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russian! shoaher!!!

this is actually true you fucking idiotic drumpfkin. Why do you think they are called ASSAULT rifels?

I hope you are joking

A Beeman break barrel pellet gun shoots at over 1000 feet per second. According to his faggot math a pellet gun would shoot so much faster than an AR15 that it would rip a hole in spacetime.

Sure thing op, give the teachers like that coach who actually loves his students and took bullets for them AR15s.

I agree with you 100%.

So you're saying that I should start carrying a rifle?

No you fucking idiot 4 chan idiot. Do you know what a longer barrel does to bullet frequency? It gets amplified. Look up how gun barrels have spins in the design. More spinning literally makes the bullet go faster, where a pistol the bullet is just "popped" out over a short barrel.


How is the speed of a bullet relevant whatsoever when these kids are getting shot in a building. A bullet is instantaneously anywhere it's fired in urban areas, pretty much.

because you can dodge a handgun bullet but not a rifle bullet


>More spinning literally makes the bullet go faster

Stop using "literally" like that. Totally unnecessary.

Trump is a hammer, the msm media are the nails, and the coffin is liberalism that demonicRats are all jumping into. Now lets go to liberal hero Lawrence ODonnell to see what he thinks about the hammer (Trump):

Who the fuck cares you fucking brainlet??? A 1000ft per second and 3000 ft per second don't mean shit over the distance of 30 ft.
1/100th of a second won't matter dipshit

>gunfights are dodgeball

Pretty sure the spinning is for bullet stability, retard.


Shit tier b8 guy. Try again in another thread.

Define assault rifle.

oh please please go post this in /k/

>SR-71 was faster than a bullet shot from an AR-15
Nigga we should have been living on Mars by now.

he'd have a point if the shooter would be 200 meters away, and even then it just comes a matter of accuracy.

I thought I was the only one on Earth who hated that stupid fucking faggot word

he said its bait you fucking retard

That sounds like something someone who has been educated beyond their intelligence says.

holy shit is this real life

well actually, if it breaks the sound barrier then it can harm multiple people's ears, instead of just hurting one student.

Also, 3000 feet per second is TWICE the speed of sound, so everyone takes two hits instead of just 1.

Benji did a thing about this

Why do you think SNIPER rifles are able to fire from such a long distance without slowing down? They have the longest barrels meaning they get the most speed. You need a barrel like that to get speed for long distances and STILL be accurate. and yea, unlinke your bullshit NRA 1/100 of a second DOES matter in a place like a school.

In a school shooting you won't have any engagement exceed 20 meters.

spinning is for accuracy. But do you think you will hear the sound of the gunshot that fires the bullet that kills you?

Not gonna lie, I’d rather be shot by the slower gun. I might even have a chance of getting out of the way.

He means Higher Velocity = Higher Damage, and there's no way a teacher's carrying around a long gun. Thus they would be at a considerable disadvantage to an attacker.

a projectile to surpass the speed of light

I thought this was fake. I didn't think even MSNBC would post something so retarded.

I was wrong.


"Literally spinning & shaking" - the left is turning to jelly

Yeah I know, which is why that whole statement is fucking hilarious. Is this an actual headline? Are american liberals really this gullible to think this was something a smartman would say? If it is real that is.

I won't die standing on my feet, I will die standing in your shoes.

ok, we understand that you are talking about loading charges and bullet velocity, we can also take into account the mass of the bullet, if its lead, copper jacket, or something else, some low ignition bullets are used for suppression because it doesn't break the sound barrier, but what does that have to do with giving the people that can react faster an opportunity to defend their kids and themselves, one well placed bullet can disable a multi magazine ar 15 tacticool carrying white guy, prove me wrong

I mean shit, any retard should be able to dodge a bullet from a handgun, the shit might as well hop out of the barrel and walk towards you.

>Have retarded opinions, make retarded arguments



I finally understand why barely a million schmucks watch these fuckers now.

No, people here are really starting to see just how retarded and outrageous the left is. I think it all really started when they started parading around that Pepe is a white nationalist symbol. Also, the tweet is real lmao. In the video he talks about how "AR-15" rounds tumble while a handgun round passes straight through, so apparently now hollow-points don't exist

You're right, but your mechanism is wrong. Rifles shoot at higher velocity not because of increased spin on the bullet, but because the high pressure gases exert a force on the bullet for a longer distance and longer period of time, accelerating the round to a faster speed than a handgun does.

How fucking delusional can you get lol

When I was young, stupid, and liberal I never understood how someone could be "evil" enough to genocide an entire people, as an adult I understand it was justice all along.

it doesn't matter if it's a shit bait - retards will bait regardless

>1 ar15 can beat 30 pistols

Basically these people think faster bullets is like first strike in MTG

lol wtf are they implying here, its easier to get a gun than a book?

