I am a well-known figure within the alt-right community. Taking a break from work to de-stress

I am a well-known figure within the alt-right community. Taking a break from work to de-stress.

Ask me anything.

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Are you Milo?


larper stop larping

What’s the big alt-right plans for the future? How are you gonna influence more people and start taking more control and saving the country?


You're a nobody

Can Castizos (75% white, 25% amer-indian /nonwhite) join the Ethnostate?


no one wants to ask you anything you narcissistic fuck


Should the Alt-Right draft a "manifesto" of principles and goals, organizing and forming an actual political party platform for focused implementation of power, or remain an inchoate and disorganized fringe pulling at the Overton Window?

I know nobody personally named Newt (except perhaps Newt Gingrich, whom I don't know personally)

Not sure what you mean.

I like that idea. A clear well written manifesto and actual political party would make it much easier for people who support the cause to join up.

fuck off, even if you're not role-playing

Why should we care (or believe you)?

Where is that picture from?

What's your favorite Disney movie?

Its a painting of me and My girl

I think the overarching goal is to save Western civilization from itself. We're increasingly seeing young people become bitter and resentful about the world because of the Marxist ideology they are taught within the universities. It makes young people believe they are victims of some oppressor, which is NOT true.

Of course, the alt-right is decentralized and so its goals vary depend on who you're talking to.

My goal is to make sure that my message is well-heard by people in the west, particularly young people, who feel unfulfilled or feel like they can't fit into the predefined "left vs right" mentality.

Walt hated jews and would flip in his freezer if he knew the kikes running show today.
Pinocchio is a great example for clear reasons being his nose growing when he lies.

The Lion King is pretty great, I'm also fond of Pinocchio as well

>I think the overarching goal is to save Western civilization from itself.
No, it's to save Western Civilization from Jews. LARPer go home.

I think the concept of people wanting an ethnostate within the United States to be absolutely ridiculous.

What do you think of a low tech back to the land movement?

No, and I’m not joking. This isn’t Castizo nationalism, it’s white nationalism. The fact you even felt you needed to ask shows how much you identify with your non-white admixture

It's an unrealistic utopian vision that'll do more harm than good


>who is way of the world
He already put one out there in a video. It went nowhere.

wtf, How do you plan to "save western civilization" as you've stated here without the creation of an Ethnostate?

>(((Marxist ideology)))
Name the Jew or you aren’t alt-right, or do you call it the J left like that one faggot

are you Peterson?

Get the fuck out of here LARPer.
You aren’t well known or alt-right

Then you have already lost.

Do you even have any background in philosophical or logical studies?

Because not only is an ethnosate unrealistic (i.e. it'll never happen in the United States or Canada), I've found that everybody I've come across who wants an ethnostate either can't come up with a logical reason why, or uses very flawed reasoning to conclude that we need an ethnostate in the west.

Does Owen know he's gay? Does he cry often?

Good luck to you then.

This desu
Even if you are "well known" on here


>Ask me anything.
Why did you pick a character who's story is about lying?

If you'd like, you can explain why you want an ethnostate in the United States (and show me hard evidence as to how it would do more good than harm) and I'll see if I can come up with a response to that.

What could possibly be more harmful than the global high tech suicide trip that we are currently on?

Hows it goin' Baked Alaska or Millenial Matt.

You fucking LARPer. (((Nigger))) culture is destroying the west. Fucking kys.

Not in any traditional academic setting. However, I've studied philosophy and logic on my own accord

On the contrary, I look white. Not Scandinavian white but Iberian white. The reason why I ask is because if I put my life out as a supporter of the Ethnostate(Which I am), will i not be accepted by those who agree with me like you.

We have the same goals that being that we want a future for white children. I can have white children without cucking myself because within 2 years gene editing embryos will become commercialized and i can just edit out all my non white genes from my offspring. Thus making me effectively white. I'll have no problem paying for it myself because I'm making 6 figs as an engineer. SO wheres the objection?

I'm fond of the movie Pinocchio.

Fuck of narcissist


What books are you reading right now?

You're not "alt-right" Laura Loomer you disgusting subversive kike.

I'm not jewish.

Sorry friend. Soft cutoff in mutt countries like United States, Canada, and Australia is 90% white. 85% is hard cutoff area where we will examine each mutt on an individual basis. Anything below 85.0% is part of the problem and must not be allowed to breed.

>Science fiction will make me white so let me into your ethnostate you filthy gringos

>alt-right community
GTFO of here with your Peterson LARP, shill
the "alt-right" is the label the MSM adopted to lump anyone young and on the right into the same group. It's a media-pushed "bad guy." Peterson knows this. You must be really desperate to take him down. Are you a tranny?
>Sup Forums is not one person
>Sup Forums is a board of peace
>Sup Forums is satire
lurk moar faggot
>in all fields

respond to this
>We have the same goals that being that we want a future for white children. I can have white children without cucking myself because within 2 years gene editing embryos will become commercialized and i can just edit out all my non white genes from my offspring. Thus making me effectively white. I'll have no problem paying for it myself because I'm making 6 figs as an engineer. SO wheres the objection?

Does George Soros pay you or 'work along side you'?


Gas yourself styx, Once whites are under 40% the erhnostate will already have psuedo-formed due to huwhite flight to white states (vermont, maine) and we will secede. Military will still be majority white at that time so we will have their support or lack of support.

Perhaps those specific elements are not the ones under which most Alt-Right'ers wish to organize? Perhaps it has been under-advertised? Maybe the time has not yet come when people are widely ready to endorse those principles?

Science fiction garbage that won't be available to the public for a long time.

You're arguing that you are 75% white and should be allowed to breed with 90%+ white women which will make your offspring increasingly white.

Clearly you are just a burden. Why dilute feces with clean drinking water when we can just throw away the feces and save the water?

You're clearly not looking out for the best interests of the ethnostate. You're trying to weasal your subhuman spic genes into some ooga booga where dat white wimmin at?

Do you recognize the hypocrisy of banning someone from a free speech conference due to her offensive speech?

OP is a faggot and this thread is cancer
>in all fields

>Plant leafs make sure to not cover leafs of plants similar to themselves
>Birds are less stressed in environments with more birds of the same species

Life is a race to see who's gene set is the most superior and working as a collective to achieve that goal is the best strategy.
This is the biological foundation underlying Ethno Nationalism. I can go deeper into it, but its Sup Forums and IDK if you're serious or a troll

Are you Alex McNabb?

And this is coming for a Mongol Leaf. Seeing how I'm more white than you, I'd suggest leave the Intellectual heaving lifting to the men.

>muh western culcha
>dah jews dindu nuffin
In what way are you different from any other cuckservative?

OP is a faggot shill
>in all fields

well for one, I've managed to seemingly convince 10s of thousands of people to donate to me on Patreon.

The fact that you haven't been banned from Patreon means you are a cuckservative, m8.

timestamp your hairy man tit & post pic Peterson

That gave me a chuckle desu.
But this kind of tryhard shitposting is just stupid.

Guys, this is a leftist fuckbag who’s pretending to be alt-right so he can sway our views.

Nice try bud. The ethnostate will happen.

Austin ?

I can't wait until that furniture comes back into style. The cabin I inherited from gramps is decked with that old-school style. Only thing missing in that picture is the oversized ashtray on a pedestal

If you are not advocating for an ethnostate than you are alt-lite at best.

I'm sure regardless you would be excepted as an honorary citizen. I highly doubt anyone would deny you some sort of status if you could prove your devotion.

This phony is playing you puppets like a fiddle
I'm the hacker known as the alt right, don't ask me anything, I'm too busy hanging jews and gassing darkies