Help. Whatever I do, I can't get myselft to not like SAO, Maybe it's because it was the first anime that got me started, maybe it's because I'm an avid MMORPG player. I just can't.
Sword Art Online
Nice blog newfag-kun.
Well then just keep liking it, how is that a problem. Just don't make inane threads about it.
you don't have to hate it it's a decent medern anime and the girls were all great
>how is that a problem
You will learn to live with it
I like accel world
I like it, I want Sugu to sit on my face.
The only reason why it's disliked is because it's popular, or MC is to OP for someone to watch
>avid MMORPG player
try talking to a therapist?
What, people liking things you don't is a problem?
Please stop
Watch more actually good anime and call me in a year.
Like whatever the fuck you want. People here like way worse.
Yes it is, now fuck off back to wherever you came from.
It's a very run of the mill show but hated because it's popular. It's not as popular anymore so can we not hate it as much?
No, say some more dumb stuff.
>an avid MMORPG player
Funny, that's exactly why it's fucking shit.
The writer never played an MMORPG past the starting zone in his life. The worst thing about SAO is that it's a horrifically bad game that no-one would ever want to play.
At least Log Horizon had actual MMO boss strategies like having one of your guys just kite all the infinitely respawning adds
No harm in liking SAO.
No harm in loving an average anime.
For example, me. To this day, I consider Gundam SEED as the best Gundam, and that is set on stone for me.
Sugu is a perfectly valid reason to like SAO.
I heard shooting yourself can get rid of autism
>there are people in this board who started watching anime in 20-fucking-12
>there are (probably) people on this board who think this landfill fire is better than Madoka
2012 was five years ago, user, that's well beyond the lurking period (although in this case, OP clearly got here last month or so). There are people on this board who started watching anime this season.
Hating on SAO is the cool normie thing to do
We've gone full circle and defending SAO is the patrician thing to do
It is irredeemable. No one should or can defend it either sincerely or ironically.
Nah, it had some good parts in it, it's not all bad. It's main problem wasn't that it was bad, but that it was disappointing.
Sinon is cute and top tier waifu material.
The rest of the show is pretty lame though.
Enjoy what you enjoy the end nobody gets to force their opnions down your throat, unless you let them.
Still better than garbage like re;creators or reddit:zero (both shit with generals allowed on neo Sup Forums)
Fuck off, newfag.