>.223 round is fast so it kills you
>Masterrace .45 ACP is much slower so you will have a chance live despite its massive size
>.45 single shot kill average is 96%

MFW libshits can into ballistics

you think I own shoes (0:29 mark)?

that was funny. forgot about that 1. thanks. i appreciate your post


niggers can't afford shoes.

What in the fuck does muzzle velocity have to do with anything? A Desert eagle .50 cal has a muzzle velocity of ~1400fps, which is roughly comparable to my pellet gun (pic related). The kikes are going all out this time.

Extended barrels put the bullet into hyper speed, nick cruz knew this - the chickens he shot were roasted on the inside as though they had been grilled in a fryer, a common hyperspeed bullet phenomenon

>Blow whole through shooters rifle, shooter, and part of concrete wall behind him

>Why do you think SNIPER rifles are able to fire from such a long distance without slowing down?

100% factual lie from an ignorant, whiny little bitch. fuck off and kys you shit stain.

obviously police need to be armed with rail guns to fight back against these monsters using ar-15's

Prove me fucking wrong Sup Forums idiot


People with negative gun knowledge trying to educate people on why guns are dangerous

Can you believe this idiot?

>1/100 of a second DOES matter in a place like a school
>i''m a retard, the post

Why not just arm the teachers with lazers then?

They travel at the speed of light so a school shooter won't be able to dodge it in time

It drives me up the fucking wall. There's way too much of it here. You'd think Sup Forums people would treat the language with a little more care, but you'd be wrong.

I mean, wtf? The minor variations in speed between different calibers of ammunition being fired from different types of guns really don't matter, because they're all extremely faster than human reaction time, I mean even a fucking manual bow-fired arrow travels too fast for actual real people who aren't fictional characters in narratives to dodge it.

>Extended barrels put the bullet into hyper speed,

What you are saying is kinda true, the higher speed bullets cause "hydrostatic shock".
This shock wave not only instantly kills the target on contact but also causes severe nerve
damage to those within a 4.5 foot radius.

US Marines have been known to kill 3 targets with one bullet due to hydrostatic shock.

>You can learn some amazing things on /k/

Shooting anyone from 10 feet away with a rifle or a pistol doesn't make a shit difference at that range.

put me in the screencap
pic related

>assault weapons
>but all weapons assault people
>all weapons even a slingshot or pointy stick is an assault weapon
And now you know what a fucking retard you.

This is so retarded that I had to check twitter to make sure it was real. The fact that this isn't a photoshop depresses me.

Datz y we'z stealz them!



That’s a debunked theory, just google it. More pressure is exerted by kidney stone treatments and those are pretty safe.

ok fucking dumb nazi

I feel like the whole world is trying to sound like 14 yr old girl

>he'd have a point if the shooter would be 200 meters away
Even then, that doesn't matter unless you know exactly where the shooter is and the time to react is still miniscule. The only way you're dodging is if you're extremely lucky.

>He doesn't dodge handgun bullets and retaliate with a AR-15

Are you guys even trying to be school shooters?


There is no gunsmithing designation of assault weapon, it's a fucking bullshit term cooked up by leftist politicians to scare their beta male and cunt voters.

The average reaction time for humans is 0.25 seconds to a visual stimulus, 0.17 for an audio stimulus, and 0.15 seconds for a touch stimulus, yeah +-/100 of a second is fuck all

>what is sarcasm

I make up bullshit and you comeback and tell me its real wtf. I bet you think you can curve the bullets too.

Someone do me a favor- I'm trying to find a quote by one of our founding fathers but I'm having trouble recalling it.

The gist was that it's foolish to place trust in the virtue of the government, and that seemingly good things done by the government for the wrong reasons would convince even the best of souls.

Any help?

At this point the media is just trolling their sheeple

>Hydrostatic shock in a 4.5 foot radius
Hydrostatic shock is the shockwave that travels through your tissues as they absorb the bullet's KE. Its not a fucking AoE spell

>not having a gunrack in your classroom
The fuck kinda Yankee cityboy dandy you got teaching your kids?

Were you born yesterday? Assault rifle has been a term as long as I can remember. It is literally a class of its own rifle. MUCH different and more dangerous than a shotgun or a 1 shot hunting rifle. They need to be seriously controlled, anybody who says HURR DURR MY GUNZ is a brainwashed fool who doesnt understand the power of such a gun

>dodging bullets

This isn't the Matrix or people using gun-kata. At that distance it would be down to the accuracy, a rifle easily outperforms a handgun in that area. In a school setting though this is absolutely meaningless unless the shooter was approaching students and the teacher with a football field between them.

Assault weapon =/= assault rifles
Assault rifles go full auto, and normies can't get those.

No, you're right.

You are still a leaf, though.

A fucking goddamned mortar shell moves much slower than rounds shot from a rifle or handgun, I guess Lawrence and the leftist retards would rather the schools be shelled than shot up.

A library card is free. Guns have age restrictions and a background check. What is the artist talking about?

Yfw they fuck up and ban ar15s
So we form or join militias and get it's big brother instead.