So where are the rest of these guys?
And how high do you think Compote's, Oven's and Daifuku's bounties are?
So where are the rest of these guys?
And how high do you think Compote's, Oven's and Daifuku's bounties are?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pudding is CUTE and NAKAMA
She's in
How can anyone like such a boring and useless character who has no screen time?
>How can anyone like such a boring and useless character
There are people that actually like Jinbe, so I don't know either.
Big tits.
Does anyone remember what exact year/month timeline that the Oars fight in Thriller Bark took place, specifically the last ~1/4th of it?
He's literally one of the most useful people in the series.
And also one of the most boring one.
she can fight, so there's the usefulness
also she's fun
>hot female shows up
>zomg next crewmate confirmed!
Rinse and repeat for every single arc
Well if Prospero's is 700 mil and Katakuri's is over a billion, it could be close to theirs. Granted if they're as powerful/useful as the aforementioned.
Now, that's no way to talk about Pekoms.
Oven and Daifuku are being useful somewhere else
Smoothie is doing squats in the back ground
Who's Compote
The crew fought him from around ch 473 which was October 6th 2007. He was defeated in 481 which was December 10th 2007.
Where are Jinbe, Pudding, Carrot, Pedro, Katakuri etc.
Next year
What the fuck? He forgot to draw Monet.
But Katakuri is right there, between Robin and Brook
We already have our animal/human hybrid on the crew - Chopper
>Fights with electricity
Nami's got it covered
>Brawler in fights
Got too many already
Literally redundant
And the one where he throws a party at his house. 3 scenes != throw away comment.
That's not Katakuri, dumbass, that's Kinemon the samurai from the Dress Roba arc.
Where my Bonneybros at?
>Another needless break
One Piece is shit, Oda is a hack
We don't have a female dedicated physical fighter tho
>if they're serious, they're boring
Yeah no. I can't wait to see how Jinbe reacts to the usual SH shenanigans
Japanese comedy is all about the straight man/funny man combo, having more serious people on the crew would only improve that dynamic.
I'm looking forward to it too.
That bunny looks evil. Exorcise it.
Thanks user. I thought I had been reading OP for only 8-9 years but here I am, nearly a fuckin' decade.
She's the mink traitor.
People meme about this, but it would do wonders for her character. All of a sudden she'd go from a bland genki bunny with massive mammaries to someone with a little depth and reason for existing
8-9 years is nearly a decade though.
You can tell all the Carrothaters know she is definitely joining now.
They are in full damage control mode
>She's a traitor
>she will be fleet commander
>why do people even like this bitch
For sure but being basically a month away from a decade is a lot closer than 1-2 years off. I'm just being pedantic here.
The best kind of babby
No way could this possibly have anything to do with all the Carrotfags spamming "hurrr durrr carrot confirmed" since the chapter spoilers came out
At this rate when she finally gets kicked to the curb, which, don't kid yourself, is going to happen, there will be thread-wide celebrations for days.
>Can't handle a week without an 18 pages Japanese comic book series
What a baby.
Now that the arc is slowly coming to an end, what are your thoughts on the whole big mom arc?
Kek if Carrot goes home it will be at least 100 probably hundreds of chapters from now.
Imagine how many Carrot moments between now and then. Each one making it less likely she leaves. Each time the threads applauding the confirmation of Carrot. Until the day Luffy makes it official and AntiCarrots are BTFO for all eternity. You probably won't even come to the thread for a week after that day.
I'll bet you thought Vivi, Kin'emon, and Caesar were going to join too. You don't know how this manga works and that's why you can say dumb shit like that with a straight face while meaning it.
While everyone else is celebrating the dawn of a rabbit free tomorrow and mocking you fools, you'll be drowning yourself in carrot wine while crying yourself to sleep.
Vivi did join. She is forever banana. And so did Robin so sometimes the new girl character does join. If you think Carrot is leaving that is just wishful thinking for your faggotry this point. Now that all the Carrot hating compaints of her not having a dream enough and having no sob story got rekt in a single chapter the AntiCarrots are resorting to greater and greater reaching to convince themselves she won't join.
Maybe. But we'll at least have fun until then, if that's the case.
