Prove youre not an alt right sheep, say one thing you respect about Islam

Prove youre not an alt right sheep, say one thing you respect about Islam

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They kill muslims

They keep their women treated how they should be.

They keep their women in check. Honestly, if it was't for the overly zealous beheading thing, they would be salvageable.

Strong sense of tradition and modesty, stay the fuck out of my country though.

I like their zero interest loaning policy

Hezbollah is based. I have to quarrel with CHAD arab and Shia nationalists who want their country free of ZOG and not EU gibs.
Somali's as pictured in your photo should be gassed though. Subhuman scum

Muslims are pretty good at calling out the jew. Everything else about muslims stink like shit though.

I like it when they blow themselves up.

They kill fags and enslave niggers


They hate Jews.

They're smart enough to realize that as long as whitey is around they will be nothing more than dirt on the shoes of those who built the modern world

Their dedication to their craft blows me away.

They don't have a rape problem.

There's nothing, and no I'm not a sheep, I just live in a country with massive levels of muslim immigration.

sxy wimonz

Muslims are anti-Semitic to the core. Honestly they make nazis look like flower hugging sissies with the amount of hatred they have towards the Jewish community. But that is not what I respect about them.

I respect how dangerously they reproduce and can conquer a society just by Zerg-multiplying. They multiply quicker than the Catholics or a horny African tribesman without magic penis wrap.

lamb dishes and hummus

They throw degenerate faggots off rooftops

>Muslims are anti-Semitic to the core.
most muslims are semites themselves couldn't you just say anti-jewish, I know it's a nitpick but it triggered me for some reason.

They know how to keep women in their place!

They're views regarding judaism.

My muslim friends are nice people. That's why they are my friends.

Oh and they don't have a fag problem either!

They know how to control their women

They don't drink alcohol.

There's not much good to say about them. As ordinary people in my city, they're at least more decent than the Mexican scum but that isn't saying much. African Muslims on the other hand are nigger tier and should be sent back on a free boat ride. I don't like Muslims attitudes, they're very rude if you do not have authority. They respect authority but do not respect women of authority, which I can agree with. FOB Indians are probably the most hard working but their children and extended families are straight up leeches who want nothing more than free gibs from whitey.

They have good architecture desu


Just reminded me, Christian Africans are legitimately decent people, most of them. It's a real shame that their children lose sight of what their parents went through when they grow up in America and become ordinary niggers and turn their backs on their parents values and traditions. But isn't that like every kid nowadays


outlawed the charging of interest on loans (usury) in iran

This. If a woman gets uppity her man should be allow to give her a nice slap to remind her of her place in the world. Also, all adulterous women should be stoned.

It's good for controlling niggers and low IQ populations.

it is said in the quran that it will rule as lord and
another religion will emerge to keep the culture of humanity. and not become soulless chihna.

it's not so much the architecture it's the eye for hyper symmetrical patterns. Mudslimes probably have OCD and that's the reason they interpret their book so autistically.

Those jeans are very haram.

the way they treat women and gays they got that right and i wish the rest of the world would adopt it

Islam throw gays off rooftop.

I feel your pain. I like my language to be precise, but those nasty jews took a term that should apply to multiple nations and made it all about themselves. This butchery of language forced me to be an antisemite.

the almighty knows and he is only one

Its mostly true since it adheres to nature of man and makes clear distinction between man and the god of nature and the universe and only views mohamed as a mere man. Its a serious cancer though since it welcomes racemixing and freed the east african slaves and mixing with them ensuring the number of nigger people in the world would increase exponentially

They beat women

I see degeneracy has corrupted the Islamic house as well from your webm

They really are good about throwing gays off of buildings

Islam is a bomb ass religion.

sure about that? Homosexuality was common in Al-Andalus

wrong reply

anybody who drinks camel piss, fuck goats in the ass and rapes children are special. Like a turd.

It advocates for it's adherents to kill themselves.


they hate jews as much as I do

Sure about that???


it acknowledges that black people shoulden't try and pretend they can leave the dark ages.


They seem to know that giving women rights is a really bad decision.

Sure about that???

Healthy food guidelines.

I disagree that aldulterous women should be stoned to death, bit there definetly should be punishment, and not only for women.

No dogs.

Sure about that???


and gold backed currency

The way they throw faggots off buildings and stone whores. I believe the alt-right can learn from these people.


Imagine what pic related, times 1400+ years does to a genome.

They are not salvageable.


Kinda crazy that most of their ideologies are similar to mine.

Only wouldve been better if I could admire them from further away, dont need them in my country.

Would be based buddhist if not for cia and mossad blowing up their countries making them flee into europe

Nasheeds (I think that is what they are called) are catchy as long as they are not in English so I don't understand what they are saying.

Yeah I can see that. The alt right and Muslims both seem to fear and hate women so much that it makes them impotent and angry. They lash out at the world around them because of this fear and do retarded things like fly planes into buildings and elect orange megalomaniacs.

Serial killers, terrorists, extremists, dictators. My theory is that it's almost all connected to some sort of sexual inadequacy. Freudian as fuck but rage towards the outside world and fear of women (or your latent homosexuality) have a definite connection.

ethnonationalist islam, brother

I respect the the Hajj personally I feel as if it really helps tie all branches of Islam together

They patrol their thots
