Atomwafen member kills gay jew

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Is that double points in the office vacation contest?

nukes are fake. and what's hilarious is that fascism is a faggoty movement literally and symbolically and is the movement of the haavara agreement and much israeli cock sucking since then

I don’t know what pisses me off more. The kid is going to do twenty years for a basically worthless crime. And these stupid fucking autists think Stalin was great and the kulaks had it coming.

Apparently AWD follows James Masons Siege guidelines, and shares his esoteric admiration of Charles Manson

discord gg/pN7jSV

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I know AWD are bad guys but their propaganda looks so cool. I love the skulls and seige shit. It looks awesome and bad ass.

Disappointed there is no AWD in Georgia

Disgusting you faggots should be gassed

Very, very foolish to post anything like what they had been saying online. The internet is a surveillance network and nothing is secure, even with Tor. No doubt that they are all under heavy surveillance now.

That said, I hope they are successful in their activism and they seem like they're on the right track.

>kills gay jew
then how are you still posting, OP?

Has this group published a manifesto anywhere? Cursory internet search yields nothing

Anyone have an AWD workout plan? I want to make sure I'm ready to stomp shitskins

Isn’t this group that went Muslim and shot eachother in a shitty Tampa condo and the leader cried about it while wearing a reserves uniform?


I think so. Also the roommate who didnt get shot had homemade explosives or something and got charged with that


they wanted at one point to blow up a nuclear power plant

Looks like they're big fans of licking brown balls and playing tag in the woods

The Northwest Front makes these guys look like boy scouts.

Yea I had found one article (posted above) but I felt like someone wrote a really long detailed one. Trying to find it

Yeah, see, thing is, they're not known for being particularly /fit/, they're infamous for being batshit crazy and also retarded, in the way that only a chapter of Neo Nazis founded in Florida who venerate Charles Manson as a patron saint can be.

If you want to build yourself up into prime curb-stomping shape, get some military fitness manuals and follow the programs until you're at Marine level. Or do Convict Conditioning and skip rope. Or do...literally anything but emulate these people.

If you want to emulate Atomwaffen, use meth to keep yourself in a constant state of sleep-deprivation and spent as many waking hours as you can reading and re-reading James Mason's SIEGE and The Turner Diaries.

Yeah these guys are nuts. Best of luck to them.

What a fuck xD

Yeah, I guess I just want ideas for like sparring and stuff beyond the basic 3 mile runs and lifting that I do. I guess I just need some meth heads to wrestle and box with

Woodward and Bernstein

what are the chances?

discord gg/GS7MUPu


Aw, yeah, I know that feel. I used to be part of the SCA, where I learned cudgeling. I never got really hardcore into it, but I realized exactly why people get really hardcore into it; because it's so incredibly goddamn fun you can't believe it. Sparring is just the shit, man, a fact I rediscovered when I took some MMA classes.

What I think you oughtta do is get your sparring in any way you can get it. Boxing gym, MMA class, SCA, hybrid martial arts camp, whatever. If the Proud Boys or R.A.M. are active around you, roll with them long enough to get a taste of it. If all else fails, read a shitload of books on training and sparring, put an add on Craigslist that you're looking for a fight club, and if anyone gets onboard, really, *really* prioritize the safety aspects since you're all dumbass newbs with no formal instruction. That last one is really suboptimal, but if it has to be, it has to be.

Unless they are complete idiots, they have relocated and are using that one to spread disinfo.

They used Discord

>crazy and also retarded, in the way that only a chapter of Neo Nazis founded in Florida who venerate Charles Manson as a patron saint can be.


user, not a damn word of that was a joke. That is legitimately their pedigree. They are the Neo Nazi organization started by Florida Man, who have made SIEGE their Holy Bible, and Charles Manson a saint and icon. Those are facts, I don't say it to belittle them, I say that to lay it all out.

