Maturity is realizing the Westboro Baptist Church is right about everything

Maturity is realizing the Westboro Baptist Church is right about everything

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WBC is a jewish organization that provokes people into attacking them, and then they sue them. They are literal jews and half of their family members are lawyers.
The only thing they're ''right'' about is making money. They'll provoke any group of white people into attacking them, and there is a reason why they NEVER provoke blacks or jews, they always provoke white people, because they know they will win the lawsuits, they will not be physically harmed and they can squeeze money out of them.

They've also successfully made Christians disliked worldwide, even though it's a group of something like 50 jewish people, any time people think of Christianity they think of WBC.
These ''people'' are some of the lowest scum in the world and they once again prove that jews do not deserve to live.

Doesn't make their message wrong

Their message is ''ooga booga fuck whitey give me money, also fuck Christians.''

god hates fags too, thats a big one

That's not a message, that's a slogan they use because it gets them a lot of publicity and the most outrage which results in people throwing bottles at them from their cars, which means they can be sued for a lot of money.

>implying you wouldn't get free money from lawsuits

>implying you're somehow "mature" and not a fucking mong


I couldn't. I have zero jewish lawyers in my family. I also find it completely abhorrent to force kids into situations where they will be attacked and injured, just so I can collect shekels.
I also wouldn't push an anti-white anti-Christian agenda.

If white people support faggots than fuck them, most Christians are faggots who wont confront evil

Stop trying to change the subject, you jewish parasite. This is not about whites supporting faggots, and you know it, you fucking kike.
WBC will arrive in funerals to be attacked, they'll do anything to provoke white people into attacking them so their lives can be destroyed.

BASED jews XDDD destroying white people's lives


Then how about whites stop acting like niggers and confront evil?

I am proud that i am a very early fan of them..."FAGS" also means "JEWS" they are totally red-pilled...totally.

Steve Drain even commented on a Barbara Spectre video, it is probably still on Youtube if you search.

BTW...the kid on the picture had an interesting moment on TV. The reporters (some Jewish losertardian) asks the kid "What is a fag?" the kid answers "I guess you can say a fag is a Jew pretty much..."

Moment at 6:39

This. They were solid on many issues.

Wrong about the nature of the God of the Bible. The Christian God. Right about God hating wickedness and immorality. Clearly their motive wasn't to reach out to people , it was to condemn. Paul the apostle states " there is but one lawgiver who can save and condemn. Who are you to judge another?" Judgement and condemnation belongs to God alone. Stomping around burials of soldiers and stamping American flags are actions only a fool would condone. So righteous is law and judgement that they would all be sued out their ass for doing that shit.

>mocking troops funerals
>confronting evil

and before you throw some 'hurr durr they died for Israel shit", they might well have done but their families should be allowed to grieve without a gang of kikes shouting with placards harassing them.

Its not just israel
America is the exporter of all the faggotry the world is experiencing, cut off the head and kill the snake

The "gang of kikes" is preaching the message that the soldiers died for the Jew-fag Conspiracy and that therefore God is very pleased.

They aren't into the "Teddy Bear Christianity" they are into "Chad Christianity".

Thank God for dead loser-mercenaries that serve the Jew-fag cause.

WBC is hyper Calvinist. They believe gays can be saved.
A true Bible believing Christian like pastor Anderson truely thinks God hates gays because he gave them over to a reprobate mind and that's how gays are made. They should be killed desu.

You gotta give them a chance out, even if they never take it
