Everything is:
>false flag
>Jewish shenanigans
>shariablue/leftypol raid
I can't unsee any of this. I'm actually having a mental breakdown from a redpill overdose
What do, anons?
Everything is:
>false flag
>Jewish shenanigans
>shariablue/leftypol raid
I can't unsee any of this. I'm actually having a mental breakdown from a redpill overdose
What do, anons?
> redpilled
> memeflag
> sage
I forgot to change it, okay? Now answer the damned question.
What would Big Boss do?
Knowing that you have no idea what's real is the closest you can get to an objective outlook on reality these days
It's the folks who think they've got it figured that are lost
Go outside and take a break from pol and internet in general....go for a walk...do something physical reality based
meditation, reading 4+4chinz instead, taking breaks, etc.
My mistake was in thinking I could have rational discussions with friends and family I disagreed with. I was wrong, and cognitive dissonance is very real.
>do something physical
Lift weights. This above all else, user.
Or you know...
First off you're a monstrous fucking faggot using that flag period. You bring great shame to our country .
Now onto the substance. Stop believing everything you see and hear on Sup Forums. Not everyone here is a diligent and well intended actor. Barring the fact you're here forever, you should also take a break from here if it's messing with your sanity too much.
The world is a complex, intricate machine and there are many nefarious actors and organizations in this world. It's often very jarring to wake up from a dream when you had forgotten you were asleep in the first place. It'd almost feel crazy.
you too dumb to see whats real or fake
accept your tardness and start shitposting like everyone else on pol
redpill other people?
Sup Forums has gotten sloppy, red it has too much power here, exegesis on FL shooting is pathetically weak
I've been doing that for a while. If you see a pro-Jew bait thread, it's probably me fishing for lulz.
Reality is a tough pill to swallow. That's why so many people are content to sit in a trance in front of their TV, quite literally spending the majority of their existence absorbed in a false reality, living vicariously in a Hollywood fantasy world
Congrats you are now a schizophrenic autistic virgin you best the jews user
Stop larping and start living.
You have so many seconds/mins/hours before you die, that is the way of life.
1 Inform yourself and be active but don't worry.
2 self improvement everyday
3 work hard and make a living
4 start a family.
5 have hobbies
6 exercise and play team sports
7 make like minded friends.
The entertainment industry, with the exception of some vidya that I play religiously, makes me want to sperg out and start streaking and screaming.
I'm 34 and I've always thought hypocrisy and internal inconsistencies were the obviously wrong type of thinking and I've tried to avoid it and I thought most other were like me.
I've just recently come to realize I'm the exception. It's a little scary to think about living in a world were everyone gets a vote.
take your pick user
Stop relying on Sup Forums to give you your views and simply allow it to be a single source of info instead. Question everything and think for yourself like an adult human.
Meditation, squats (strong lifts 5x5 is a good place to start) , prayer, join a church, stop drinking, stop smoking, stop watching porn, eat real food, take a long break from forums, read books, have goals, shave, clean apartment, fold laundry, journal, save money
I've had close friends and family look at me as if I hadn't said anything. Not pretending, but as if it never happened. I've had grown adults turn into shrieking children. It's fucked up user. The inmates are (were) running the asylum. This is why you must lift weights - a strong body aids a healthy mind.
All this is gud advice
OP reporting in.
Active in my church. Have friends there. Volunteer wirh the high school youth group, help keep kids on the right path. And orbiting some cute Catholic girls my age (26) who volunteer with me.
Check out FSSP for nonglobohomo masses
The Novus Ordo Masses in my area aren't as homoglobo as everyone says it is. Believe me, I've seen some travesties.
Stop lying to yourself and become an Episcopal
Francis, too, shall pass. I hope will be the last gasp of the Spirit of Vatican II.
>Francis, too, shall pass. I hope will be the last gasp of the Spirit of Vatican II.
hopefully soon
why the fuck not, rolling
Look at your job for the next 20-30 years as raising at least 4 strong Catholic sons. It's too soo for revolution. Make enough money to homeschool them. Raise them poor so they learn how to fight. Teach them to lift, shoot guns, play rugby, pray, and benefit from compound interest. Funnel them into the military so they are not soft pussies that can protect their sisters and community.
