I named my hard drive after one of my favorite Nichijou characters!
I named my hard drive after one of my favorite Nichijou characters!
What happened to the Yoshinoya drive?
Is it because she's a robot? You racist scum.
That's pretty cool user.
>buy 2 TB hard drive
>they only give 1.81 TB of storage space
Why do they do this shit?
Because it's explicitly legally allowed to round like that. It wasn't a big deal when storage sizes were much smaller, because although the percentage you were ripped off was the same you weren't losing TWO HUNDRED GIGABYTES of data. The value of a gig has not decreased but the losses taken have.
The decision needs to be reversed.
Windoes is lying and telling you its size ine TiB, which is in base 2, instead of TB which is in base 10. Basically windows is lying and the drive is a full 2TB
They like to be cheap fucks and use different definitions of terabyte for marketing purposes. They're defining it as 1000 GB, a GB as 1000 MB, etc. Windows, on the other hand, defines a terabyte as 1024 GB, a GB as 1024 MB, etc. The conversion from one to the other happens to work out to 1.81 TB. See pic related.
user can't into tech
Hiro better be the biggest I swear to fucking akuma-sama ONE JOB
>Using Windows
They don't "lie" to you. There's some difference between TiB and TB, but it isn't that fucking much. I believe if you used GNU/Linux it would show you 2 TBs instead of 1.81 TBs.
Disk management on windows is so shit, one of the many thing I do not miss after moving over to GNU/Linux. Only dual boot for a few fames now.
My Disk mount points:
sda 8:0 0 232.9G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 100M 0 part
├─sda2 8:2 0 119.9G 0 part /mnt/windows/c
├─sda3 8:3 0 40G 0 part /
└─sda4 8:4 0 72.9G 0 part /home
sdb 8:16 0 931.5G 0 disk
├─sdb1 8:17 0 100G 0 part /mnt/windows/file
├─sdb2 8:18 0 200G 0 part /mnt/image
├─sdb3 8:19 0 250G 0 part /mnt/manga
└─sdb4 8:20 0 381.5G 0 part /mnt/file
sdc 8:32 0 931.5G 0 disk
├─sdc1 8:33 0 350G 0 part /mnt/music
├─sdc2 8:34 0 300G 0 part /mnt/video
└─sdc3 8:35 0 281.5G 0 part /mnt/other
sdd 8:48 0 1.8T 0 disk
└─sdd1 8:49 0 1.8T 0 part /mnt/data/one
sde 8:64 0 1.8T 0 disk
└─sde1 8:65 0 1.8T 0 part /mnt/data/two
sdf 8:80 0 2.7T 0 disk
└─sdf1 8:81 0 2.7T 0 part /mnt/data/three
sdg 8:96 0 931.5G 0 disk
└─sdg1 8:97 0 931.5G 0 part /run/media/bp/Elements
But I want to play games and VNs and shit
As more and more software begins to drop XP support, it's getting lonelier and lonelier. The day they drop Firefox ESR will be the day I finally switch to GNU/Linux.
Sae is a filthy whore
>naming your hard drive
>not your raid ftp server
>all those 300gb drives
stop being poor, user
Kyoko is my internal.
Yui holds all my anime and movies.
Akari holds a VeraCrypt volume with my passwords.
I forgot what Chinatsu does, or where she's at, but it's unimportant.
I do that too.
Video games are degenerate.
What command gives you that?
It's called GNU plus Linux, plebs.
>crying about 200GB
Come on user, you just store half of some random Coalgirls release on another drive.
It's still a hassle to use Linux even if you specifically pick some user friendly streamlined version like Mint.
Fuck off, nobody is obligated to even call it GNU/Linux, let alone Gnu + Linux.
Stallman is wrong and Torvalds is right almost every time.
That's what my four 3TB drives look like. Sure, I can delete shitty automatic duplicates to cut down my disc usage by half, but I'm too lazy to do that/actually seed things.
Miss me with your sekrit program shit, there's literally nothing wrong with usign Windows
I once named a text editor after her.
How much yen do you guys get on AB? I only have a 1TB HD since I dropped my 4TB one.
