Iran Vs Israel

Who do you stand with?

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I hate both Muslims and Jews, so neither. Iran > Israel though.


Non-whites dying

Israel they have the host; U.S.

Persia. They've actually contributed culture to the world.
And, it's "whom." Now piss off.

If they both got decimated, everyone wins

>And, it's "whom." Now piss off.
Well, damn. I'm drunk as fuck.

I'm cool with a nuclear exchange.


Death to israel

I stand with the US of A.
They're not our monkey, and it's not our circus.

iran each and every time. They have never wronged us they way the kikes have.

We changed the regime in the 1970's and put sanctions on them every year, they have more reasons to hate the US but still havent bombed us so....

Iranian women..
Hott jew girls....
Breed them all out.
Why can't we do it like they do??

Death to Israel

Based Iran

Iran, obviously

Iran was cursed after it killed the true prophet, Mani.

Iran. They need to drop the fucking Islam shtick, though.

Israel, our greatest ally. God save Netanyahu

Then force genetic engenering on their babies to make them more white :D
Its okay Iran. We will save you!

Iran for sure. Their signatory status on the NPT prevents them from legally obtaining nuclear weapons so the "Iran nukes" hysteria is BS, they're not the fucking DPRK.

I don't like Islam at all, but you gotta admit that all of the Islamic attacks against the west are virtually all Sunni. Iran is actually helping Assad and not the rebels/ISIS, so if you hate the shitskin invasion of Europe, support Iran.

Iran doesn't corrupt higher level world powers (not that they could anyway). In Iran you can can pretty much practice almost any religion you want, there are a fair bit of Jews in Iran compared to other shitskin countries, just don't be a filthy Zionist kike and you're free to be Jewish.

As a previous poster mentioned, Iran has contributed culture, whereas Saudis have contributed only Islam and Jews have contributed federal banks.

Since Jews are pretty cool and Muslims are scum of the earth I'm rooting for Isreal

As a white germanic american man I stand with based israel.

Fuck muslims !

I hate both but I would go with Iran.

>shill spacing
fuck off kike.

I need a redpill on Iran. I've already sided with them because of distaste for Israeli's but I need some facts themselves on Iran

Persians> Dirty Jews

They have such a rich history, something the globally hated jew could only dream off.

Jew media has portrayed them as villains just for standing up to zionist aggression.

Death to israel


>changing the Iranian regime was bad
ya dawg, the Shah was an evil man.

t. instigating jew

getting allah akbarred > getting organ farmed

Israel, forever and always. Greater Israel NOW!

BBCPersian has found recently declassified documents in US National Archive about secret plan of president Kennedy to overthrow secular government of Pahlavi in favour of Shia clergy led by Ayatollah Khomeini through a coup plot in 1963.

US gov & CIA had formed "Iran 918 Group" consisted of a several Iranian Army commanders to overthrow Shah's government if he resist any Islamic revolution. One of the group members was Mohammad-Vali Gharani who later became Iran Army's Chief-of-Staff after Islamic revolution.

Later on, Carter's administration was also becoming tired with the Shah since he was no longer being an OPEC puppet, and Carter's administration initially backed Khomeini:

It is fairly clear from the linked document and several other declassified papers that elements of the US government were actively conspiring against the Shah from the mid 1970s until his fall. The Shah kept pushing for oil price hikes at a time of economic weakness in the West, and just after the US domestic oil production peaked. With that revenue he was embarking upon ambitious development programmes. Eventually, the US managed to get Saudi Arabia to undercut the official OPEC oil price and therefore undercut the Shah. Revolution came shortly afterwards

The USA began distancing itself from Iran since William E. Simon's 1974 petrodollar deal with Saudi Arabia.

Also, on a funnier note, Carter's ambassador to UN also called Khomeini a saint

The Shah had visions of grandeur, and believed that oil prices could only continue to rise and based Iran's budget on that assumption.

The Shah wanted to become independent and no longer an OPEC puppet near the end of his reign, which lead to massive expansion in military spending (based on the assumption in the budget that oil prices would never stop rising), which entailed the arrival of tens of thousands of American contractors, who inflamed anti-American tensions in Iran through their boorish behaviour.

The Shah wanted to see Iran become a great power before he died, resulting in unsustainable military spending.

Carter gave millions to Khomeini, his UN representative called him a saint, and supported him as an alternative to the Shah.

The USA constantly changes alliances whenever it is convenient and in its economic interests. This is insane. Kissingerian realpolitik needs to be abandoned for the possibility of any rapprochement.

Honor and integrity is something most Americans know nothing about.

USA is supporting an even worse alternative than the IRI, and they are called MEK/NCRI (parent groups). They are Islamist cultists influenced by Marxism; they killed many Americans, gassed Iran's own people, and have a history of molestation and being cultish. USA supports Islamist extremists when they align with their geopolitical and economic interests.

ALSO, prior to the Revolution, UK/USA were spreading lots of propaganda demonizing the Shah VIA THE RADIOS, but this was just pretext covering the fact the USA wanted him gone due to becoming more independent.

Neither cause they’re both gay. Islam is a retarded religion, and Judaism controls the world.


None, they both can rot for all I care.




Iran would be in the top 10 countries if the USA didn't back Khomeini.