Play this until you stop caring or top yourself. Whichever comes first.
More or less my plan of action. Also want to buy some rural, or quasi-rural, property so we can be self-sustainable as a family. Not like Varg or David Koresh, but out of the way where we won't attract attention.
there is a reason we call it the redpill
Surf the red pill wave my friend
Be strong damn it, you think no other anons went through that before? Grow a pair
Nothing is done without reason, and often the reasons are nefarious. There are no coincidences.
I've,been used to it for some time. Things have just really heated up these past few weeks.
You're doing HIS work. You know who I'm talking about.
You get the same results, friend.
Kill yourself
Exactly, for when fiat loses confidence, governments run out of gibs, the economy collapses and the cities start to burn. Work furitively brother, could be 5 years, could be 20.
The reason it wasnt allowed to go in 2008 was because the demographics havent shifted enough yet.
Dominus tecum
Sorry, I don't buy into 1488 faggotry. You are the reason the Left is gaining traction.
Even if I did, I have too much to lose. I am not going to sacrifice my wellbeing for a fringe cause I don't believe in.
>you get the rope
Enough with the Turner Diaries LARPing. You don't have the balls
Better quality.
When shtf, its like prison, your skin becomes your uniform
this needs an updated version for functioning stoners desu
You stop being a faggot and reach out to like minded people and try to plot a way forward.
Just because you wake up, living day to day with barely any planned continuity from one hour to the next, doesn't mean the world, and its dynamic sociology, function by the same mechanics. That is what is called projection. There is well over 100 years of blatant, widely sourced and distributed historical record and modern day insanity, which all points to the same people, methods and places. The reality is staring you in the face, and you cant swallow it. It's not that you're stupid, brainwashing is impressively powerful, estonishing even to those that escape its grasp. In a world where the entire body of its societies practice false-history and relations, a sick ulterior reality of untruth. The reality is that you are the swine at the trough. All of the swine tell eachother stories, any story really, as long as the trough keeps getting filled, dissenters are shunned, those who try to stop the trough feeding are silenced and sometimes killed. It is very soon the hour to be led into the stunbox. There are other swine in the holding area, they know that its coming, they've been watching you stuff your face and feed your offspring with paste, snap and whine at the others when they pass too close to your feed. Soon the stunbox door will open and many will go in, and you will help them go in, because that is your nature, but its not the nature of all of the swine in your pin. When the box opens, those who know will have the choice to go into the box or die fighting. They will fight, they will attempt to kill the feeder. You will become angry at their violence and on the subconscious level, you know that you don't posses the will to resist. You will never consider helping, because you don't consider death as a choice, only the minute by minute entropy of enslavement. So you will help the feeder, in any way you can, instead of dying with the bravest of your peers. Truly a brave new world.
Watch this.
What if you're skinny :/ how does one become an übermensch
either you need to stop smoking weed or you need to start
Things will get better user. Instead of hating and suspecting those around you, try to build up the positive aspects of your life. Take up a new skill, join a local team or group pertaining to your interests.
People are great (I mean you can't really compare them to anything) but like any system, our cooperation requires work and compromise to build and function.
At the end of the day you're going to die and turn to dust anyway, might as well ride it out doing some positive shit and smiling
realize that the world will always be more complicated than any human can fathom. our minds like to reduce complexity into simple understanding. this is what happens with religion, conspiracy theories, etc. the fact is, most of what we experience is emergent phenomenon, out of anybody's direct control (think nature).
No you fucking idiot 4 chan idiot. Do you know what a longer barrel does to bullet frequency? It gets amplified. Look up how gun barrels have spins in the design. More spinning literally makes the bullet go faster, where a pistol the bullet is just "popped" out over a short barrel.
Still a shill, I'll engage w this one...,
Yea bro it's cool, pol gave me a psychotic break. Im better now though, but forever changed.
Stop being a pussy and deal with it
You need to learn to develop and keep positive mental structures in your mind palace. Religious music is helpful. Waifus can work depending on how their used. When you go deeper into the nature of reality, it may shake your stability, so you might want to take it slow till you get used to readjusting.
you are still better off than the postmodernist marxist atheists.
Do some math programming or physics in spare times. that helps.