How much will Sup Forums explode if Kyoani wins an Oscar?
How much will Sup Forums explode if Kyoani wins an Oscar?
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Just because it qualifies to be nominated doesn't mean jack shit. See Your Name last year.
Your Name didn't qualify because Funi didn't put it in theaters until this year.
Are you certain that rule applies to animation? I was under the impression that it wasn't.
it did qualify, but it didn't make it past the first round of nominations.
They did a limited screening in one city just to be able to qualify it last year. They tried, but they failed.
No, (((Hollywood))) fears the samurai.
It won't and it's embarrassing anyone still gives a damn about the Oscar's.
Oscars are worth giving a damn about for the publicity alone, I'd like to see Silent Voice win so that more people can see it
>I want more normalfags to watch anime
No thanks.
>inb4 muh sikrit club
It has a good chance of winning because the love interest is a "marginalized group" and the American left is all over that kind of thing.
Glad to see In This Corner of The World also qualified. I'd be glad if either one gets nominated.
Couldn't give less of a fuck, good movies ought to be seen
>Kimi no na wa didn't win one
>Somehow inferior movie will get it
Yeah, sure.
Corner was qualified? Can't say I'm not happy. It was a great movie, though we all know some Pixar feature will be taking the Oscar anyways. At this point a mere nomination is already way past expectation for an anime in a Western award show.
>Best Animated Disney Film award
There you go.
It would be a miracle if it were nominated and a miracle if it won.
Simple as that really.
The Emoji movie has a better chance than A Silent Voice.
>Muh sekrit club
>Still taking the Memescers seriously
The Oscars are meant to be watched like an episode of Mystery Science Theater. It's basically the biggest unintentional comedy show off the year.
The Oscars are the last group to ever listen to about animated films. One of the judges said they let their kid pick their vote because they hadn't actually seen any animated films that year
>inferior movie will get it
That does sound a lot like the oscars.
no one in the academy cares about animation
they'll vote for the emoji movie or lego batman
no they didn't even nominate the first lego movie when it was up.
Foreign media stand no chance against american movies. Precisely because the chances of winning are directly related with the money spend (including bribes to whoever's the judge for this thing). This is the reason why there's an oscar specifically made for foreign movies.
Also the oscars are shit and don't really matter.
Shit I meant to say spent
>the Oscar awards
I wouldnt be so skeptical, its a coming of age foreign language film about a girl with a disability
it might just do quite well this year
>Pixar feature
Which is this movie called Coco and it's an entire movie about Latinos so guarantee win. I'd laugh if it didn't qualify cause it's not even out yet.
0% chance any Japanese animated movie not directed by Miyazaki has even been seen by any of the voters. Don't kid yourself, the Oscars wouldn't use this category even for PC points
where is Your Name?
was up for nomination last year but didn't get it
My Life as a Zucchini got the nomination spot over it last year.
Why is the animated feature category a thing anyway? They're just movies, regardless of format.
Silent voice has a interracial couple
Oscar now is for diversty bullshit
It's not a white girl getting slammed so who cares
None. It's just another industry award circle jerk.
Oh shut up
Awards (all of them) are worthless things. They're just popularity / marketing contests, nothing else.
Popularity and good marketing aren't worthless
Relax. Emoji's gender-fluid agenda will still win over the disabled's representative.
yfw kyoanus inevitably loses to the fucking Emoji Movie
Fucking idiot, the only people that vote for the animated category are married housewives.
In This Corner of The World deserves the Oscar.
It deserves it so much, but it won't get it, since barely anyone watched it.
>Japanese propaganda
>deserves an Oscar
Sure, sure.
Hopefully no one will give a shit.
I hope Emoji wins
Yeah, I can see this happening. The Oscars means jackshit: it's the "This movie represents the most marginalized and offended group" awards now.
Oscar judges don't watch most of the movies, they just go by what they hear people liked
KnK is an animated soap opera.
But Koe no Katachi is garbage. Literally edgy tearbait, there's not even romance in it.
And this. No reason to take the Oscars seriously now, they don't even give a fuck about the actual quality of the movie as long as it fits their political agenda.
>muh romance
You are right about KnK being garbage but that is not the reason it is garbage, you fucking disgusting delusional romancefag.
does this mean Yamada is going to the oscars or is Kyoani going to send in a standin?
But this one might actually win
>Movie is called "A Silent Voice"
>Girl isn't mute.
Threadly reminder
I can't even begin to imagine the shitposting if a Kyoto Animation movie wins a fucking Oscar.
that would automatically put yamada on the same level as miyazaki at near half his age
The Academy voters don't give two shits about animated movies and vote for whatever shit their kids/grandchildren scream about. If Disney or Dreamworks has anything up for nomination, it won't have a chance. Unless there is some massive cocksucking by the US distributor, anime has no chance.
It really is wild that she was given so many opportunities so young.
