How political are you in public?

Do you bring up politics? Do you favor a political side or person?

I don’t any more. Never bring it up and say I am not interested. Never talk about migrants or Muslims, just shrug and say “to each his own”.

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I don't go past acquaintance with anyone who isn't a stone cold blackpilled murderbot.


If they bring it up, but I'll just throw out some cheeki comments on occasion

I dont go full 1488 but I try to drop some redpills in conversations

I am very open to speaking my mind these days, I have been putting up with idealistic hippy bullshit politely for decades for the sake of open conversation, but no more!

Same here. I've even stopped to talk about politics with my family and friends.

stopped going full 14/88 no one cares really. Stopped beeing angry about it because its bad for my health. Never relaxing around shitskins tho but trying to stay polite to everyone and just work on my own life in this kingdome gone.

Do you bring up politics?
All the time.

Do you favor a political side or person?

I bring up far-right (white nationalism) AND far-left (communism) issues. Expressing support for the most leftist Socialist party.

While i also SUPPORT the national media outlet NOS. Which i really believe are doing a decent job.

I guess i am both confusing and annoying to many of my collegues.
Usually after a few months they figure out i am both a Socialist AND a Nationalist.

Whenever someone begins getting political I subject them to motivational interviewing and the Socratic method of questioning and get them to realize they have no idea wtf they're talking about
Why call someone sanctimonious when you can get them to say it themselves?

NOS shills hard my dude. Also if you say Groenlinks then gtfo.

Heh. shut up troll. Nobody here knows how shitty the nos is.

If someone is just firing off their political opinions in my general area, I'll remain quiet. If asked directly my thoughts on a specific topic, I'll take an aloof and objective route. There's very little to gain by trying to slingshot red pills at people that aren't looking for them in the first place.

That said, a tried and true pathway is pedophiles. Most people, regardless of their political affiliation, can agree with this following statement: "The pedophile is dangerous because they predate on the most vulnerable elements in society. Their attacks leave lasting damage on their victims and their families. A pedophile cannot be rehabilitated anymore than you could be turned from straight to gay. The cost of housing these people in prisons is far greater than doing the most efficient and beneficial for society at large - executing pedophiles."


I am the same way hans.

I try to throw some redpills at people, nothing more.

Faggot just reposted video about toxic masculinity and the #metoo movement. This is cringe as fuck. You know what to do POL thumb it the fuck down.

I live in Portland (temporarily) and love discussing politics because of how afraid it makes all the weeny leftists. True story: my girlfriend takes the bus to work and said she saw a dude with a fairly large swastika tattoo. Wasn't even trying to hide it. Nobody said a fucking word to him. Some fat red haired bitch just made disgusted faces lol

pretty sure that's a costume.

I don't bring it up, but when someone else does I'm going full fash.

Not very much at all. Although even that doesn't help, libshit dildos have a way of feeling when you're not one with the hivemind.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
I don't go overly deep, but even a surface level of going against the grain gets you looks. I don't care for normies anymore, I've been there; partying, clubbing, being with dumb thots, it's fun for a while but so hedonistic. Everything material will fade, all experiences fade, sooner you truely realize it, the happier you'll be.
Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose. The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Ive never hid my political beliefs. If it comes up I answer honestly. I debate it among friends quite a bit. Ive even talked openly about it in college in class.
>One time in class argue that the reasons blacks are they way they are now is due to a lack of black leadership follwing martin luthers death
>My teacher agreed with me

> and love discussing politics because of how afraid it makes all the weeny leftists

this is more cringe than reading Penthouse forum.
I travel the USA alot. coast to coast. let me be 100% clear. The far right wing, the national socialist, white power types. will do literally ANYTHING to avoid politics in public.
they like to link elbows and band together for little circle jerks like in Charlottsvile and for little faggy conventions were theyre surrounded by people that agree with them.
they Hate, hate HATE being some place were people dont agree with them. They can only exist in "comfort Zones" were nobody calls them fucking cave men pawns of racism

I don't blame him, Germans are nuts with the PC stuff.

Hell no I never bring up politics in public. I told one person about a year ago that I liked Trump and he called me disgusting. LOL

> "libshit dildos have a way of feeling when you're not one with the hivemind."

