The left did this

How long did it take for todays anti-white anti-truth and anti-science left wing to turn you from conservative / libertarian / classic liberal / non-political/ or other to fascist or national socialist.

When mainstream left wing parties and institutions decided to veer super far left that was it for me. It took maybe 1 year of their nonsense, hatred, mockery and threats to turn me into a person that wants to see them all imprisoned and removed by any means necessary.

Specifically it was them trying to force the idea that a crazy man who thinks he is a woman is a woman. They basically threw away science and reason in order to push a completely political agenda that harms mentally ill people (encouraging their psychosis, medication, and mutilation) and society. I then went even further seeing the anti-white rhetoric. I noticed anything white was labelled wrong. I noticed government and university jobs posting they will not hire white men. I also discovered what 14/88 was and was shocked to hear that a statement calling for the preservation of white culture was somehow evil. I will never turn back at this point.

Post your stories.

Imageboards weren't a thing when I was a kid, so thankfully I grew up without ever falling for the fascism or national socialism memes.

Liberty is important, and is in fact something worth killing over.

However it is absolutely not worth extinction. Societies have revived themselves under tyranny but no people have been able to survive death.
>inb4 Holocaust.

t. leftist brainlet

The intellectual left that sustained the reality distorting lie for generations is quite literally dead. They’ve grown old and died. The generation that replaced them is doing an subpar job of sustaining the successes of their ancestors and were marching towards a tipping point in which the majority of people reject the lie and accept the truth.

National socialists are economically left-wing.

NYE 2016. 16 months from libertarian to alt-right. Another 6 for full fash.

>"there was no fascism and or national socialism before imageboards"

The left and the right are memes. The only thing that exists is the truth and the lie.

for me it was in college when I wrote a small 5 page paper comparing eastern and western philosophy and claimed that western philosophy was superior since it promotes natural rights and property rights. I used a small example how monkeys have a concept of property and how its innate in primate nature.

I got an F, and got called a racist for Comparing minorities to monkeys. I had to spend the next 3 months defending my stance and trying to get an apology from the TA.

Thats when I knew things had gotten too far

I have no problem with a fascist ethno nationalist government if that is what you are asking.

This is patently false. The Fasch economic model is protected corporatism. You have companies compete for state contracts and the ones that serve the state better get state protection and favorable provisions. while the ones that dont get elbowed out

kek'd and checked

This election did it for me. Democrats and leftists just lying over and over, manipulating people with shill companies like CTR, completely taking over r3ddit with their BS, altering Google search results, it was just sickening.

I'm still a centrist, I just believe in physical removal now.

Also commies are not people and therefore do not have rights.

The leftist idea that races do not exist and, as an example, that sub saharan africans have the same intelligence and temperament (among many other attributes) as us is so devoid of objective reality / science that it's truly disturbing knowing these people walk among us.


The propaganda that were all equal is the most dangerous to date.

I had a Western Religions professor teach us about Gramsci, Foucalt, etc... and tell us that the only absolute evil was rape. We watched a video about some islanders who sacrificed babies in fire, so I wrote that as long as it was their belief and it appeased their God then it was okay. After all, no absolutes, right? All of a sudden the next day he starts the lecture on how some things are just wrong. Fucking idiot marxist fucks.

I'm convinced that most leftists know this is true, they understand there are differences between races including IQ.

However they just choose to lie about it. This makes it even worse honestly, because they are lying about something so fundamental just to achieve their political goals.

yah peoplekind is much better off where and when you come from now. If i thought you would reproduce, i would tell you good luck with your brown daughter first hijab fitting.

yeah Foucalt is a fucking ponce we had to read him too. I'll tell you anons right the fuck now the only evil in this world is taking away the freedom of others to do as they please, so long as their actions do not impede the right of others to do as they please

I never said that at all. Please read the sticky.

I firsthand know that quite a few feminist administrators and instructors at the local university think black people are mentally inferior but they excuse it with statements such as "we all have different skill sets". Of course these feminists are all for getting more POC into high positions when talking professionally..basically they just do this because it's the hot thing now and they think they can jump dart their careers by being "progressive".

I don't recall the name but there is a female leadership organization in canada that many of these females belong to. It basically brainwashes them to trade societal destruction (which any openly discuss privately - especially in regards to POC quotas) for career advancement.

Unless he's nearly a hundred, fascism/natsocism wasn't really around when he was a kid.

Their overreaction told me more about the left than anything Trump ever said himself. I was already redpilled on Zionist neocons. I thought some on the left were right. 2016 opened my eyes to the insanity.

my mans im sorry to burst your bubble, but if you believe in the removal of leftists you are not a centrist. If anything youre still economically middle of the road but way more authoritarian than anything remotely close to center.

Honestly what they're calling "alt right" today would just being a normal person 20 years ago, Trump was a Democrat in 2004 and today he's considered an extremist Republican, his entire platform is full of things that people in the 90's took for granted.

I'm a radical centrist. Gas the far left and the far right.

I would say it's healthy for even centrists to want to remove some of the leftists nowadays

this must end in civil war at this rate

>played in a "hxc punk" band when i was younger
>the "scene" was full of crusty hippie faggots
>gradually grow to hate them, m8 and i just wanted to play fast and hard music and make "edgy" jokes, not be lectured to about soichorizo and anarcho marxist bullshit
>noticed massive cognitive dissonance: every white "conservative" was a bigot racist even for the most tame shit, you could say shit like "kill white men", shit on American flags, and so on, but La Raza "brown pride" bands could wave Mexican flags and sing about Mexican nationalism, and it's not problematic at all
>also long before today the "punk" scene was already full of "no means no" kind of feminism and dumb queer shit

that turned me into a libertarian. i drifted from libertarianism when i realized the primary issue in our society isn't government per se, but race. i admire people who want to put it aside (i tried), but it's really not possible. i remember once having a friend who was sort of racist and when i went on some libertarian hyper-individualist spiel and said "why should i care about race?" he didn't give me a novel on white identity, he just said "because everyone else does." from my own experiences and what i see in the media, read on forums, etc i think it's accurate. the double standards are just too obvious, and that seems to be what gets to a lot of others too.

the far right won't be genociding whites user, nor will it be pushing todays leftist anti-science

Still a classical liberal, now i'm just fighting against niggers and commies.

You're all idiot socialists who deny history

The more (((they've))) pushed, the further I've gone.

the left has this delusion of impeaching trump or voting him out in 2020 but I can't imagine how we go back to "normal" after this. I can't imagine another Obama type getting into office after everything that's been exposed about the govt, the media, and the entire left. despite Soros bussing protesters around, I really think Trump is the only thing keeping the peace. I think the right is sort of hanging back and seeing what he'll do, hoping he can fix things without resorting to violence. if anything happens to trump, go help us. I think the country will explode.

you will all hate me for this but for me it was gamergate. I was always slightly red pilled, but like the pic I was pretty libertarian and never really bought into the traditionalism or any of the deeper level shit other than fuck the government, but seeing all the connections to the CIA and seeing what happened to videogames in such a short amount of time made me start noticing shit everywhere. Why comics had gotten so bad, why college, even a STEM focused one like I went to was so shit, why my older sister went insane after her college experience, how my friends were turned into freaks because of antidepressants and ADD meds. There is so much I used to enjoy that I can't now that my eyes are open to the agenda behind it, but it is pretty amazing and an immensely positive impact on my life. I used to have to dedicate around 10 hours a week to shows I like, particularly capeshit from the CW, and videogames took an enormous amount of time away from me, but I have dropped anything that I ever needed to make an excuse for and now have all that time for other things, specifically getting /fit/ and self improving.