It did. Funimation did the required minimum screening (two weeks in LA IIRC) at the last minute (December), but completely failed to run any sort of Oscar campaign. I guess they naively thought the Academy would notice the international hype.
People don't understand how much work it is to get a nomination, much less the award. The Academy is made up of professionals in the business and are notoriously cliquey and usually too busy to see half anything but their immediate competition.
This, it
s never gonna happen, these things aren't even voted on by quality but rather "donations" and favorite for the anoyonous assholes in charge, it's all a corrupt money sham that's completely meaningless. all those signers and actors thanking friends,family and god for getting that useless little gold rock are lying to themselves, they need to thank their bribe money and agencies for supplying the right hookers and drugs to the right kinda people, the entire industry is garbage and corrupt, just like every other thing in this rotten sad sick world of ours.
This. The only reason spirited away won once was because Disney pushed it hard.
also, Nishimiya's mom is a single mother and Ishida's sister is a macacoburner
>Ishida's sister is a macacoburner
Did anyone else find it funny that she never really shows up and when she does, her face is obstructed by her mutt daughter?
What's up with that?
This is just some of the print advertising for Zootopia (which won), to say nothing of all the parties Disney threw for the voters or the super-special "For Your Consideration" edition Blu-Rays they would've shipped to every voter, etc.
There are hundreds of films every year, in the US alone. You have to distinguish yourself from the pack. If Funimation had done an earlier release and not fucked it up by being arrogant twats by trying to compete with The Fate of the Furious.
*If Funimation had done an earlier release and not fucked it up by being arrogant twats by trying to compete with The Fate of the Furious, they could have had a hit in the Fall during Oscar season.
Even if it got nominated it wouldn't win, the animation category in the oscars is a shit show, most people abstain from voting in it since they haven't watched all the nominations and the ones that do vote just vote for whatever disney movie their kid won't shut up about.
Let's be real here. If the kikes didn't make it and profit from it, it won't win.
Yes, but not for the reasons you imply.
Picture Kememe Friends on steroids while driving a truck filled with dead shaft employees. That's the level of shitposting we will get.
Even Madoka Rebellion qualified for nomination. Of course, no one voted for it
It wont win, the emoji movie is clearly going to win.
Shit movie.
Coco will win. You can take it to the bank.
>emoji movie
you guys realize that literally everyone hated the emoji movie, even the liberals
He's making a joke.
This is actually true.
It also should be pointed out that the west's mentality on animation is that it's something geared towards kids and is limited to that demographic only, as opposed to Japan's anime and manga industry that caters to every age demographic
Though while often the case for western animation and even eastern, feature length Anime films that make it to the west are often the ones geared towards at least the teen demographic.
lets be honest here, what kind of kid would actually enjoy or actually grasp plenty of the stuff in KnK?
What kind of children's movie has themes like legit harassment in school, suicide and belief that one doesn't deserve to live for their past actions?
KnK isn't something made with kids in mind let alone something they would appreciate, but that won't stop the voters from just glossing over it with the attitude that it is.
>A boy raised by a single mother and a sister who is in an interracial relationship bullies a deaf girl to near suicide only to redeem himself in the future by making amends with her
A Silent Voice is literally oscar bait when you think about it
Now that I think about it, this year hasn't really been all that good for western animation.
Nope the moment the Academy sees other crap from them like big titted lesbian dragons they will never win an Oscar.
Does samurai jack qualify? Or is it the wrong award show?
If it were an American (or English/French) live-action film with a handsome female lead, sure.
There are different rules for different categories.
this would be such a French movie if it wasnt a Japanese one now that I think about it
But it's not Pixar, Disney or Dreamworks, so there is 0 chance it will ever be acknowledged at the Oscars.
>Implying that rushed pandering garbage of a season is worthy of any awards
Oh so you don't know how Oscar judges work?
It has no chance at wining.
I'm working on a set of criteria to predict the Academy Award winner for Best Animated Feature. So far I've got:
+ American
+ CG
+ Disney
+ Pixar
+ Dreamworks
+ For Kids
+ Also For Adults
+ Oscar Winning Cast (for acting categories only) (+1 for each cast member)
+ Social Commentary
+ Actually Good
- Sequel
- Foreign
- Adult-Oriented
I'm not sure if this explains "Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit" though.
Oscar is film, emmys are for tv
>implying it's going to beat (((Disney)))'s CGI film of the year.
I should note that "foreign" should mean "foreign language". British pictures are ubiquitous in the United States.
This, it's because judges aren't required to watch all the movies and they don't watch all the movies. Rebellion was GOAT it's their lose.
Again, no one will vote for this.
What is that emoji movie people are talking about ITT? I'm not american and I don't give a fuck about american movies so I don't track them at all.
>A film about autistic mute, MC with borderline dissociative disorder and circlejerk of abuse.
Oh damn it. I can see how this shit might be pushed through.
Wait, people here want Silent Voice to be nominated AND win?
That thing was fucking garbage.