Nothing to read into there.

I don't do politics & religion at work

I join in on humour, Trumps weird mannerisms and what not, but when it comes to actual politics I tell them it's inappropriate for the work floor

With my left wing family, I don't give a fuck and tell them like it is.

> likes Donald Trump
> gets upset from minor confrontations.

I call B.S.

I dont give a fuck. Its not illegal to deny holohoax in Norway so i do it everytime someone pulls the 600 galaxions card. I also publicly Hate on Islam, even to their face.. Fuck religion and the chaos that it brings. Maybe i would get more Hate if i didnt look alright

I hate everything and everybody so I'm political as fuck and everyone agrees with me.

Your so mad lol

supporting user's post/actions with modest shitpost

Donald Trump thinks France is full of stinking muslim faggots who act falsely superior because of how shamelessly racist Paris is.

I work with a dozen White nationalist Trump supporters so the banter is pottery. Home is full 1488natsoc/Hitler did nothing wrong, even amongst friends.
My family, grandma, mom dad, cousins etc. are all boomer libtards and unknowing commie propagandists. I usually avoid political discussion altogether unless someone brings it up.

I used to be, but now I just keep politics to myself for the most part. Anything to the right of deep blue in my area and social circle is seen as a social pariah.

what is the point of Sup Forums?

It's true, you don't have to say much at all to be over the line in some circles.

Well, it sounds like you live in the shittiest fucking state in the Country....

Spoken like a true michel
When im asked i dont hide my power level at all
You would be surprised how many people actually agree with you if you just stand by your opinion

Even with my alt-right drinking buddy I'm loathe to broach issues with blacks.

I mostly hide my real views by playing devil's advocate and being as contrarian as possible.

I go hard wherever I go

Had my co-workers openly talking about the inevitable upcoming civil war & how race would play a part in it. They pretty much all agreed it will happen & that we need to start deporting dindus before that happens. In the case of born black in the Netherlands we agreed on deporting them to Dutch Caribbean and later declare it independent

some might say; in EVERY circle.

At university, I was shunned for speaking honestly about politics until the stupid children realised that you can be friends with people you don't agree on everything with. I was ousted from a previous job for speaking honest politics. My career, graphic design, is overwhelmingly left wing because so many dolts get brainwashed at uni (I only went to be able to access the amazing printmaking facilities, some of which cost more to use combined than the entire university fee).

I'm only honest now with my true friends and family members. For everything else I take le ebin centrist stance so I can argue with no risk to my employment. For example, I once basically argued pro-genocide on the basis of environment protection. I do genuinely believe killing most of the third world and China is only for the planet's benefit

I have a nice high paying job so I keep my opinions to myself

> Sup Forums in a nutshell.

>Do you bring up politics?
Yes. I see no reason not to.
>Do you favor a political side or person?
Yes. The conservative/libertarian side. Basically right wing perspectives.
>I don’t any more. Never bring it up and say I am not interested. Never talk about migrants or Muslims, just shrug and say “to each his own”.
Yet you obviously are interested in politics else you wouldn't come here. OP understand cowardice isn't winning the fight - not saying anything for fear of what may happen or whatever isn't going to win people over and in fact will do the opposite.

Do people in latin america even do man hole covers? I've been to panama and they were quiet often just missing. 2m deeps holes in the middle of the street.

I lose my job, friends and wealth if I were saying I am anywhere close to anti-illegal migration and anti-Islam policies. I guess at the outmost I could say I am an FDP Lindnerist libertarian.

On occasion.
One time someone asked
>what's the point of life?
I replied
>to seek out wife, to reach out to civilisation, and to boldly secure the existence of our families and a future for our children
Her response
>Herr Hitler, gas planet ahead, should we reload?

>a Socialist AND a Nationalist.

And I thought I was the only one.

>socialist AND nationalist
Lemme guess, SP?
>NOS is doing a decent job
Yep, SP. Never have I seen them trash talk the SP.

>Unlike a real man who posts anonymously on a jap cartoon board looking for attention from other men

>>Herr Hitler, gas planet ahead, should we reload?

I don’t follow. You were mocking Star Trek, where is the Nazi?

