Daily reminder that this shit ruined new game


ugly trash

New game was always borderline shit though, overtime is boring to watch

>sameface moeshit with no plot
It was shit from the start

How did she become such a cunt? Was she abused as a child?

She's the anti-nene

Is this a meme like when people pretended they were bitches from manga panels they couldn't read?

who /pissonherface/ here?

the results are clear

Also I like momo

>g-go back to Sup Forums

And your shitty edits ruined New Game threads.


Don't bump this terrible thread.

>I like momo
liking shit makes you also shit you know

and she has two right feets that freak

she really likes piss, huh?

hifumi beat the shit out of that shit confirmed?

Daily reminder that the faggot trying to force this is an underaged ESL.

>unironically liking this shit

I also hate this bitch. ruined the show for me

I'm pretty sure it's an underage kid. His posts make it obvious.
Look how he samefags too.

I didn't like Momo at first but the last episode made her a little tolerable. Holy shit, Aoba doesn't hate her, why should you?

because aoba is autistic
momo will be top shit

But that's best girl.

New game was always trash but this bitch is fucking shit

>7 new posts
>the IP count hasn't gone up at all

Do not breath
Aoba is too pure and nice to hate anyone

Back to Sup Forums

they're all me.

Post Nene !

i hate momo, she ruined the whole anime

Yes, she is the worst.