What's her personality type?

What's her personality type?

Stacy of the worst kind

Wannabe Stacy

Outwardly nice and perfect girl who hides a nasty personality which she is only going to share with whom she trusts.

The term you're looking for is Trixie

She wish.


So, like some kind of twisted kuudere?

What's a Trixie?

tell me about shinka
why does she wear the baggy socks


Was she really into the twintail loli or was that just memeing? I kinda forgot most of what happened in this show.

She's sukeban.

another generic tsundere #139854

sounds familiar

The Anti-Rin.

It was both.


motherly wifoo

seriously my dream gal i would even get a job


and will nibble on pen0r