>C F H M
>DVD drive inbetween the storage drives
This triggers my autism.
I watched Nichijou and I loved it, except I started to fast forward at one point or rather skip all the parts that included this insufferable abomination of a character.
>Not naming your best girl as the computer.
>Not having multiple cloud servers named after the charaters.
Why you have to think so small?
Ditch your Compaq already.
Moe desu!!
You need to acquire some taste.
>they hoard english subtitled anime
who are you quoting
>he specifically seeks out the raws instead of just downloading the subtitles version and turning off the subs
>not having raws, sd version with baked in subs, mkv version with multiple subs in 720 and 1080 and then BD version with multiple audio and sub tracks
bits are CHEAP, only poorfrags complain about waste of storage space
Only poorfags don't download every single Coalgirls release ever in all resolutions available
Why haven't ISPs caught on to this and start advertising their speeds in mebibits?
The difference wouldn't be as noticeable and it would invite a lot of complains from customers using speedtests with 1024 base.
Also the ISP network IT guys probably managed to beat the network sales rep guys into a bloody pulp when they suggested this shit the first time.
Had drive failure
Truly epic, you should tell Sup Forums about it.
Too soon user
They're doing that now, even if they don't always use standard SI prefixes.
gi/me/ki + bi = 1024 multiplier.
For years I had drives names a-ko and b-ko.
>100Mbit using base multiplier 1024 = 104.85Mbit using multiplier 1000
Doesn't look as good on advertisement materials and they already kind of sort of do that because they use 'bits' instead of bytes.
Now if HDD manufacturers caught onto that your 2 TB drive would become 16Tb drive and isn't that wonderful?
Don't put dirty things in Nano!
This legitimately made me feel bad.
Gogai! Gogai! Gogai!
>Windows 7
>still not using ssd
You guys are beyond mad.
Apple did that with the iPod a decade ago.
>I still have my old gen 1 nano.
Kinda wonder what music I put ok it.
How do you know it's not one? Windows will still call it a hdd
I don't think people here own 2tb ssd's.
Neps are better and Uni is my UNIverse
>paying shitload amounts of money for some at max 500gb shit that makes you watch your porn slightly faster
Don't be a retard, user
Didn't he switch to Yuki
>being poor that you can't support your first world hobby
Fair enough.
>first world
That's not really the case, though. It's one of the few things people can enjoy irregardless of where they currently are.
oh shit, sysadmin has gotten a tad better at these
I've always wondered what a set up like this would be used for.
I think this image is old. Sysadmin runs Windows 10 now, from the battlestation threads I've seen him in.
I don't actually go to Sup Forums anymore, so thanks for letting me know.
Strange that he'd actually use Windows 10 despite all the privacy concerns, though.
>tfw poorfag
I sure love micromanaging my anime and vidya folders.
>privacy concerns
That didn't stop him from using Windows 7. I figure he has the botnet disabled as much as he can.
I'm pretty much forced to delete my anime after I'm done with it. Sup Forums images take up most of my HDD.
>storing anime
>storing reaction images
>can't afford a terabyte for 40 bucks
>spends free time on Sup Forums
I don't really believe either of you
Where's the harm? They don't take away your entire space on your hard drive
You completely fucking blindsided me, you glorious bastard.
>not having an entire hard drive for storing reaction images
Filling a 500mb hard drive with reaction images isn't something admirable, user
Do you even reaction images, user?
Nether is being a faggot, but you seem to take a lot of pride in it.
This, A and B drives exist for a reason, it's not like anyone ever uses a floppy drive anymore right?
Yeah but not enjoy properly, as evidenced by the universal sit taste of all spics.
Where do you think you are, user?
yeah, its dated 2014
Implying Hakase isn't the best character.
mine are all boringly named after function - servers however get proper names as
aye, win10 tech preview on this machine, mostly some flavour of debian on others with a couple of ubuntus along with freebsd based appliances
Floppys aside, a and b just look wrong
I name mine after songs with numbers in them.
C: is OS, D: music, E: images and F: videos.
I started naming my stuff a lot after I got into Nanoha, so I've named my laptop Bardiche and my MIDI keyboard Raising Heart.