Why do so many people like crab?
Not trying to start a waifuwar i'm seriously wondering, she's a typical tsundere.
Why do so many people like crab?
Other urls found in this thread:
>she's a typical tsundere.
Except she isn't, you absolute moron
>Not trying to start a waifuwar
Oh fuck off with this shitty thread you faggot
Yeah she became a bit more dere at the end and so what?
It's still the same, she boring af
did you even watch Bake
People have different tastes. Best girl in my opinion is Gaen and people would disagree its just tastes man.
She is, you asswipe
>he fell for the taste is subjective meme
did you even go to college?
Nope. Did you go?
I did, it was pretty fun.
I'm up for a laugh. Prove that objective taste is a thing, using only logic.
Well glad you enjoyed it.
I like all the monogatari girls.
I just like Imoutos, Loli trio, Kanbaru and snake more then the rest.
alright dude, on one hand you have literal shit, on the other hand you have some gud cake
objectively the cake is tastier
Bat Snail Doll master race I'll see you all in hell
>typical tsundere
She's a classic tsundere, not a modern one. She's never once gone "it's not like I like you or anything", she's perfectly honest that she likes Araragi and was the one who initiated their relationship to begin with.
The whole reason she's so cold to begin with isn't even that she dislikes or likes Araragi, it's that she can't trust him or anyone besides her father. She's a weird case in that she wasn't mentally damaged from the rape attempt but instead the fact that her mother sat by and watched. Even though she still loves her mother, (to a very small degree, probably) she'll never trust her. The same applies to Araragi; she loves him, but she's not sure if she trusts him. This is also why she sends him back home after sex; because she can't sleep around him.
As for why I like Crab, it's probably a mix of what I like to call the NGEffect (some otaku/weebs are naturally attracted to the mentally damaged) and the fact that she's a genuinely attractive person. She's just enough dere and just enough tsun, she's resourceful, and she's forward. Also she might step on me which would be nice.
very good post, thank you for this
she's way more yandre than tsundre
No, no, thank you.
I wouldn't say that. She's not nearly violent or obsessive enough. She's still plenty of those things, but she's not even on Sengoku's level.
based user
I feel like i'm the only nadekofag here
So many reasons
>non stop witty banter
>can act kuudere, tsundere, yandere and dandere
>will risk her life to save yours
>can cook
>advanced hand to hand combat
You're probably one of the few. You see, Nisio is a sadist and despise Snake being his favourite girl he's going out of his way to make sure she's unhappy and unlikable.
s-she just wanted araragi to like her
Nisio knows. And that's what excites him.
>despise Snake being his favourite girl
I'll have to find it. Someone else might also have it.
I just did a quick google search and there doesn't seem to be a lot of info on that dude
What a shit fucking taste
kill yourself retard
she is the most generic unoriginal pedo-bait ever
she is a garbage character
I also don't like her, but that user gave some legitimately good reasons.
Meanwhile you're here saying "hurr dhurr she garbage xd" without telling why.
Why do you do this? Why do you not properly read posts?
Please don't ever come back to Sup Forums. You can always use boards like Sup Forums, Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
>one post is mine
I remember reading it in an interview that one of the Japanese fags posted here.
Since I would assume most interviews with Nisio aren't translated, either that user shows up and enlightens is with a source or I concede for the moment.
Are you that Kotaku journalist who called the titcow from Dragon's Crown pedo-bait?
>he's going out of his way to make sure she's unhappy and unlikable.
But she got the happiest ending out of anyone by the time Musubi rolled around.
Haha i don't think we'll encounter him, i'll just trust you on this one
She didn't get rararagi's dick tho
She's a yandere who acts like a tsundere to her love interest who clearly sees through the act. She drops the tsundere act quickly and acts like a generally lovey-dovey girl except when RRG risks his life and lets her know about it, which flips her yandere switch but defensively to protect him. It's a more interesting character dynamic than Asuka or Rei.
Cry some more you mentally ill faggot
if there is one anime which EOP teens should be banned from watching it is definitely the monogatari series
go back there
Not totally related since Nadeko's not on the list, but I hit up Google and apparently this is a list of Nisio's top 10 favorite characters that came from the recent Nisio exhibition:
>1. Nomi Chinou (Legend series)
>2. Princess Hitei (Katanagatari)
>3. Shiogi Hagihara (Zaregoto series)
>4. Kagi Mizukura (Risuka)
>5. Mayumi Doujima (Bishounen series)
>6. Houko Yamiguchi (Zaregoto series)
>7. Namanie Nienami (Medaka Box)
>8. Kyouko Okitegami (Amnesiac Detective series)
>9. Meniko Hamukai (Monogatari series)
>10. Choushi Kushinaka (Sekai series)
>Bonus: The Maniwa Corps (Katanagatari)
Huh. I haven't even heard of most of these.
>people forcing stereotypes on girls with incredibly dysfunctional lives and personalities
why is Sup Forums so bad at discourse
I had no idea that this existed. It's a shitty translation, but it's the official Kanbaru-narrated story of the meeting between her and Crab.
stop trying to make them sound deeper than they are
>9. Meniko Hamukai (Monogatari series)
But why
her mother ruined their family and nearly got her raped
everything is there
And as a result she became a tsundere when it comes to interacting with araragi.
Well, arararagi is a fucking cretin.
not even once
Just teasing RRRG sometimes isn't enough to be called a tsundere, she would have to be actually pushing him away, to some extent. Instead of that, crab is more forward about her relationships, than literally any girl you would find in entry-level anime. And it's not played for laughs. She's not the extra thirsty fifth girl in a harem show, she's the main heroine and she's been his actual girlfriend since episode three.
That's really appealing to a lot of people. Specifically betas who watch anime. They want a girl who will ask THEM out, and be very upfront about liking THEM. But not like, flat creepy adoration either. So she's incredibly critical of everything they do. The best way to describe the relationship is "intense". She's REALLY into you, but you REALLY don't want to fuck up.
Gregor Samsa transformed into a insect and as a result has a strained relation with his family.
I-I'm not a beta
I swear