Best girls.
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why is this drawn so badly
Looks unfinished
Why is the official art always so shitty?
They fucking butchered Konoha. Can't say I didn't see it coming but I'm still upset.
I'm having a hard time deciding on best girl of this show. Pretty sure i'm leaning towards Chiaka, all I know is that its DEFINITELY not that pink haired cunt
>nerdy girl becomes hot when she cuts her hair
Can we stop with this stupid fucking cliche
She was better looking with long hair though.
No wonder the MC will never date this girl, he wouldn't be able to handle that thiccness.
Reminder that this is the OTP.
Megami/Nyantype posters are always a gamble.
best girl on the left
Homewrecker on the right
Shes cute, I want her to sit on my face
short hair = trash
Why did they make a games anime into a shitty romcom?
What's next? Youtubers romcom?
She is so healthy, holy shit.
Chiaki is a homewecking, fat slut.
Karen is a best.
>you will never have a threesome with the sisters
Aguri is nowhere in that picture.
Aguri is a two-timing whore with Amano and chad
not if its kyoani
Trying to copy Kemofure's success
Chiaki is not a homewrecker. Tendou dumped him of her own accord. Chiaki wasn't involved.
Imagine how hard Amano fucks Aguri. Do you think they laugh at me after he comes inside?
Chiaki deserves to win
Karen > *
It's cheating to bring up kyoani
Who Want to see some shit
I can see they're moving on 3's bouncily like Ebata Ryoma animates. It turns me on.
10 mins
get in here niggas
this is drawn by china, one of the youngest animators in the industry who did keyframe animation for yuru yuri when he was 16
he also single-handedly did keyframe animation for episode 7 of pic related.
local homewrecker getting jealous
Are the CTs even trying?
chiaki really is the thirdwheel
Oh so they were actually playing the Game of Life?
'Where are the games' shitters BTFO
Fuck Chiaki.
Its Yen
Tail Blue
Did I hear "manhandling"?
Konoha reminds me of Anika from Ore Twintails
>reading Vol. 8
Will she get back with Chad or she's NTRd by misunderstandings forever?
Dead series.
Is Chiaki's imouto also a tsundere?
Karen will be the third wheel in the LN.
You mean Aika?
Why anime need to re-design??
I want to slap my cock on her thicc butt cheeks and cum on her back.
Chiaki > Konoha > Nina > Aguri > Karen
Who Nina?
Konoha > Karen > Chiaki = Aguri
horriblesubs you lazy fucks where is the episode?!?
>It seems to be hardsubbed on CR
Why are the StuCo girls from Seitokai no Ichizon? They even have the "You're the protagonist of your life!" Thing on the board.
>[FreakCrSuBuS] GAMERS! - 08 [720][Hardsub].mkv
There is this one for now.
t. worst girl seaweed desu desu
Because romcom is the real premise. It's bait and switch
stupid nightwatch poster
Blondie > Brunette > Worst Girl's imouto > Aguri > JUST Aguri >>>>>>>>>>>> Worst girl seaweed hair "i hate moe" desudesu
Erai is up.
i also agree with this
are you talking about the grill on the left?
Why is this show so fucking dead? This last episode was the best one so far, in my opinion.
>I heard you were starting to clear up your MISUNDERSTANDINGS so I came back
I think I have a love-hate relationship with this show.
Shh or crunchyroll will never release soft subs again in an attempt to kill HS
Fuck, that hurt, the way her eyes slowly dawned with realization that the man in front of her is the person she treasures the most.
What Misunderstandings actually arose this episode?
None, user's just being retarded.
>huhuhuhu, foreshadows Tendou's cucking herself
kill yourself
Its actually happening