Operation Northwoods

>left-Tech crackdowns in effect
get comfy faggos, things a heatin’ up.

Other urls found in this thread:

cubic.com/sites/default/files/Cubic Corporation Anti-Human Trafficking Disclosure 2017.pdf

Bump for truf

>oy vey the goyim are on to our tricks!
>stop being so sloppy you klutzes!

Darkness flees from Light. They will continue to struggle and fail.


does anyone know the ORIGINAL source of this video? did an edited clip from the same angle and with the same background appear in any news segment that aired? does anyone have a better theory for where this clip originated than some insider user posted it to youtube and Sup Forums?

Why do you guys think he's a crisis actor and not your typical overly blue pilled teenager who thinks this is his chance to shine and make a name for himself. Happens all the time. It's not the most charming thing, but it doesn't mean he's a fake.

>Today: Free speech crackdowns
>Tomorrow: Wrong think deathcamps.

Proof this is a false flag.

500 people were shot by the cia in Vegas and there was no pre planned gun grab

>Why the fuck does a military simulation training program need a pdf detailing their commitment to not take part in human trafficking?

What made it necessary for them to post that? Is it required by law for them to make that statement?

cubic.com/sites/default/files/Cubic Corporation Anti-Human Trafficking Disclosure 2017.pdf

The legacy media looks like a building without any structural flexibility.

If Jews behaved according to some malicious plan and weren't just some random blokes who happened to be Jewish, then explain me why CNN hates Trump who is openly pro-Jewish, has Jewish relatives and recognises Jerusalem.

Pro tip. You can't because you theories are bollocks, bullying and witch hunt. Anti-Semites belong to niggers.

Are normies waking up to the reality of false flags and sketchy circumstances surrounding mass casualty events? what does this mean?

Semites and Jews are two different things. Russian bots won't deter my bullets from their courses.

>banning different opinions
Kikes aren’t even hiding it anymore


Where's the quote about when people don't believe or trust the news. From the Cia or fbI in the 60?

Seems like we're at that point.

Is social media finally getting out of the hands of those fucking jews, They created this new platform, and now everyone who made these platforms regrets having done it because they can't control it like they wanted. One of the co-founders of twitter said recently he regretted ever making twitter because social media hasn't had the effect they were hoping for. Same with the printing press and ironically enough after the printing press was supposed to "enlighten" the world we get centuries of war and death. The same thing is happening with social media, the people who made it to "better connect the world and make everyone equal with a voice" are losing control of it, trying to grasp on to it with ever tightening grips, all this censoring and data control is getting too big for them to contain. 99% of silicon valley was against trump even though they control this medium, and yet he STILL won

not mutually exclusive

maybe this whole thing has been about internet censorship and not gun rights.

There's no malicious plan, but the cultural zeitgeist of Jews propagates some pretty cancerous victim-hood/sports thinking to the masses, due to a combination of the sense of victimization from the holocaust being such a cultural unifying issue that they simultaneously exploit and lament, as most cultures would, along with so many Jews having financial/cultural influence to propagate the whole psychosis, due to mostly historical socioeconomic reasons that gentrified many.

Don't attribute to malice what can be explained with stupidity, or something like that.

In other words, while they're not bad guys, they're not exactly making things better. Bad cultural influence. That's all. And you could argue that's because our culture(s) allowed it while letting our own lax, so it's not a one way street either, personal accountability needs to be examined too. I guess an analogy, would be like trolls on the internet, there's no meeting of the minds, but the overall behavior from riffing off each-other has instilled certain ways of thinking that damage discussion and trust among posters, worsening the state of affairs and preventing real discussion from ever taking place.

I was bored, sorry.

The three main, and most entertaining truthers, were Russianvids, Peekay truth and Barry Soetero. All three were silenced and banned from jewtube multiple times.

Operation Northwoods document is a textbook how to on making these hoax events

>Funerals for mock victims will generate passion and sympathy for the attack on (fill in blank here)

The problem is just with anonymous social media, you can't get sued for libel or slander.

Expect to need to upload a photo ID to be able to register for these websites in the future.


>explain me why CNN hates Trump who is openly pro-Jewish, has Jewish relatives and recognises Jerusalem.

Pretending that CNN is against Trump, is their greatest coup, the greatest fooling of the masses forever. Notice when Drumph bombs Syria, CNN and FOX all get on board with the propaganda and forget their so called differences?

>Fake as hoax shooting
>Trump and CNN/FOX etc all media all in lock step pretending it's real.

CNN is just the CIA, and Trump in charge of the CIA. What is operation Mockingbird, what is church commission hearings?

Because of how hard they're trying to shut it down this time. Usually the crisis actor maymay is just ignored

remember when Facebook and Google argued for Net Neutrality to let the gubbment censor the internet because if we didn't have Daddy Gubbment in charge then private companies would censor the internet?

>we can't silence free speech and/or the truth oh noes

don't forget this colossal jew faggot.
reminder he said "nigger" on cnn a week before all of this.

Oy vey

No shit, every player in this is FBI, CIA (anderson cooper) or connected (David Hogg, FBI son and intern) Also Hogg looks over mid-thirties not high school age.

We never get our say in the debate, but if I did I would just ask over and over to David Hogg, or any FBI shills,

>How many guns do you own hypocrite??

And then watch them tie themselves in logic pretzels.

>How many machine guns does your father own David Hogg?

That is why we never get our say in the debate lol