Why are Nips so bad at chess? She makes it seem like calling check is a big deal...

Why are Nips so bad at chess? She makes it seem like calling check is a big deal, but all she's done is trade a queen for a rook and allow for a bishop exchange.

inb4 code geass chess

Check the catalog next time


Read the sticky this time.

Read the sticky and the timestamps.

Reminder that this little girl could beat you in a chess match with one hand

The other thread started out as pure cancer with more waifushit right off the bat. I shall support this one.

Maybe there is a white rook on the same file as the black bishop?

I made a meme

If that were the case, it would be checkmate, not check.

Not even playing with anyone, she´s just a poser.

There is no one in her school who possesses the required intellect to play against her.

Judging by , the piece at 1e is probably a rook, and there is a bishop protecting the queen as well. It definitely looks like checkmate to me.

Want to play a game user?
If you win you'll be promoted to our Class A and get to enjoy all the luxurious facilities the school has to offer along with the 100% employment rate.
If you lose or forfeit you'll be expelled.

What do you say?

Only 50%man is worthy and he is elsewhere

If I can choose the game, okay.

bobby fischer played almost exclusively with himself in chess to learn.

Someone post that double check from NGNL

as usual, it is just a metaphor for a threat in real life.

At least it looks like a real game (tactic works if there is a Rook on d1, such as after queenside castling). The chess game in Gankutsuo was an abomination. The NGNL chess game was good, a famous GM game.

Her king is visible on the far side, so a queenside castle is likely, meaning the piece covered by her hand is probably supposed to be a rook.

So I guess the only real problems are the terminology mix up and rewinding the game a few turns for this pan. It's kind of strange that they could set up a feasible endgame without knowing the difference between check and checkmate though. Maybe they just copied it out of a book.

There's a pawn on E4 though

Bishop on E2 can capture the queen


>playing chess
Checkers is better.


I'm watching the 1st episode of Code Geass and I just got done watching the scene where Lelouch schools the nobleman in chess. I was blown away! I had to watch it a couple times to really pick up on it, but did you guys realize that when he was moving about the chess pieces, he was really referring to HIMSELF being the king! What an amazing metaphor!

It was so deep and meaningful, I am amazed by the deep symbolism of this.

Do the later episodes continue on with masterful symbolism like this? This was truly the pinnacle of storytelling that I have ever seen on a television show, and I think I can confidently say Code Geass is the best show ever made without even having seen the entire series.

Also the acting is amazing. Jun Fukuyama and Norio Wakamoto do a great job with their British accents.