ITT: Sup Forums Original Content.
I believe it's a lost art nowadays in this era of reaction images, but maybe we can bring it back.
ITT: Sup Forums Original Content.
I believe it's a lost art nowadays in this era of reaction images, but maybe we can bring it back.
Other urls found in this thread:
That's Sup Forums, not Sup Forums.
There's still original content being made on Sup Forums.
>teh rei
>Sup Forums
Suzuran is cute
What do you mean with original content? New content is created all the time, it just tends to hide in their respective quasi general threads.
There was nothing racist about Happy Negro you fucking nigger
you fucking racist
joyous nigger was my favorite
These posts make me lose all hope for this website.
teh rei
I miss the happy negro and cock mongler personally
made a good duo
What went so wrong?
Negro means black
>tfw people can't distinguish ironical shitposting from truth anymore
I'm the third person you quoted by the way, I made it extra obvious with that spacing and yet you still fell for it.
You should always to have the freedom to say niggers on Sup Forums; if most people start calling you names for saying nigger it's not Sup Forums anymore.
There's nothing wrong with saying niggers you fucking faggot
I chortled.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
back to Sup Forums with your racist homophobic posting you fucking nigger faggot
Does Curb-chan count?
is this OC?
Screenshots are not original and that conversation has no content.
Didn't orchestr/a/ release season 3 a month or so ago anyway? Also drawthreads and stuff I guess.
not if ur on topic
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
Whatever happened to Gaijin-kun?
We need more of it.
How am I supposed to read this manga
That was pretty good thread
>unironically using the word homophobic on a board that uses faggot as a base suffix for every other word
>the word nigger is an automatic Sup Forums redirect
You faggots are trying too hard.
>not using faggot as a suffix for faggot
You faggotfaggot.
>being a faggot-suffixer
Found the faggotfaggotfag
This is Sup Forums circa '06.
The lines between the boards from back then are blurried now. Sup Forums isn't even a thing anymore, but people who weren't around think of Sup Forums back in the day by what Sup Forums did, because that was the loudest board.
If the site is still around 10 years from now, people who aren't around now will think of Sup Forums circa 2014- 20?? as basically Sup Forums.
Allowing naruto, one piece, and all that other garbage to be posted on Sup Forums which brought in these type of posters.
Dragon Ball is the worst of them all.
That'll almost certainly happen, the weirdest part is that most people in that time will then probably cherish the current Sup Forums as the golden era and wish it would come back.
They already think that.
That's debatable. Most posters don't exactly cherish Sup Forums for what it was in its peak of popularity, since it's mostly hammered down as cancer. From what I gather, the closet thing you have right now to classic pre 2006 Sup Forums, before it was colonized by edgy newfags, is [s4s]. I've been around since around '09, so I don't know a whole lot about that era myself.
Actual Sup Forums posters, not the internet in general.
I've seen loads of people sharing sentiments akin to bashing current Sup Forums and calling out for old Sup Forums, while not that many contesting them. Certainly that's partially due to current Sup Forums being heavily resented, yet the feeling of old Sup Forums being thought of possitively still seems to remain.
>Actual Sup Forums posters, not the internet in general.
Sup Forums is a tiny minority on Sup Forums. The biggest board is Sup Forums. They think they are Sup Forums.
Does Sup Forums really get the most traffic?
Isn't every post a repost? How can there be OC.
It depends of which "classic Sup Forums" they are talking about. Sup Forums from the 2006-2010 era, the true cancer/troll generation, is bashed to death, and a lot of the imagery from back then is more asscocieted with other sites at this point and not Sup Forums. The Sup Forums people mystify is from an era before that, and the average poster, including myself, has no idea what that actually looked like.
>I was being ironic!
Definitely. Although, it's probably slower than it was at its peak in the election when reddit took over.
A little before that, it was on par with other big boards like Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums, and it will probably slowly go back to what it was a few years ago.
So post some.
Yes, trust me. I'm a professional.
>big boards
>Sup Forums
[a/ is not big anymore. Even with all those newfags here.
Vulvarape was fun.
Well fuck. Well, it's comfier this way anyway. Which other boards are bigger than Sup Forums? I assume this is still bigger than, say, /tg/ still right?
At least it's something.
Naruto was only that was banned. Every other shounen was allowed here
Sup Forums isn't shrinking significantly. We are still considered one of the big boards. But Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /vg/, Sup Forums , Sup Forums and maybe another one are bigger than us.
We used to be #3.
That's pretty cool.
It's not that Sup Forums is shrinking significantly, the other boards are growing faster.
Sup Forums is shrinking though.
/vg/ and porn boards don't count. I'd be surprised if Sup Forums was bigger though. Aside from a few generals, it's a pretty dead board unless there's a big game. Hard to see its actual size just from browsing it casually like I do. What about Sup Forums? I was betting they would become the new Sup Forums after baneposting exploded.
