He's PHYSICALLY taking on the libshits at CPAC
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Another one....
When will they learn...
fucking manlets
Didn't Gorka used to be in some pretty heavy shit? Or am I thinking of someone else. Military wise I mean
I just went and watched the video. Do these idiots, Mediaite, know cell phones can take video?
Mediaite sounds really familiar, I've heard it before
durka durka gorka
Gorka's a faggot.
Nice link, queerbo
I'm gonna bump this piece of shit but you better sauce me, boy
>Mediaite sounds really familiar
just another commie interweb shitrag
That reporter looks very happy, they will pay well for this.
>5'11 vs 6'0"
fucking based
Manlet looks like an annoying faggot.
Deserves to be struck.
gorka is a cuck though he likes to shit talk evola and race realism and is a stooge for zog
why dont you faggots post the link
Gorka is a zionist.
No. He was a big brain at think tanks.
He was part of intel with the britbong military, doing intel gathering on rowdy potato niggers wanting freedom.
>He was part of intel with the britbong military
ah, thats what I was thinking about
Look at that smug grin on that faggot. Gorka shoulda went pavement ape and knocked him the fuck out.
from now on every conservative conference should have a token liberal hanging by a rope in the parking lot
Reporter? That fetus?
He should have dropped that faggot, would have been legendary.
Cumans are ruthless.
>fucking manlets
Gorka is 6 foot 5 or something like that.
There needs to be a law that protects reporters from bullying.
t. brainlet
>law to prevent reporters
It’s called the Death Act.
He's great
I wanted Gorka to be the occasional fill in White House press secretary. Can you picture Jim Acosta's fear asking Gorka anything? The Acosta getting owned?
Chad Gorkhammer Vs (((Igor Betbic)))
thanks desu, idk he's an asshole
Says the blue checks that use auto block bots.
Day of the Journalist when
mediaite is owned by our favorite LIVEPD host (((DAN ABRAMS)))
kike website that slanders the President
gorka probably lurks the threads
Have you ever heard him speak? Instant embarrassment for everyone in the room.