If you misunderstand why certain subjects or viewpoints are considered taboo or inappropriate. One might quickly come to the conclusion that these reactions to you are not based on your words or logic, but rather, based on a false societal "norm" that was implemented as a measure to subdue undesirable behavior from citizens.
And it's up to you to mine history for the truth, which is going to be hard, ugly and simply too unflattering for some to hear, or accept.
....OR...maybe you just got bored with studying history, but LIKED the feeling of being smug and superior.
So you just did what a child would do and insisted that everyone else was dumb.
It's like NatSoc is a soft form of Autism or something. These people have no ability to empathize with pain that isnt their own.

Wow i didnt realize its so bad already
I live and work in cologne and my boss and coworlers really dont give a shit that im to the right of the spectrum
I thought cologne was already one of the most cucked areas

Killing the redshirt, as usual

> yes.

I'm an open AfD supporter and everybody in my student dorm knows it.
The chink girl thought the AfD is the NPD at first lmao

To be fair it is because the understand they are living in near cultural marxism. We dont have free speech because those people fear it so desperately. Bad ideas would lose in the market place of ideas, but they are never allowed to be spoken with out every form of attack except actual reasoning..

For instance, as a white male, I hide the fact that I am a practicing christian. It would negatively impact my life if people outside my immediate family knew. If I were a devout Hindu and brown, this would not be the case.

>Do you bring up politics? Do you favor a political side or person?
treat it like a game, krautanon. i make a point when alone with another normie to bring up whatever example of societal breakdown has happened in the news to laugh and prefix it with a laugh and the phrase "fuck, maybe Hitler was right". i'm talking about during a taxi ride, the bloke next to me down the pub, the other guy at at the conference who is also waiting for his girlfriend to come back from the restroom. do you smoke? steinbeck wrote a book called "in dubious battle" and in it a dustbowl commie agitator had a greater chance of recruiting by either asking for a smoke or offering one to a stranger. conversation is key/ propaganda only went so far. you need that normie touch.

>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

I work in retail, and give zero fucks. I've openly questioned the holocaust at work, make fun of Canadian customers, and blame things being done improperly on "the Jews."

Hell, we had a gay coworker who was married to a black guy - I told him I was okay with his interracial relationship since it precluded any mulatto babies.

Ironic fascism masking real fascism

Almost never but when I do, I say what's politically correct. I live in a ridiculously liberal city and work for a huge company that's devoted to diversity, inclusion, and all that other bullshit which sees huge turnover as useless illiterate foreigners are hired over actual citizens until they're replaced by qualified white people.

Things change in the voting booth. Those everyday conversations are not the hill you die on.

I imply my stance but avoid stating anything explicit. It's more effective desu. People shut down if you start ranting.

i'd say i am pretty political. Friday night went to a bar with some friends and wanted the hispanic waitress to pick what i should order for food. She asked if I wanted a cuban and I asked if it came with a wall (live in Florida). Also got in an argument cause ladies get $3 off on drinks and I asked the waitress if I could identify as a woman which triggered a butch looking bitch sitting next to me.

I always point our the bias in media coverage and who runs things and give enough details so they can get to the right conclusions on their own. I make Jew jokes, black jokes, and gay jokes regularly and for the most part they are well reciprocated. I have annoyed people at times though since I life in lefty NYC.

> unironically suggesting that white male christians have less "free speech" than Hindus

First of all, you heart has too much jealosy and spite in it for you to love Jesus. you obviously have some anger inside for "those people" whoever they are.
Secondly. whats "Actual Reasoning"
is that like trying to explain how Earth wasnt formed 6000 years ago? or how man wasnt cast from paradise by a talking snake? or about how much money the church took over the course of the crusades. What "reasoning" would you like to hear?

the passive argument style is sort of why everything went wrong in this country. Marxist had nobody telling them they were retarded for several generations.

my experience is the opposite, in the past when i went full retard people would complain, now that i openly dress (tastefully) in literal holocaust clothing and talk about shitskins and jews and niggers and politicians deserving to be necked in the streets i get a lot of approval and no backlash, especially from the very same people i think should be hanged. this has made me hate people even more and the boon is getting more pussy, they seem to be turned on by passionate men who dgaf in a tasteful way.

but no i dont bring it up as i did in the past but if someone does i always finish the conversation and thats that.


