Well, do ya Sup Forums??

well, do ya Sup Forums??

not exactly

This faggot was a useful idiot at first, now he’s becoming extremely detrimental to the narrative. Average normies are understanding no “victim” acts like this.


what's that supposed to mean?

how would he know?

It feels more like living in the 30's

no because its two thousand eighteen shitlord

This is 100% an MK-ULTRA activation phrase

Can't FLOG the HOGG!
What an alpha

I wish.


If we were living in the 60s, we would have lynched this fucking wigger already.

I feel like I'm living in the 20s.

Is he retarded?

The kikes utterly destroyed the West in the sixties

Well I wasn't alive in the 60's so how am I supposed to know. Fucking idiot.

Oh shit

What he meant it to mean:
>Does anyone feel like you're living in a time of injustice and great social activism and change?

What his subconscious actually meant:
>Does anyone else feel like a savior and important famous figure like I do?

I wish. Nothing gets me harder than the thought of spraying off the black off of some nignogs with a fire hose

Not really, too many niggers and kikes.

Goddamn it, why couldn't Cruz have killed this faggot, along with la goblina?


Dude literally looks like a psychopath. Trust nothing he says.

Anyone else feel like you're living in a galaxy far, far away?

I feel like its 2018 and high school seniors are too fucking stupid to use proper grammar.

>implying they were there

The boomers have mythologized their youth and this kid is so cynical that he actually envisions himself as the second wave of this mythic turning point in history

>tfw they are missing the only movement that will matter in 50 years

The 1860s, hopefully soon.

Always do the opposite of what David Zogg says.

By this point, he's using the dead bodies of his former classmates to further his career. Regardless of his status of a (((crisis actor))) or not, he's still a shitstain on humanity

That what he meant by the living in the 60s. Full of narcissists like him.


Does anyone else feel like you're living in the late 1930's?

>school gets shot up
>become a celebrity


trips of truth

Came here to post this

Oh shit

I get elliott rodger vibes from this guy, dunno why.

lel good post

Also, slightly ironic that muh 60s civil rights and burn muh bra femninism were about gaining MORE freedom and Zogg wants to take away our freedoms.

he comes of as schizoid paranoid jew paired with that goblina they are just off putting to normal people, off putting and piss offing based shooter missed two perps

>commies allowed to openly display hammer and sickle
>pedo-normative gay culture being paraded in the streets
>nigs dating white whites and vice versa

Not in my 60's America, faggot.


Someone please respond to him with "Kill yourself"

Thank you in advance

Checked, please elaborate.

on point my dude

>anyone was actually killed

What is he going on about? He would barely remember much from the 2000's at his age. He has now idea about anything in the real world.

His facial expression is always so angry

He looks like the kind of kid who would shoot up a s-

I hate this world.

David Zogg is basically some plant. His life is set, because he's willing to shill day and night for Marxism. He'll go to Havard. Perhaps Havard Law School of Yale Law School. He'll then become a member of the Marxist intelligentsia and push every Communist ideal there is. His life is set. Same with Emma Mutt Gonzales.


Does he mean 1960 or 1969? Because there's a large difference between the 2.


holy shit
he does kinda look like that bitch

Maybe he's referring to how Marxism infiltrated the left in the USA in the 1960s

He’s such a skinny little faggot. He should be getting beat up and shoved in lockers, not giving political speeches fed to him by cnn.

"Trump is- may Melkor forgive me for uttering this word- a morgul rat"

digits confirm. Hoggpilled

Patrick Bateman lookin' ass nigga. Why do I get the feeling he's gonna ask to see Paul Allen's card? He has the face of someone who would shoot up a school because he couldn't get a reservation at Dorsia.

>hurrdurr we live like in the 60s muh oppression
>tweets about his feelings for sympathy likes
>eats organic soy tube
>jacks in to th VR internet
>loads the videos of him acting
>reherse his lines over and over again

Little faggot equates ending segregation with violating the bill of rights

There could be a comparison drawn. But the 60's were an experiment into degeneracy that most of the hippies grew out of. People today are highly brainwashed by the narrative. Just look at the music scene. The 60's created all kinds of great artists by people freely allowing to explore their creativity. Quality transcends time. Music nowadays pretty much blows. The left have boxed themselves into a prison with their rules. These environment are not conducive to free creative expression. I reckon you'll see a lot of artist figure that out soon enough and jump off the crazy train.

David Hogg and his dad killed all those kids.


...there is an idea of a David Hogg, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there.

I feel like I'm living in **current year** actually...

If there are civilizations in other galaxies (highly possible) then we ARE living in a galaxy far, far away.

stupid bitch can't even tie a fucking tie properly.
cunt should be ashamed of herself. looking like you just got fucked is not a part of NS aesthetic.

Anyone else feel like the cia is a cancer on the world? Along with all democratic regimes?

This nigger is overdosing on whatever pills they give him.

I wonder why...

That was always their plan. Cultural marxism grew from commie Marxism in order to destroy the institutions that inoculated the White American from their kike virus.

I hope this isn't what the 60's were like.
There was some grandma in here the other day all happy because her grandkid (guess where the parent(s) are?) was in one of those (((walkouts))).
All she could articulate being happy about was the kid playing angery. Not the cause, not the faux caring. Just that the kid was playing angery.
She said it reminded her of the 60's.
Was the 60's just a bunch of pointlessly angry assholes with no jobs to go to and no particular cause in mind? If so fuck the 60's and fuck hippies.

They better shut this kid up soon before he become a issue to the narrative


>Russian Federation
here we go

Good post, every idiot leftist in politics is trying to build himself up to be something that gets immortalized like MLK or Rosa Parks

Rosen didn't know when to quit either.

ah yes the (((civil rights))) when rich jews from NY came down south and walked hand and hand with blacks preaching to end segregation, then when they got their way booked it back to NYC to live in their all white/jewish neighborhoods, sending their kids to all jewish private schools. Meanwhile the poor white southern had to send his kids to go to school with the blacks.


I really hope you fucking hang yourself for starting this thread

rolling for Hogg getting unironically offed by another spazz kid with a AR-15

Do not underestimate the normie's ability to shove their head in the sand to avoid being blinded by the light of truth.


anyone, anywhere, PLEASE KEEP HIM TALKING. keep Hogg talking. activate him fully.



No the music is shit nowadays

Jesus this kid is really pigging out on the attention whoring, cant wait till any sort of legislation gets savagely shut down and we can move on to the next bullshit wedge issue

The psy-op this kid is fronting is so bad I love it and hope they keep going. Obviously they are targeting baby boomer minds prior to coming revelations about how corrupt their heroes are. No one else watches TV or cares.

Looks like the crypt-keeper

And we’re Supposed to take this child seriously?

They are incredibly transparent and pathetic.

>muh freedom fighters


>I'm living my dream
what a psychopath

1930s actually. Guess what comes next


How can it be an activation phrase if it's grammatically inaccurate?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand David Hogg The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also David Hoggs' nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike David Hogg truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Donalds' existential catchphrase “I AM NOT AN ACTOR,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as DAVID HOGGS' genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a DAVID HOGG tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Do people genuinely not know the difference between your and you're?

someone tweet this to him

>grammatically inaccurate