Do you think Videl cheats on Gohan? It must be devastating for a woman to marry a Chad only for him to turn in into a beta who needs to be constantly saved by his 40 something year old dad.
Do you think Videl cheats on Gohan...
If you wont stay on /r9k/ can't you at least stay in the Dragon Ball general?
user, she had the perfect opportunity to get out of the marriage during that whole thing where Gohan was being blackmailed with a video that made it look like he was cheating on her. But she didn't she stuck with him.
Maybe you'll find love someday too when you realize there's a lot more to the foundation of a relationship than the Chad meme.
Fuck off robofag.
>Sup Forums of all places being this cucked
One day you kids will be redpilled.
user, if you're posting on Sup Forums, you're not a Chad either.
I never claimed to be a Chad.
Who would she cheat on him with? Goku, Vegeta Buu and Piccolo are the only ones remotely close to him even before he buffed up in the last arc
One day you will get out of your mom's basement and get a job. Maybe, just maybe a girl will want to talk to you, but I'm sure you say memes in real life.
Fuck it, just stay here where you belong. Die peacefully in your shitty redpilled fantasy land....also your moms basement.
>"Lol he doesn't worship the almighty hole so he must be some loser who lives in his mom's basement! XD!"
You know who else hates women and treats them like shit? Chad and the POTUS.
Why does every series I like have such a cancerous fanbase on Sup Forums
This. I can't believe the DBZ fandom of ALL fandoms can have people who believe women arent slaves to Chad.
He might not look like a chad anymore, but on the inside he still is, Videl is a canon cuckquean
Gohan's parents are both canonically handsome/beautiful, he is a Chad on the outside. Mentally, not so much.
Worse, he doesn't even try and he still gets all the pussy.
That's why he is the CHADhan
>pretending that your rampant degeneracy isn't rooted in your lack of luck with women
>implying you have to worship women to get them instead of just not being a fucking chanfag all day
Get off the computer and go outside, user.
Without your cheap cell phone.
Found the crossboarder.
You had an episode about that already, and she doesn't. Sorry NTRfags, go back to crying in the Takagi-san threads.
On that note a lot of people like to think that Goten is Chichi's child with Gohan, since Goku's hardly ever around.
You must be either a numale or a woman to believe the shit you're typing. If you're a "man" then good luck raising your future wife's son.
I fucking hate the chad and virgin meme
"haha defending women, what a fucking beta"
Or I could just genuinely not be a prick with motives behind what I type. I know this is hard for you to believe, but not everyone feels the need to impress people, especially women. You think I screenshot this shit and show it to fembitches like, LOOK I DEFENDED WUMONZ, KISS PLS
Nah, I'm talking to you and only you user.
Wow a dbz thread full of crossboarders and shitposting who could have foreseen this?
Chichi has the fault
>Videl cheating on Chadhan