If the Holocaust didn't happen, then why do deniers need to blatantly misrepresent evidence to prove it?

If the Holocaust didn't happen, then why do deniers need to blatantly misrepresent evidence to prove it?

Other urls found in this thread:


If the holocaust did happen, you wouldn't need to pass a law to keep people from questioning it.

Its a shame the term holocaust denial is so broad in spectrum.A lot of people don't deny that it happened, but disagree on the numbers of deaths directly due to extermination procedure vs. disease, malnourishment etc. or which camps are designated death camps, or modifications made to the camps post capture which are fair points of contention - however, those people are grouped in with individuals who believe absolutely nothing happened, and it portrays them not only dishonestly, but prevents discussion at all.Similarly, the deaths of homosexuals, roma, ethnic poles, slavs, Jehovah's Witnesses, intellectually disabled, birth defects, deformed, physically disabled, schizophrenics, epileptics, dementia, political opponents, etc. ad nauseum all gets swept under the rug and this is another point in contention that sometimes gets construed as holocaust denial.Hell, even arguing that the Holocaust itself, is not the only, most lethal nor most important genocide will be met with the tag of Holocaust denial and anti-semitism.So really, its a loaded term to begin with and mocking people haphazardly labeled with it seems hardly fair.

If the holoHOAX was for real, why so many lies about it?

Lies like the one that had Jew ashes/fat used to make soap? Turned out to be a lie. The one that had Jew skin used to make lampshades? The one that had giant electrical mats used to electrocute Jews? Both LIES. The one that said Bergen-Belsen had homicidal gas chambers? The one that had the shrunken Jew heads? Both LIES. The one that said steam chambers were used to kill Jews? That a secret Death Ray killed 20,000 at Ausshitz. Both LIES. The one that said electrified water vats were used at Belzec and one that said 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz? Both LIES, since that number dropped to a little over one million, and that included non-Jews.

Don't forget the Nazi masturbation machines that milked poor Shlomo to death!

Then there's the LIES about Majdanek, which originally claimed around 600,000 dead Juden, but now the number has dropped to around 70K. And my fav, the one that said DER EVEL Nazis used a huge electric chair, capable of frying 10,000 Jews at once at Ausshitz.
So if they LIED about Ausshitz and Majdanek, why and what else did the holoHOAX liars LIE about? And where did all these holoHOAX survivors come from?

This times 6 million

Is there a law against holocaust denial in the US?

The people that deny it are trying their best to sift through tons of info to find the truth . Its hard and sometimes they make mistakes and some scumbags do make shit up because they're full of hate , kinda like CNN .

I'd say it's exactly the opposite. Being a denier means you're never wrong. All they have to do to save their "argument" is simply to formulate the conspiracy theory differently.

> wanting unimpeded historical research is a conspiracy
Anyone who has looked into the Holocause revisionists arguments even a LITTLE bit can see that we have been fed propaganda, the only question is how much.

If the holocaust happened, good, less kikes in the world

If it didn't happen that means Uncle Adolf wasn't extreme enough.

No, the "holohoax" is a conspiracy theory, so ridiculous that it makes the 9/11 stuff look like child's play.

You get jailed ostracized and fined here for questioning it yet you seem to have a problem with randosms on the internet being dishonest.

There would be if it wasn't for 1A (which is under attack).

All I've ever seen as evidence that 6 million died are videos showing hundreds of bodies, possibly thousands. Taking that and other difficult to believe events called "The Holocaust™" such as faked pictures and events into account, I know it never happened as stated in the history books, if it all.

Why are most people fooled into thinking that millions died while the evidence supports low thousands at worst?

Isn't that weird? How come the 2nd most Jewified country in the word doesn't even have the basic elements of the conspiracy working? I mean, it's not like the constitution actually matters in the US.

Anyone with a mind would realize that being jailed for disbelieving a supposed fact means that supposed fact is a lie that needs oppression to exist.