And frankly these people make me uncomfortable. There, I said it. They are the fringe of Nazism just as Nazism is the fringe of the right wing, I feel the same way about Atomwaffen that old boomer Zionist republicans feel about me. I don't discount them, I don't marginalize them, I recognize that they are legitimately crazier than I am ever going to have a shot at being. And I have a healthy respect for crazy.

Well hopefully they are crazier than the Jews, that's what it takes to win.

>Atom Waffen


It's the most surveilled group full of autists and spergs. You might as well go to a KKK rally to meet FBI agents.

I'm young as well, and these guys freak me out. I remeber when they were just orange growing nazis on ironmarch that plastered campuses with their posters. Once the news came out about the Muslim murderer opinion took a sour turn. Then it came out that the whole organization is basically a huge satanic cult, blood sacrifice and the whole bit. The fact that they have members in 23 states is nothing less than astounding. Even if they are on the same side, even if we win the final battle, I'll never shake the feeling of a long knife hovering above my back

>Atom Waffen
I love it, tongue in cheek assburger

>I'm young as well, and these guys freak me out.
Why do they freak you out?

We should spread their message just as a larp because it terrifies the lemmings.

mfw all of them look like weakling spergs hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha the absolute state of the white race

Well, I should hope that utter, raving lunacy doesn't wind up being the deciding factor in overthrowing the ZOG. But if it does, then fuck it, I'll throw my weight behind Atomwaffen. That's a given.

All that said, one more thing-
Holy fucking asscrackers, the eyeblack makes makes those skull half-masks look so goddamn aesthetic. I mean I hate the neoprane and cloth skull masks, I constantly talk shit about how edgy and tryhard TWP, R.A.M., and those Australian folks who's group's name I can't remember look in them. But that one minor thing, the addition of a little greasepaint to bring it all together, that just does fucking wonders. It takes it from "12 year old in a Halloween costume", to "I HAVE LITERALLY MADE MY FACE THE TOTENKOPF". Somebody at AD has a fucking eye for this, no doubt.

Their members are always getting involved in some kind of retarded bizarre murder scenarios, like the two guys and the chick that were obsessed with the Columbine shooters, and the Muslim guy that killed his former comrades.

Attracts weird crazy people. Stay away from weird dangerous people if you don't went a bullet in the back of your head or in prison. It's not even targeted violence like The Order or militia movements in the 90's it's just crazy people committing acts of random inconsequential violence.

You don't consider satanic nazis with an almost indescriminate bloodlust slightly unnerving? These guys aren't American nationalists, they hate America. I'm not saying that just as some undeserved insult, they've filmed themsleves burning the American flag and constitution. If you watched the OP's film it shows that these guys are nazbol as well. "Stalin did nothing wrong" my ass.

Don't forget mailmen. That's just SEIGE culture baby

>it's just crazy people committing acts of random inconsequential violence.

Niggers do it all the time and nobody bats an eye, then a few white guys do it and everybody goes nuts. What's up with that?

I don't even necessarily disagree with their worldview, more their tactics, and their inability to stop lunatics from joining. Some of the stuff is good like the stickers, but the whole culture of constantly trying to out edge one another is juvenile and draws in the crazies. But whatever, different strokes for different folks.

Are there any WN or neo-nazi groups that use military tactics but aren't batshit insane?

>gay jew
At least he wasn't black. That would have been a hate crime.

I'm only an amateur scholar of the subject at best, but so far as I can, not really. It seems to be this great divide, this Rubicon to cross for us. We embrace white nationalism and fundamental sanity, and give up military efficacy; we embrace military efficacy and fundamental sanity, and give up white nationalism and cave to civic nationalism, or we embrace military efficacy and white nationalism and give up fundamental sanity. I can't cite an example where any group made that trifecta.

This bears thinking about.

The Northwest Front has the answers you seek.

>this MOSSAD controlled nazi group kills gay Jew

so they are killing their own members? how will they continue running their faggy little antifa psyop if they cull their own?