Current speeds.
Sup Forums used to be at around 30/35 posts per minute pretty much constantly.
I wanted to add Sup Forums, but I wasn't sure.
>top10 still
Good, I guess.
>/vip/ : 0.049681
Poor Hiro.
>/vg/ is actually faster than Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Well, fuck me. I lurk one or 2 niche threads there, so it feel so fucking slow. Must be the dota and OW fags generating speed.
Do you guys remember the thread about that anonymous chat that even showed the distance you are apart from your chat partner?
That was quite hilarious and I'm looking for screencaps right now, but can't find any, fuck.
Sup Forums has become a lot less fun in the past two years, I'm not surprised.
The speed is fine.
>Sup Forums > /vg/
Holy shit.
>Sup Forums still a big board
>Sup Forums in 4rth place but still half as fast as Sup Forums
I'm surprised.
>Sup Forums bigger than Sup Forums
Never underestimate generals I guess.
>/trash/ bigger than Sup Forums and /fit/ /biz/ /ck/ and /sci/
I guess literally who was a faggot all along and this isn't much of a hobby board like futaba but a circlejerk of 4 or 5 major bloated boards that eclipse everything else like always.
Remember when we said [a/ was shit? I wanna go back to those times.
Reminds me of the time I made a thread about origami cranes on Sup Forums. They didn't get the joke.
>Sup Forums still a big board
Dunno, but I think it's cam and attention whores central still.
I go check Sup Forums every once in a while and it feels slow as fuck nowadays, how was it in 2012?
>Remember when we said Sup Forums was shit?
Was there ever a time where people didn't say it?
I miss the time when Sup Forums would cry because someone on Sup Forums bullied their shit anime tastes. I hate this ironic weeb age, i miss the elitism.
Most of these changes are relatively recent.
Up until a few years ago, you had Sup Forums > Sup Forums > Sup Forums over everything else.
Then Sup Forums got split up and non-hobbyist casuals started streaming here for strange reasons. I still don't understand the purpose of /lgbt/ (or why it wasn't called /fag/ or /gay/). And ever since then we are an "alternative" community.
Maybe 2005, but that's still a speculation and seems rather unlikely.
Sup Forums is still reasonably elitist compared to all other boards. Just the fact that frogposting was made nearly impossible here shows the board's resilience.
The mods should have enforced the current "no generals, just random discussion about the series" they are currently trying some 5 years ago.
Leting the generals grow up and then cull then off without warning hurt this place.
I want summer to end
Well, after eternal newfags, you have now an eternal summer.
And remember, the climate is still changing.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are still tsundere for each other.
At least Sup Forums resisted agaisnt the real shitty memes.
Sometimes, pain is good.
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>tsundere for each other
Nah. Sup Forums hates Sup Forums too much now. It's irreconcilable at this point.
Ironic shitposting is now a thing of the past.
The userbase in Sup Forums has gotten so bad that most of us can't tell the difference between actual shitposting and ironic shitposting.
At least Sup Forums is doing somewhat fine. I'm still mourning the loss of techloli/g/. Just look at that shithole now; it's depressing.
Come on man, it's been like 8 years since that died. But it really is depressing, it turned into a shilling platform for consumer electronics and the occasional tech support.
I think the problem is mods banning pelple for whatever the fuck, this shit feels like reddit sometimes, back in the day every board was it's own community, so they all talked about everything (mostly of the related theme of corde) which created really interesting threads, nowadays every board feels like a thread instead of a community.
Why the fuck you would not want Sup Forums to hate Sup Forums? This tsundere bullshit was always bad and only shitty crossboarders enabled it, fuck off.
>actual shitposting and ironic shitposting.
How can they? Politics was made too serious by progressive notions of political correctness, and then Sup Forums and then Sup Forums instigated the anti-"sjw" shit here to the point where now there's enough pushback from both sides that everyone is too paranoid to make a joke.
Agreed. Haven't really frequented it since 2013 - I do visit it a couple of times a year just to see how they're doing but it's just a den of frogposters and wojacks. Also, people who actively look forward to further Windows 10 updates. Even the desktop threads appear to be fucking gone.
I can't recognize Sup Forums anymore, man.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
>I think the problem is mods banning pelple for whatever the fuck,
I don't think so. I barely get banned, and when I do, I usually know in advance.
I remember in the april first board merges, the situation was literally:
Sup Forums saying "merge us to Sup Forums, t-that wil make them so m-mad"
and Sup Forums was saying "merge us to Sup Forums, t-that wil make them so m-mad"
Excuse me, who the fuck are you?
I think it really depends on which board you're in for getting banned. I've gotten banned from trivial reasons in Sup Forums at times and in /ck/ I have never gotten banned despite the fact that I shitpost equally frequently on the two boards.
I'm Anonymous. Who are you?