>means that supposed fact is a lie that needs oppression to exist.

That's an obvious fallacy.


Not really. There is no valid reason to strip someone of their freedom because they don't believe a thing.

Well then. In my country, is it illegal to deny the crimes of the communist regime. So I suppose that they never happened, right? In some countries, ALL genocide denial is illegal.

there is no law anywhere to stop people questioning it.



you can question all you like.

you just can't tell lies about it

any questions you ask can be answered - and like all deniers you will find that when you listen to the answers you will come to realise that denial is wrong.

please - ask any question - I will try to answer it.

This is the crematorium 1 in the so-called main camp; during the war the crematorium (including the morgue that served as a gas chamber) was converted into an air-raid shelter; after the war it was restored by the authorities to represent the original state, including the chimney. The attempt was partially symbolic and partially botched. That said, the chimney always looked "detached" because it was connected to the crematorium by underground flues.


Krege’s assertion that the soil at Treblinka is undisturbed thus proving there are no mass graves is false. There is photographic evidence of the state of the site after the closing of the camp that show the area riddled with pits, heaps of sand, and deep pits. These images also reveal bones and human remains, which can be seen with the naked eye. In addition to the very disturbed area of the camp grounds after the war, the actual existence of the mass graves in Treblinka was established by the opening of several mass graves by the Polish State Prosecutor’s Office and the Main Commission for the Investigation of the German Murders in Poland in November 1945, in which they found human ashes and remains. In 2010, an authorized study using a GPR device has located a number of very large and deep burial pits.


ooh is this the french kikelover

well, your info graphic tells several lies.

first up the chimney is a reconstruction of the original site, and the original chimney was connected by flues that ran underground from the crematorium in the basement of the bunker. we have the blueprint showing this. see pic attached

When delousing clothing it takes many hours for the chemical to penetrate and kill the vermin, be it lice, rats, or beetles. These creatures are much harder to kill than humans by the gas. Lice, which were the main victims of delousing chambers, have a stronger tolerance to Zyklon B and it takes "a more concentrated exposure to cyanide gas over a longer period of time to kill lice than to kill humans"(Lipstadt 168). At the Auschwitz- Birkenau camps delousing took somewhere between 16 and 18 hours until everything was cleansed(Pressac 59). While lingering the room the for so long, Zyklon B would be more likely to soak into the walls. With 16 hours of exposure any chemical would soak into the encasing wall. In relation to the gas chambers, the Zyklon B was inside the room for only a brief period of time. The entire process, including the extraction of the bodies took no more than a four hours(Gutman 170f.). "About a half-hour after the induction of the gas, the ventilation was turned on, the door opened"(Gutman 170). With such a short exposure time, the gas was unable to soak into the walls, thus not creating a blue stain.


They've weakened the First Amendment with "Hate Speech" laws, which are only used against whites, of course. Even though we aren't supposed to face arrest or legal persecution for speaking out or publishing our views, it doesn't stop them from trying to ruin someone's life over having "bad" opinions or beliefs. For example:

"A man was arrested after approaching three girls in a west suburban Riverside candy store, talking to them about Nazis and defending Adolf Hitler.
He told them that they should “study history because Adolf Hitler was not an evil person,” police said."




STOP. If you're reading this obvious bait thread, about to reply, don't do it. I realize you're autistic, and its tempting to try to correct everything you see, especially things that seem so obviously wrong. But OP made it sound that way knowing you would reply. Stop rewarding his attention deprived NEET brain with replies. People like him deliberately ruin the board just to get attention.

>The three girls, aged 12 to 14, were in Aunt Diana’s, 29 E. Burlington St., at 3:15 p.m. Tuesday when the 59-year-old man approached them and started talking about “Adolf Hitler, Nazis, and not marrying outside your race,” Riverside Chief of Police Thomas Weitzel said in a statement.
He told them that they should “study history because Adolf Hitler was not an evil person,” police said.
After the man offered to buy them candy, the girls declined, took a photo of the man on a cellphone and then alerted their parents who contacted authorities, police said.

