Sup Forums, I just started to watch Tegen Toppa Gurren Lagann and I absolutely adore this dude...

Sup Forums, I just started to watch Tegen Toppa Gurren Lagann and I absolutely adore this dude. Hope to see more of him and would happy if he gets an even more important role in the upcoming plot

Not sure if bait

It's bait.


I'm sure he'll appear in more "bizarro evil universe" spinoffs

What does your picture mean, user? I don't watch crap.


This bait is making me cry


Don't worry, his role is most important. He ends up pretty much driving the entire plot with his manly spirit.

Legitimately not sure if you're baiting or just retarded.

this bait is the bait that will pierce the heavens!

he dies

You should be reading the Getter Robo Saga manga first before getting into TTGL.

I know this is bait, but fuck you OP

You're not wrong you cunt.


I love that pasta.

>Bait thread about Kamina's death
>In 2017
Not sure if I should punch you or hug you, user.

Would you say you are...


for him?

Hello newfriend

>i'm sharing a board with people that actually liked him and felt anything but relief when he shinés