>We are the peace keeping security squad here to collect any firearms!
>Do not resist our lawful entry!
How do you react?
>We are the peace keeping security squad here to collect any firearms!
>Do not resist our lawful entry!
How do you react?
“AMERICA IS DEAD, LONG LIVE AMERICA” Then probably take a few with me before I’m shot to death.
If shit was going down that path they sure as hell wouldn't find me at my house. If they did find where I was hiding there'd be a group of at least 500 men and women that would keep their dirty feet off the door.
join the organization.
kill blacks, jews, and the system.
>things that will never happen for 500, alex
The idea is to get you to restrict your own firearms, the government knows a direct confrontation would never work. Which is why you build up cult personalities for 2A supporters to blindly follow as they curtail the 2A (Trump pushing the exact same platform as Hillary except Trump supporters are okay with it now).
come and take em
If you think the government would waste money collecting weapons house to house you're retarded.
as well as this
Just say that this is an active shooting and they won't come in. After a while, when you get hungry, pop down to MiccyDs for some burgers and a shake.
Whats most likely to happen is a slow push for more and more "common sense" measures. Bump stocks, pistol grips, magazine sizes, caliber, firing rate, etc etc etc until you're left with bolt action .22's. Then suddenly you don't even have the excuse that you're hunting with your gun and it's not even your gun anymore, it's your great grandsons and he was born with an evil penis and balls so the a jews cut both of those off and are withholding them until a female jewess/negress gives him permission to enter their used up cum slots. Of course your great grandson is a great progressive and of course turns over this murder machine to the proper authorities but is killed on the way to the police station by a roaming gang of niggers.
Yeah chip away a little by little with small compromises that people are generally okay with. "At least its not full on gun confiscation!" The thing is that every small compromise is nearly impossible to reverse so its only a matter of time before they get what they want.
>collecting my rightful firearms
I don't think so
>take out man on point with 12 gauge slug
>get immediately killed by his backup
They'll be that much more discouraged to kick in the next door.
The fact that we got the assault weapons ban timed out during the Obama administration boggles my mind.
>Implying they would warn you before they barge in, and shoot your dog.
interesting that republicans seem to fight harder for the 2A when they're not in power
>"YEEAAAH you thUnk my niggazz"
>Proceed to blast them with 45-70 bullets from my Marlin guide gun
>interesting that republicans seem to fight harder for the 2A when they're not in power
That's politics. Gets the base riled up and into the voting booth. Both parties need to be purged tbqh familia
murder/suicide molotov everything
British government goes house to house to collect their tv fee
speed off in pic related
>We are the peace keeping security squad here to collec-!
Unlawful entry denied.
>Everyone is as big of a piss baby coward as me
Liberals are incapable of opening their cocktrap without projecting.
Why are so many retarded threads like this popping up now? You can't simulate how someone would actually react in a situation like this.
>How do you react?
Resist their unlawful entry.
>Do not resist our lawful entry!
The ironic part about this whole thing, is it actually violates the Constitution beyond just the 2nd
Well, if I'm together with a militia in exact response for this shit, probably fight back. Dirty.
If I'm alone and probably one of the first to be raided, let them do what they want, and strike later with aforementioned militia.
I don't. I boobytrapped the entries before I bugged the fuck out. Enjoy your bacon.
If they don't have a warrant, then a homeowner has legal right to shoot in defense against the trespassing. Doesn't matter if they are law enforcement or not.
Any government who acts unlawfully does not negate your rights, they merely delegitimize their authority.
I would do nothing FBI OP. I promise.
>He doesn't have a hidden weapon cache.
>Obrez home defense
What good will that do with only two hands, only myself, and drywall?
If you're talking about tragic boating accidents, we've all had plenty of those. It's a real epidemic.
Comply willingly and peacefully of course. I've already turned in my guns and I'm sure that this is just a misunderstanding
>4 armed cops too shook to even enter a building where *one* betamax autist is popping off
honestly this whole situation is easing my worries of this ever happening
Well they aren't wearing gas masks, so they're dead within 35 seconds of door breach.
Hide guns beforehand so they can't find them, hand them like two to throw them off.
If I didn't have a chance to do so,
and then shoot the survivors. Even if they get me, those guys are going to be really fucking edgy about getting into any other buildings.
Thermite/ directional explosives and Who's how else would I respond
Close quarters combat in a house, I have the home advantage, I have a few guns and a swords, I'd ask them to pay 1k each gun, and if they don't comply I'd probably ether A. Fight back. Or B. Sue the governing body that came up with that bill for 1k for every gun they took and publicize it as much as possable as to make others follow suit until it is too expensive for them to continue.
