Do you disagree?
>the overrated five
please do not use lain for shit posting
thank you
All of those anime were fairly straightforward
please do not use haibane renmei for shit posting
thank you
>Kino is already attracting shitposting even before the new anime airs
I didn't ask for this.
There was no need to use greentext in that sentence.
Make it "The Entry Level Sophisticated Five" then we can agree.
I'm on episode 9 of lain right now. When does it get good?
>putting any of these shows on the same level as Mushishi, especially bartender and lain
Jesus pal
Kinda okayish. Some underaged champion will surely miss Texhnodogshit though.
Bait thread. Also, why the fuck is that glorified booze advert there? Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it but sophisticated? Maybe if you're 12.
Bartender is horrible.
tip your fucking fedora while your at it
Mehh, mehh, great, shit, great.
Every show there is better than Mushishi besides Bartender.
>The fedora five
This. Fuck you OP.
What's so complicated about Haibane Renmei? I liked it, but I thought this was a pretty straightforward, albeit thematically packed, drama. There is no tryhard directing, no stilted and/or complicated dialogue, the show makes literally visible what it seeks to explore and how it wants to do so.
That's why I don't really get it when people call the show pretentious or "2deep4ushit", is it supposed to be an inside joke I'm not getting?
The same goes for Mushishi, once you figure out what the show aims to accomplish, it's a walk in the atmospheric park.
I dropped Kino no Tabi around 4 eps in.
After the ending. Then you can act all superior because, unlike shonenshit troglodytes, you only watch intellectual anime
No, FMA or TTGL is straightworward, not Lain or Texhnolyze. You have to think of these things in a broader context and not with such a limited mindset.
Watch more anime.
Replace Haibane Renmei with either Tatami Galaxy or Technolyze.
Tex isn't in OPs picture and Lain was a fairly simplistic story mostly known for its neat visuals reminiscent of key the metal idol and great directing.
Yeah and it was literal power of friendship near the end.
Key the Metal Idol had some of the most poor writing I've ever seen. It had a one and a half hour episode of pure exposition done through dialogue.
3rd for this and OP is a faggot
Replace Bartender with Boogiepop Phantom.