For fucks sake, THIS guy is your "poor victim of the Jews"?

You can't be of the opinion that it didn't happen and publicly state it, why not? Someone can deny the holodomor

the Krege report was fake - he claimed there was no disturbance anywhere on the site - and he never published his data. utterly worthless, and a pack of lies.

the third and forth pictures you feature can be taken together - not only is is a lie to say the Krakow team found no cyanide - they did and say they did - but the gas chambers have been repeatedly tested since 1945 and always found cyanide traces. Prussian blue only forms when the concentration of the gas is high and prolonged - which is necessary for killing lice, but not for killing people. leuchter is a fraud.

and the fifth - so what? what does that have to do with the gassing and shooting of millions in 1941 42 43 and 44?

as for your very stale copypasta - you know this has been debunked in depth every time you post these half truths and outright calumnies. why do you keep posting this, when your lies are revealed every time?

>Anyone who has looked into the Holocause revisionists arguments even a LITTLE bit can see that we have been fed propaganda,

by the revisionists who have all eventually agreed that they were wrong...

>Someone can deny the holodomor
You should look into the laws. Most of these laws outlaw denial of all crimes against humanity, not limited to the ones committed by the Axis of World War II, but also explicitly (as in Poland, Slovakia, or the Czech Republic) or implicitly including crimes by Communist regimes, and other crimes often emphasized by Holocaust deniers. Only in Romania is the law limited to Holocaust denial. The Israeli law is the only one of these laws actually mentioning Jews.

It was in regards to the First Amendment, and yes, he was a victim of wrongful arrest. That guy had every right to say what he said. You can be offended about it as they were, but he should not have been arrested for his beliefs. He won't get prosecuted but the damage is done since they've arrested him and put his name and face on the news.
Niggers can stand on the street corners and yell to kill all white children and the police won't do a thing. The laws are being eroded to only persecute whites and whites only.

Wrong board kike

Well to be of that opinion you would have to be ignorant of the truth, and while you may not know you are ignorant and stating a falsehood, you would be lying.

Now usually that does not matter, but those lies in this case are dangerous.

the point is that lying about mass murder is being complicit in it. the only reason people lie about it is because they have some political axe to grind - they are anti Semitic, or contrarian, they are fascists and nazi fan bois, or some such reason - all of which are trying to either make the Nazis look less evil - by telling lies - or to exonerate them of their crimes. doing so can only be to support those crimes - and many deniers on this board say that it did not happen but should have, and they look forward to doing exactly the things they say their heroes did not do.

if you live in a place were there is a genuine threat of rising nazi power, and totalitarian mass murdering thieving and enslaving ideology becomes acceptable, then you want to make sure that people acknowledge the criminal outcome of past versions of that ideology, and the inevitable criminal future of it.

>If the holoHOAX was for real, why so many lies about it?

>Lies like the one that had Jew ashes/fat used to make soap? > The one that had Jew skin used to make lampshades? >The one that had the shrunken Jew heads?
The germans did make some soap from human bodies, just not jews, so not quite a lie, and was a rumur widely spread during the war and used as a threat by the Gestapo. Yes, no human lampshades were found – it turned out to be goatskin. But given the other horrors of the Nazi camps, it was not much of a stretch to imagine them, and there was a strong rumour even among the German guards that one was made. Makes a good threat as well. Two shrunken heads were discovered at Buchenwald. Given the horrors of the camp it was assumed they had been made there. It was some years later that they were discovered to be anthropological specimens from Indonesia that a Doctor at the camp had collected before the war. That was widely reported at the time, and no one who knows anything about it has claimed otherwise since. A simple mistake, hardly a lie.
And no one who knows anything about the subject now claims any of these things. Only idiots and deniers bring this nonsense up.
>The one that had giant electrical mats used to electrocute Jews? > The one that said steam chambers were used to kill Jews? >The one that said electrified water vats were used at Belzec? .
All this was wartime speculation, which was dismissed at Nuremberg and no one now claims any of these things . Mistakes rather than lies.
They knew that people were being killed, en masse, but did not know how. Electrocution was a possibility – it turned out to be false. Given the use of exhaust fumes and gassing, steam was a plausible idea, but the original report that it may have been steam also mentioned gas as a possibility – so again, not a lie, an early mistake corrected when facts were known, and no one has claimed it is true since 1945.