I really like their aesthetic but jesus christ these organization is a honeypot waiting to happen. There will be, or already is active informants with them, I guarantee it

White niggers 100%, just like Sup Forums

They’re more low class and serious in their shit. I think they’re crazy but also it’s kinda hot I think about one finding me after the revolution and making me his fuck slave.


i don’t like gay stuff like that I only like hetero sex where the girl is a male

By the looks of the video and how homophobes turn out to be the most gay people on earth, you'll fit right in, hell, even if you end up in prison you'll fit even better.

i only want one master to take me as his property as a victory trophy over progressivism I don’t want to go to jail

If you're a tranny they'll burn you at the stake after peeling your face off.

probably most but maybe one will think im cute enough to save and own me

the budget for this video was $952034 and was paid by the Soros Freedom Foundation.

Not a chance. Apparently part of their doctrine is the brutal torture and execution of all sodomites.

love conquers all things

Why haven't the feds hunted down and crushed these guys yet? They's actually killed people and pledged support of various islamic terrorist groups. Fuck these guys.

Because they're funded by the CIA as a useful tool.

The feds are too busy looking for Russian facebook may-mays, duh.

basically keeping around the craziest thing to point at and write stories about

discord gg/tmcDkYD

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lol the kid is wearing varg's shirt.

is it legal to dox all these kids publically with faces from a private discord chat?

discord gg/tmcDkYD

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it's better to know who the crazy people are and keep an eye on them than try and play whack-a-mole

discord gg/WVJX9z6

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AWD is basically satanists manipulating kids to commit crimes

They are the ones that had a sperg that went muslim and killed his roommates right?

>shilling some shitty group this fucking hard
literally fuck off and go shill else where like this is the 3rd fucking thread and all you faggots do is shill your bullshit groups. fuck off.


seems like a meme shitpost server tbqh

You've never trained a day in your life.



Their render of the totenkopf looks smug as fuck.

>stalin did nothing wrong
these guys are not white nationalists

bump, lets get these shits arrested

There are a lot of real Atomwaffen people on iFunny.

>Stalin apologists

Fucking Nazbols, man

>lets help the feds arrest people
okay FBI

They openly state they aren't White Nationalists though m8

Wtf, does this guy worrship nurgle

>I don’t know what pisses me off more. The kid is going to do twenty years for a basically worthless crime. And these stupid fucking autists think Stalin was great and the kulaks had it coming.

That's pretty much spot on, most of these groups attract all kinds of mentally ill individuals.

best they not know
why would they know
some things are best left

the thing is all you posers don't understand, that all it takes is maybe a few coordinated events
and all of our lives
wind up
in a tailspin
of blame
take 911
that took less than a dozen guys
to pull off
imagine if you had 120
guys with the same mindset
that can blend in with society
not look foreign

also history is recorded with the
actions of radical individuals
who wants to be
famous for shooting up
a stupid school
when one could do something far more historical instead?

also how would you find them
if they never laid claim to events?

then you can tell
the true power of such a group
as they could carry out events that
others would desire to claim credit for
but there would be no way to prove it

one can think of the actions of just one
the unabomber

or the actions of Brevik in Norway

these people take drastic action

for reasons based upon historical outcomes

not some randon nutjobbery

though it attracts crazy people

it's really not unlike a muslim

only it is not them in muslim countries attacking muslims

it's a home action

which mudslimes do all the time
to keep their flocks in line

same in israel

powerful governments use terror
to subdue masses

that is how they maintain power
always has been

your country murders to maintain power

politics is a violent enterprise

The uglier, stupider and blacker something is then the more sacred it is in current (leftist) culture. The smarter,prettier and whiter something is the more reviled it is by leftists. It's one of the reason asians aren't nearly as favored or hated by shitlibs. It's also the reason why anything brown can do no wrong no matter the atrocities the shitskins commit.

YES, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Papa Nurse knows da way.

no way that website is a burgerpot to catch hans-cleetus schwarzman