what to do.
Female leaders have been, historically, figureheads for male coalitions.
King dies but her male cousins are powerful warlords and dukes who don't want to fight each other over the throne. They're cool with her husband, who is probably her cousin, and they kill people for the kingdom/empire... let her play Queen.
Actually thinking The Kong’s and Queens has any sort of actual power in the 19th Century, The royal families across Europe were deemed useless and were considered nothing more than pampered silver spoon fed brats ever since the late 1600’s. So my thoughts on queen victoria are she was an autistic crooked tooth inbred whore of a formerly powerful family that had little to no affect on the power of Great Britain at the time, advisors had ran the empire and they were all men not to mention the industrial revolution would’ve never occurred without men as well. So if anything she lucked out to be alive and in her birthed position at that time frame to be considered a good ruler.
women leaders amirite?
Never hearing of Hatshepsut
She was propped up by the British warlords. British nobles were comfortable and making money. They didn't want to shake the bird cage.
They let her rule because she wasn't a warlord and could never really take up arms against the Lords.
>Not posting the correct version of Cleo
Britney Spears
10/10 would destroy empire for
>scientists at harvard
Meanwhile, some virgin nerd living with his parents joined affect 3D and made a 100 times more realistic futanari goddess
I didn't know there was a poser model of Brittany Spears.
kek, kys
She was a queen to Pharaoh Akhenaten not the Pharaoh herself.
Grenade throwing is obsolete anyway, silly boys
eats babies? what u on about
Pizza gate. Part of devil worship ceremony, they kill a newborn baby/fetus and take turns eating it.
It's on YouTube; a girl who escaped it, talks about how the people there were all doctor's, politicians, super rich, etc.
They do really disturbing illegal and immoral stuff