Feminist Apocalypse General - /FAG/

his thread is for sharing Memes about the Femin Virus and raising awareness, those infected need to be quarantined and glassed the remains need to be torched and salted.

Stay mad you nasty sluts.

Other urls found in this thread:









Bumping for day of the roast

Gonna update this pastebin with info on birth control

Something interesting for lurkers:


The "December Agreement" that formed Sweden's current, feminist influenced government is abbreviated as "DÖ" which in Swedish means "die"

Notice how the English language Wikipedia entry does not mention this abbreviation. In fact it is censored, perhaps entirely, from any English language news source.


Here is the post from a different user

>I have some research I've been collecting to post in these threads, I'll dump bits of them as I have time. Here is the first thing people need to understand:

Birth control/contraceptives cause frontal lobe damage to women due to how they affect the chemistry of the brain and hormones.

Look at the articles out there on the effects BC has on the female body

Here's an honest study someone did into the matter - their calls for further research will be ignored though because too much is riding politically on it. Feminism depends on women taking contraceptives.

Now look at symptoms of frontal lobe damage - see the similarities?
Brain Injury Institute link was removed but I acquired an archive

Dump of research yesterday into birth control causing frontal lobe damage





Updated pastebin:






Im gonna look up some more pics of this shit that Giger did and post em.

This bloke had seen some shit.


This creepy arse snake shit is everywhere, also this thread is moving way slower then the other one.....


I think we should meme on this cunt some more its obviously what he wants us to do he keeps bringing her up.

“Some people would say my paintings show a future world and maybe they do, but I paint from reality”

Yea I got some research on her too but I’ve been too slammed to spend an hour writing it all up so it doesn’t look autistic

Ya know i got feeling this is what we used to look like. Or it was definitely a thing

Didn’t he do all the art for Prometheus? Maybe they hinted at it


What is the limits to what can be done with our genetic code? and what has been done before?


These are quality user

Whipping up a new one right now

The yellow really pops out of the photo, Was this vile whore known for fucking rock stars? she may of been patient zero for a new strain of it and traveling sexed up rock stars are a great way to spread it.

We should start hitting these cunts from the 60's 2nd and 1st wave feminism must be memed on as well there are alot of iconic feminists from the cultural revolution that have signs in their hands.

the patriarchy is spreading its fucking poison to the martians now....thanks to elon musk



all of it is a distraction

No go away leaf you fools project so much

feminism:the best invention since the atomic bomb

The freaks are here to Bump the thread.

go visit india


She married Christian Bales dad she gets around

Please anhero as soon as possible you filthy leaf harlot

leaf harlot lol

V predicted this

what happened to the pussyhat?


Get memed on 1st wave feminism.

Had to fix up the last sign now its better.

Your thread would have staged already f you didn't bump it yourself and it's only been up for an hour.

Literally nobody but you and your 2 coworkers are posting.


What a horrific waste of digits what was kek thinking giving this scrub some meme magic

Who even knows man
DNA is great because it's universal (to our definition of life). So who knows what combinations we can make, what we can unearth in our potential, or re-create.
I'm so interested in all the transhumanist and geneticist stuff, I just want to know what they're doing and what has been done so far.
Maybe the more we get these memes out, the more info people will drop.

I want full disclosure i can handle it.

I was in Sweden for a week, but I mostly walked around Stockholm and stayed with friends there most of the time in their loft. Other than having to use public transport system, was I safe anons?


>doesn't post here often

Did you sleep with any rabid feminists? if not you should be fine.


Stay mad



>dont objectify my body or my body parts
>wears a pussyhat
>wears a vagina costume


Worst thread I've seen today

The more pics i look at even the old ones from the 60's and then the 1st wave ones they are all so fucking stupid and have the dumbest slogans and quotes im amazed it was allowed by the men back then, the women all have that exact same concerned stare on their faces


Stay mad faggot.

>that feelz guy face



Gloria Steinem Discussing Her Time in the CIA

Fugg messed up the alpha on one part, fixed


Yeah I think some of us should be ready by now. We know a lot of shit and a lot of theories that could be true, so it's not like anything is super surprising anymore.

Reposting a dank one from the last thread

Some people are just too retarded user there’s gonna be a big percentage of the public that can’t handle it

We need some from the 60’s/70’s of the flower children and such everybody romanticizes it so you gotta turn the tables and make it uncool

The look on their faces its the same in every feminist march.

Oh shit that is a good one do you have the alpha of that Medusa head user?

What do you mean? umm i just googled medusa head and got a bunch.

Heres an idea get a pic of women marching and protesting and shop all their heads into snakes and medusa's

holding star bucks logo's on their signs

Hmm ok I gotta track it down just had an idea

Yea something along those lines


had a go at it

Might need more biohazard

better then not having a go at it, good job its got potential.

Im having meme block at the moment some of the stuff im trying isnt working, not much i can do with the snakes.

They’re harder to mix in the biohazard stuff is easier and more versatile

Yup the medusa heads and snakes may not be working the signs seem to work.

This one has promise

The feelz guy soy face shopped onto fat feminists was pretty funny and a good way at cartoonish mocking of feminists

People forget that revolution was top down and was controlled by some very powerful people, amazing what you can do they had them all drugged out of their minds and walking around naked.......

>Up the establishment

Now these retards are in control and the coming generation under their indoctrination eat tide pods fucking hell

Yea I will make a few more of those when I have time nothing like calling out some fat rabid cows

This one could be made into a temptation theme too slap a biohazard symbol and “INFECT” on the sign maybe give the guy a Medusa head if it looked right

It’s easier to pull things over on people when they’re stoned

Kek it’s true

This one you could work the symbol into her shoulder like a tat so it would be subtle

Just dumping interesting images so I can find em easy later

Get discord and you can make your own server with channels and info and dump everything you need in it



That’s a good idea

I really need the KB on this virus at the moment im running out of gas not feeling alot of creative thought right now.