Nah. Normies can barely tie their own shoes let alone understand all the shit ive read at this point


No, because I have liberal friends and they get really mad when I try to redpill them.


I only talk to those about it who can handle the truth. Most normie faggots can’t handle shit and still think niggers are human and the 1% are white so it’s hard to talk about it


>mfw I rescued this girl
>she was ungrateful

I do but I never initiate the conversation.

As a Libertarian I've noticed that leftist have the most difficult time having discussions because they don't seem to understand me and most moderates are more offended and smug about their viewpoint.

I talked to a never trumper who thought I was a anarchist and only wanted to set fire to the earth.


>reddit spacing: the post

I only comment on politics in public when explicitly asked, or if someone says something fucking retarded.

thats my biggest gripe on facebook. i see normies posting about 'white controlled media' and the 'white ruling class' makes my inner hitler show a tad

I only bring it up with people i know who are comfortable talking about it. And i never bring it up around females because they either don't care or are HORRIBLY misguided

The universities in Berlin are absolutely commie-infested, so all I do is point out the similarities between communist and nazi methods and insist on upholding our constitution. That's enough to trigger most of them, but they're also too toothless to openly contradict me and agitate against the democratic system. When no commies are around my normie friends go even further and do all sorts of Hitler and libtard jokes that go even beyond I'd do because I don't want to attract attenion, even though they're much more liberal in their beliefs than me and vote lefty-ish. When someone asks, I say I just claim I voted for our satire party because everything else is shit.

Bringing up politics in public is a sign of unrefined manners. Just like bringing up religion or sexual orientation or personal wealth in public. It is highly likely to create needless and useless frictions and ruin everyone's mood in the process.

In my personal experience, people who bring up politics in public are usually the sort of people who "don't get it". They use strong, emotionally loaded opinions as attention and conversation bait. There's always another idiot on the bar counter who falls for it and joins in. While the rest facepalms internally and prepares for the inevitable angry politics noise.

This to an extent. I'm never the first to bring it up and I don't care if someone mentions it casually. I only argue if someone tries to lecture me.

pretty much this, i don't get political with "apolitical" people, and i 100% assume my politicals views (national socialist) when asked, never been afraid to assume what i am, even the muslims that i know, know my political views and are fine with it

most of my political discussions end up by redpilling the person i'm talking with anyway, not that hard when truth and justice is on your side

I have a really big problem with revealing my power level.

This is correct. The only people I've experienced bringing up politics at random,, as if it's just somethign that MUST be done at every meeting/meal are cringey leftists who just HAVE TO get in a jab at trump over SOMETHING.

like a jilted exgf who takes every slightly tangential opportunity to besmirch the name of the chad who dumped her.

Talking about politics IRL is double gay

Stop doing that. The people around you don’t enjoy it, and you’re not changing anyone’s mind.


young otherwise progressive women in my office talk how they don't want darkies in Poland

Dont bring it up on my own, but when the topic veers to it i am quite open about it. I have to personally thank a commie i knew for ceremonizing, and causing me to respond and break out of the online silence.

I'm an actual politician, so i get confronted with it a lot. It's hard to escape to be honest, but luckily i do not mind.

this. I'm a classic midwesterner. Stoic and stern. I don't bring up politics, however if someone else does it's 1488 meets 1776.

I make jokes about Jews and Hitler in public if they're relevant. Idgaf. I live in a very religious part of the south, though, and I have red pilled a lot of Christians here on the Jews by pointing out, "Jews hate Jesus. The Talmud even teaches he is boiling in excrement and seen for eternity, and Jesus warned us multiple times to be wary of Jews because they're actually the Synagogue of Satan." That usually activates a few almonds. You don't start by telling them Hitler was a good guy. Just point out even Jesus didn't like Jews and they didn't like him.

Since most Christian in the south are very pro-gun you can also point out how all of the liberal politicians who want guns are Jewish, like DWS, Schumer, Feinstein, etc...

I've known older guys who went from pro-Israel to a light bulb moment in their head who instantly realize Jews are some underhanded sons of bitches with too much power.