>That a secret Death Ray killed 20,000 at Ausshitz
Atomic death rays - this was brought up at Nuremberg and instantly dismissed – again wild speculation during a war when no-one knew what was happening – but they knew about the atom bomb. It was a wartime rumour from third hand testimony (not even claimed to be eyewitness) so it was never taken that seriously.
> The one that said Bergen-Belsen had homicidal gas chambers?
The initial 1945 Associated Press report that said there was a gas chamber at Belsen was mistaken – the Doctor Bendel they were quoting had said “Birkenau”. There were other claims of a gas chamber there – never by any official who had visited the site and no serious historian claims this.
Why get on such a high horse about this one camp? It was a pretty horrible place to be, even without the gas chamber. Perhaps you pick out this one because it is a case of it not being true that people were gassed there and everyone agrees that. So why not claim the same for Auschwitz? Because it is true that people were gassed there, and there is plenty of evidence they were.
>The one that said 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz? A lie since that number dropped to a little over one million, and that included non-Jews.
Yes it was a lie. By the Russians. Soviet propaganda never accepted by the West or by historians. The Soviets said 4 million PEOPLE (not mentioning jews or non jews) but historians doubted this, and by 1955 were firm on it being about 1 to 1.5 million. The propaganda plaque was changed after the fall of the iron curtain. So yes, a lie told by Stalin and his crew, but one that western (including Jewish) historians debunked sixty years ago.

>Then there's the LIES about Majdanek, which originally claimed around 600,000 dead Juden, but now the number has dropped to around 70K.
Again Soviet propaganda – they at first said 1.5 million killed there. But In 1961, Raul Hilberg estimated the number of the Jewish victims at 50,000. And it has in fact crept up a little as he was giving his figures as minimums that he could strictly account for.

>So if they LIED about Ausshitz and Majdanek, why and what else did the holoHOAX liars LIE about?
Well “they” didn’t lie about Auschwitz and Majdanek. The Soviet propaganda people did that. “They” – historians, many of them jewish - spent years trying to find the truth and publishing it – and they came to a figure of Hilberg’s minimum provable 5.1 million total, of whom 900,000 to 1 million at Auschwitz (in the 1950’s) and have argued about it since, with a range up to 6.3 total, and most settling about 5.5 to 5.9 these days.
It has been very thoroughly documented, with people going through literally tons of German archive documents to find the numbers.
Just because some people in the earliest days speculated a little wildly does not mean that they deliberately lied, or that those untruths in any way undermine the truth of the torture, the beatings, the individual murders, the rapes, the medical experiments, the theft, and the starvation and cruelty and slave labour and the enormous mass murder. If they spoke a little wildly, who could blame them?
The Nazi concentration camps were places of horror. I would not wish that fate on any one. Even the idiot who keeps posting this stale copypasta.

once again this stale copypasta and debunked picture are posted together by a coward who makes one post then does not stand over his lies. not a single reply.

>It's ok darling, you can go with the old creepy man to get some candy, he's redpilled on the JQ, call me to pick you up when you're done

No, although some idiots call me the french kike...

since I am neither french nor a kike I think their opinions are fairly untrustworthy - as are all their arguments.

Why was the Jewish population in Europe larger after the war?

Because it wasn't, not if you don't use cherrypicked datapoints.


