Welcome to Poland the shithole!
pffft try Moldovia
doesn't matter
literally the reject country of the reject country of Romania
Wtf 3 hohols from that picture try to steal old fiat XD
Even Poles dont want to drive this thit anymore. You can buy one for something like 100 USD.
Why are you still using same picture to shitpost? Try changing them daily for something else, otherwise it looks like you just don't care.
Still better than ukraine
>Calling other countries shitholes.
Why are you stealing everything including wheelbarrows, bicycles, toasters from us?
This is now an uk*aine hate thread
This is a shithole, also UA biggest shithole on the continent, even Moldova is better.
Can't wait
> Ukrainians flood into Poland
> Polish flood into England
> English flood into ???
If Poland is a shithole why do so many Hohols want to live there? Are they the Turds of Europe?
its you again?
>accept the frame given faggot op
>stealing and not taking crashed vehicle to the dump or fix shop.
>It's like annuda holodomor! How dare those Lyahi dislike us for genociding them in the past!
There is little saying among slavs, "When Hohol was born, Jew wept".
> 13 Posts by this ID
> meme flag
Fuck off.
English flood into Australia therea shit loads of you poms down here.
U mad, hohol boy?
huh I wonder what country this user is actually from, I think it starts with an R and ends with an A, and isn't the absolute ass end of europe
There is an event on March 24 in the USA called
March for our lives
and they plan to Slavic squat in front of the White house for 17 minutes
No joke
"The group is now preparing for the March 24 rally, where they plan to smash unloaded AR-15 rifles
with a sledgehammer and squat in front of the White House for 17 minutes to honor the 17 victims, according to Mr. Kasky."
>squat in front of the white house for 17 minutes
I have an idea for a comedy movie.
A group of Nationalists are instigated by the Jews to do a Revolution that ends up with the Nation being flooded with niggers, faggot parades and liberated White woman.
What do you guys think of this idea? Very wild and funny no?
Would buy, I've always wanted a Fiat 126.
Poland is fine
kek, i remember when my parents had this piece of crap
In Argentina some people still drive in this. My mom wants one
Is that a Yugo? People still drive those things?
Can you sell me 1? for 100$?
Ok, ill try
Just dont go butthurt on me
nope, its fiat 126p, in poland during commie times this was "peoples car"
wtf, where u got this video?
I want to see the full ver
100$ ? Maybe 15 years ago, now its at least 2000 for car in good condition
ngga fukc you
>calling Poland shithole
Perhaps all the gays who want more gay-rights go to poland, so poland is like a trash can, all our ukrainian trash goes to poland.
Im your worst nightmare
Nice use of a holy icon there.
I dont get it
>This thread again
Pic related is the average pole
All these poland hate thread since they told the eu and israel to go fuck themselves....really makes you think.
He is right you know. Do not come here country is full of africans. Also terrible famine and crime.
And ukrainian goverment is openly jewish.
Kill yourself mate
urainians calling us poor
wow sweden
don`t hate the ukrainians, they fight the good fight
Stay strong poland....we applaud and envy your defiance to these disgusting globalists, if only we had leaders who would do the same.
I won't hate them if they give back Bucovina
Ukrainefag bitching about Poland. Ukraine. Ukraine, country we consider lost shithole of Europe. Man, it is like if somalian would call germany shithole. Poland is not perfect but your country literaly done.
>literally the belgium of Eastern Europe
>ukrainian "army"
Fucking mongoloid ruski to be saying anything
>bhuuttt Crimea is yours
I CONFIRM, this is a shithole, nobody come here!
You realize how retarded and gay these are right? it was only ever condescendingly tolerated for a few as a "okay let's let our little polish friends feel stronk for a bit" item. but it's been dragged out so long and is so gay the rest of the world cringed.
yeh u wish
why do these pole memes fantasize male rape, isnt that...a little bit gay?
no, that is the EU commissions plan for whole europe. although portugal is country purely of niggers so you wont notice any change
God damn every white bitch burning the coal has the same "fuck you daddy" expression. It's probably the one thing that Unites our entire race
poles are mostly homosexual ppl
i cannot believe that look how not gay pudzianowski is...
>implying Pukraine has any right to talk
Taras, it's time to go back
It’s a picture of people working together to help their friend whose car broke down. Looks like they were able to find a pretty inventive way to transport it too, given that it looks like the axel is gone. Just simple people working together? Bet they had good beers and took turns fucking one of their sisters when they got the car back to the trash pile they formed into a hut.
You can’t say that’s a bad life, tbqh. I bet most Americans don’t even have two friends that would help them if they had similar problems
wtf I have never seen this shit
Poland is such a shithole....
Definitely, and they talk about anal sex alot.
Extremely gay nation.
lol what?
>TFW 90% of your territory was given to you by russian overlords
Poland kicks ass. They aren't putting up with the EU's stupid migrant policies youtu.be
>86 replies and 38 images omitted
That's nice baitin'
I would take the Muslim immigrants over this. It is no wonder they don't want to accept Swedish degenerate culture. They start sex ed at age 5. That's child molestation.