Composition bravo, my dude.
Not everyone is a coward like you.
I would take down as many as I could if that ever happened, which it won't, so no need to worry.
EFP's not whos
By not being there by the time they get there dumbass.
what percentage of entries would be met with barrage of bullets?
This is why organizing and communication is important. First one to get raided, the word needs to get out real fast. This is why the capacity for militias are important.
>Do not resist our lawful entry!
See it would be funny if our 5th amendment rights actually meant anything still. Now its just depressing and real.
Guess I'd have to die that day.
reinforced entry ways and tunnels and lots of pocket sand!
"Says here you have 15 more firearms. We're are they?"
The UN? I would not hesitate to shoot.
Shit I'm out of anti commie pics.
501 count me in.
You should have a kill room, an obvious entry they're going to take, like a shabby front door, that only leads to a empty room with the actual security door and trapped inside, they pour gas from above and light a match.
I went fishing with my firearms about a week back and lost 'em.
Taxes would be increased or bonds would be sold to raise the money. Alternatively they could make maintaining/using the weapons nigh impossible by restricting cleaning and lubricant and halting domestic sale of ammo.
Never thought I'd be entertaining Dale Gribble-tier ideas, but it's 2018 and here we are.
Sorry those cops are already dead, killed in ambush attacks 1 and 2 at a time after the government passed some gun legislation that went too far.
502, will this be a bring your own weapons party?
Feel free to take that one. Here's another with a bit more appeal for gamers.
If you have a bitt of forewarning you could use gloves and finely ground up glass
>pushing the exact same platform as Hillary except Trump supporters are okay with it now
>except Trump supporters are okay with it now
>are okay with it now
Yeaaaa.....but no, doesn't sound like it.
Tunnels work and have always worked lol.
Just turn your house into a bond villain death trap and leave the entry team to their work while you live to ambush later.
Ambush the gun grabbers with they are having lunch at McDonalds. Kill their families at home, so they come home to blood on the walls.
I already stocked up on ammo and shit, and ppl would vote against more taxes to take your freedoms
id give them my guns but id give them all my bullets first
Ty m8
Ah shit, if it's the UN and not federal troops I'd fucking shoot back then, since the UN would probably kill me anyway.
Breach man door kicker can enjoy his broken leg, it's gonna take them at least 30 minutes to breech my door if they don't have heavy equipment.
Start shooting those niggers and they'll stop
What's guns?
Pretty much time to fight will be when I see this somewhere else on my street. I'd go to the woods nearby and try to get in a tree stand and pick as many off as I can before they all shoot the whole area to hell. At least it would create such a shit show that people would hate the gun confiscation.
100% chance I would fight any gun stealing communists. Liberals need to understand they aren't the only ones in this country. They can go to hell. I am never giving up my rights.
They will just go through the wall you absolute donut.
>I'd go to the woods nearby and try to get in a tree stand and pick as many off as I can before they all shoot the whole area to hell.
Stand on one leg while you do it.
>no answer from inside the house
>they kick the door in
>the door explodes back into their face killing three of them and seriously injuring two more
>they open fire and no one notices their (((comrades))) falling behind them as my suppressed .300 black out takes them in the spine.
Niggers better come expecting tunnels and a barrel behind every blade of grass
Deus vult?
>suppressed .300 black out
>implying theyre going to get passed my 40 acre minefield where I forgot the placement of the mines I buried
good luck
Flame gun, full suit of hand crafted medieval armor, and automatic defences
>not training for a situation like this
You'll react how you train to react.
I have no guns with me, but i can hear the sound of the illegal weapon market from here.
In my country, the police have to use literal tanks to combat the drug and weapon dealers.
Good luck to you all!
Surrender my guns to Microsoft Presents: The Police™. I came to terms with our impending orwellian cyberpunk dystopia months ago. At least it'll have a dash of the slightly more appetizing Brave New World mixed in.
I hate phone posting
Important to note here is that mines shift with time.
Why do all that when the FBI can legally enter your home and take your guns while you're not there?
>tfw cook yourself alive in your own steel armor
bang bang nothing personal kid
>I'll take "fantasy roll playing" for $100 Alex.
Fine door you got there mate but consider one with interior hinges, thats the point of attack they'd attempt first, wouldn't take more than ten minutes with a couple angle grinders.
The fuck are you getting at?