The contradicts some of the eyewitnesses when they state how long it took the gas to work.

it wasn't

Whites are under represented in hate crime convictions, you small dick cracker ;)

>If the Holocaust didn't happen,
Now, now... what is a Jew without his Holocaust?

some deniers think they are being clever by citing data from 1948 and before - oftent eh american World almanac (which does not actually do any census polling and is not an academic trusted source in any case) but they usually cut off the important bit (underlined in red on my pic) which shows that the data in 1948 was based on 1938 data - the last time it was updated. This is obviously because they know they are lying, but want to conceal their lie

deniers then say that the sudden drop of six million in the 1949 data was because the joos faked it - and have continued to fake all the census data for the last seventy years all around the world.

>The Nazi concentration camps were places of horror.
Especially the cabarets, theater, soccer teams, swimming pools et cetera. Nazi Death Camps(tm). Not allowed to question anything about them. Six billion Jews dead, and not a single Jew less.

For what is a Jew without his Holocaust?

If the Holocaust didn't happen then what happened to all the European Jews?

It wasn't


Most estimates put the time around half an hour before the doors were open

> Hi my name is Jeff Kasky!
> My son is a Stoneman Douglas "student" and we're both shilling for disarmament


> I'm sad because I had to pull my sullen child, Cameron Kasky, out of the central role in media after Sup Forums discovered I run a corrupt child trafficking organization via One World Adoption Services


> If you post about me on the_donald, the mods remove your post due to "misleading or inaccurate information" !

> I'm also an adoption lawyer, reserve policeman and Rabbi (see below)


> Hand in your guns and stop discussing Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Scott Israel, L3 Technologies or myself!


If you're tired of sage'ing slide threads, join us in the rumpus room

If that was the case, then they would have had a legitimate arrest and he would be charged for trying to lure them. But they arrested him for the content of his speech because it offended them.


eyewitnesses have given various time suggestions - but not a huge range. usually from a few minutes to half an hour. One suspects they were not using a stopwatch.

of course eyewitnesses are often bad at precise details - so that is not unexpected. but they all agree that it did not take very long...

>after the war it was restored by the authorities to represent the original state, including the chimney.
The same authorities that blamed Katyn on the Germans and turned state insanity into an art form?

The Holocaust did happen and Poles (many of whom had Jewish roots) were the primary victims of it. Also, jail for denying the Holocaust is not enough, deniers from Allied countries should be charged with treason and shot


So where is your data that proves 6 millions jews went up in smoke?

I suggest you really do look at the link posted and also try not lie so much - it was not billions, it was about 5.1 to 6.3 million, probably 5.7. And the data shows that many less. And you can question all you like - and find answers to those questions.

do you have any coherent questions?

>Most estimates put the time around half an hour before the doors were open

What about the time taken to die?

So Jews would have to be packed through 2 or 3 tiny rooms before going in the gas chamber? Why not put a door on the other side, like they did for the tour I went on? This looks more like a blueprint for a morgue, not a homicidal gas chamber

So very high concentrations of gas then? How long does it take for the Cyanide gas to evaporate from the Zyklon B pellets?

>what is the wannsee conference
>numerous documents and witnesses
>j-jewish lies!!!

>But given the other horrors of the Nazi camps

It says he was charged with disorderly conduct, not hate speech. The article focuses on his Nazi rant to highlight how much of a weirdo he is.

What was said specifically about gassing Jews at wannsee and what is the source?

no it takes only a few hundred parts per million to kill humans in a few minutes - many thousands to kill lice over many hours (if you are trying to go for the prussian blue missing line)



may interest you

Around a half an hour is usually given for the time the whole job was complete, of course some would begin dying earlier around 5-10

I just don't give a fuck about it any more than any other historical event. I resent it because it's used as a tool to deny white people and various subgroups and ethnicities of white people their right to assert themselves and live by themselves in their own countries and to take the necessary actions to achieve that.

>Soviet propaganda never accepted by the West or by historians.
Except the propaganda about homicidal gas chambers that used low-CO diesel exhaust to suffocate them then buried hundreds of thousands in burial pits only to be dug up and burned in huge funeral pyres

>no it takes only a few hundred parts per million to kill humans in a few minutes - many thousands to kill lice over many hours (if you are trying to go for the prussian blue missing line)

If what you say is true, the volume of the gas chamber is much much larger than a delousing chamber. The quantity of cyanide would therefore also be larger. So where is the blue staining?

>t. Someone who lives in a nation that 95% of its population is european

How come Auschwitz Sonderkommando Dario Gabbai said the gassed bodies were black and blue when bodies afflicted with cyanide poisoning have a cherry red hue?


>Around a half an hour is usually given for the time the whole job was complete, of course some would begin dying earlier around 5-10

Time given by who exactly? What is your source?

what is the peddle driven brain bashing machine?

Would it be the footswitch activated humane killer , like they use in abattoirs, powered by compressed air, or a large spring, or an electric solenoid - which they allegedly used at Sachsenhausen? Yes it would be that. So stop making yourself look stupid by trying to make it look ridiculous. it isn't. it is very plausible that thousands of human beings were killed in that way.

Similarly, soap was a WWI story that the Gestapo used to threaten people with in the WWII. The human skin lamp may have existed. The shrunken heads certainly did - they were anthropological specimens. The steam chambers came from a report that said "steam, gas or exhaust fumes" not sure which. It turned out to be gas. Similarly electrocution was a speculation, not a lie. the rollercoaster comes from a novel, as does the anus gas pump. So, a novel, fiction, So what?

and the death showers - well, you know those are true.

>kill all the nazi high brass
>no one left to disprove holocaust accusations




No good my friend. I want a source, I want the document. What is the provenance of the document?

Focus less on the six billion and more on what they did to deserve internment. We'll get the 1990's holohoax laws revoked in Europe sooner than later.


en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Liebknecht (goy)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Pieck (goy)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Eichhorn (goy)

Because he was lying


Why did Hitler hate jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you


I want 95% of the population to be Irish. Not just now. In 100 years. Trends are a thing, do you think you're clever or something?


Benjamin H. Freedman 1961 speech

You've admitted to being Jewish in previous threads.

>and the death showers - well, you know those are true.
Actually I don't. I haven't seen sufficient evidence for it.

Your source holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com/2010/05/mass-graves-at-nazi-extermination-camps.html#_Treblinka claims that a Jewish investigation team found half rotted corpses and a child's leg (the story from Rachel Auerbach). Are there any photographs of this from the Soviet archives?

You should spend less time polluting our board and more time cleaning house if you want to prevent the real coming holohoax zundel predicted.

Fix your colour calibration.

>the volume of the gas chamber is much much larger than a delousing chamber. The quantity of cyanide would therefore also be larger

volunme of area larger, so mass of gas larger but still at low density.

so still low quantity per cubic meter....

Not an argument.

not sure about that - a quick search shows
There can also be bluish discoloration of the skin due to cyanide-hemoglobin complexes.

I think it is CO that makes them red...

>Would it be the footswitch activated humane killer , like they use in abattoirs, powered by compressed air, or a large spring, or an electric solenoid - which they allegedly used at Sachsenhausen? Yes it would be that. So stop making yourself look stupid by trying to make it look ridiculous. it isn't. it is very plausible that thousands of human beings were killed in that way.

>Similarly, soap was a WWI story that the Gestapo used to threaten people with in the WWII. The human skin lamp may have existed. The shrunken heads certainly did - they were anthropological specimens. The steam chambers came from a report that said "steam, gas or exhaust fumes" not sure which. It turned out to be gas. Similarly electrocution was a speculation, not a lie. the rollercoaster comes from a novel, as does the anus gas pump. So, a novel, fiction, So what?

>and the death showers - well, you know those are true.

If it's all true, prove it.