>forever banana
My fucking sides
>Vivi did join.
Carrot will join just like Vivi did, as an honorary member who stays home to perform her royal duties.
AntiCarrot patricians don't have to reach, we can simply sit up in our high castle smug and comfy while waiting for you plebs to get BTFO once and for all. Anything else is window dressing meant to get a rise out of the ignorant rabble.
>Vivi did join. She is forever banana.
What's that regarding?
>One Piece thread now
>Complaints complaints complaints complaints complaints HURRRR DURRRRR ONE PIECE IS SHIT NOW, HURRRRR DURRRRRR ODA IS A HACK complaints complaints complaints false criticism false criticism false criticism people who pay little attention but complain anyway people who give invalid criticism shitpost shitpost shitpost shitpost HUUUUURRRRRRRRR ONE PIECE IS SHIT NOW BUT I'M STILL READING IT ANYWAY JUST TO COMPLAIN DUUUUUUUURRRRRRR
We can never go back to peaceful One Piece threads, can we?
What is he pulling?
Found it on AP
when you stop sucking oda's dick
guys rate my OC
The next female to join will be a flat-chested loli.
What fucking royal duties does Carrot have?
I'm not deeply enamored with Carrot, but she's a funny character who meshes well with the other crewmembers and is expected to be a strong fighter, so I would like if she permanently joins the crew
The fact that she is so much polarizing just temptes me in taking a side because the AntiCarrots seem to be moved by a contrarian sentiment more than anything. Also she has a reason for sticking around past her indtroduction arc more than many other friendly supporting characters
Kin'emon has always been a passenger because he got into Zoro's niche, something that happened with Brook being another swordsman and then addressed post TS by focusing on his soul powers and the bardic side. The samurai instead can't not have being a good swordsman as his defining trait that inevitably robs Zoro's niche
Caesar is an unrepentant villain that is (rightfully) deeply hated by memebers like Nami and Chopper and thus it's imposible for him to actually join. He was drugging children ffs
Vivi is the only actual precedent that comes close with her desire of adventure, but Carrot just this chapter was almost asked to ensure Luffy becomes Pirate King
Put the following into your filter.
>filtering sapu
>but she's a funny character who meshes well with the other crewmembers
The matter of the fact is that she's more of the same shit, thus making her boring. What people don't understand that something that contrasts what already exists becomes the opposite of boring, along the lines of what said.
Being aide to the rulers of Zou. Go reread the arc if you forgot.
>Implying Carrot has a niche and isn't just dead weight
>Carrot just this chapter was almost asked to ensure Luffy becomes Pirate King
>AntiCarrot Patricians are the ones who are willing to reach
Wow, what a stretch. If you want Carrot to join so badly just ask her yourself, Luffy-kun.
Just kidding, we all know that wont happen. Fact is, Carrot has about as much chance to join as those other characters listed and your arguing against them only serves to bolster my point. She isn't joining.
sounds like you're actively looking for reasons to oppose the idea of Carrot a new member
>arguing against them only serves to bolster my point
This doesn't look like a solid reasoning
An island. He was called the "continent-puller".
Damn, if only there was someone else in the story who used to be a solider who later turned to piracy to set a precedent. You sure got me there huh
>This doesn't look like a solid reasoning
>X characters won't join, and neither will Carrot!
>You're right, X characters won't join for Y reasons.
All you did was back up what I said, it doesn't even matter if I agree with you or not on Y, because all you were doing was adding pointless supporting arguments for certain elements of my post. Thanks I guess?
>As the quality of the series deteriotates even further, redditors Oda dickriders get increasingly aggressive, autistic and incoherent
I'm giving them one or two years until their delusion completely breaks them
>Another two weeks of nakamatard autism.
Thank God I read other manga.
Carrot isn't just a soldier, all members of the mink kingdom are soldiers, even the children. She has a special position within the hierarchy of Zou along with Wanda.
10 years ago AntiCarrots would have been AntiBrooks
How? Brook being a musician meant he was bound to join the crew.
Face it, she's joining. She literally said she wants to see the world, unlike every other side girl who was servicing their country and had a reason to stay in it after. Carrot has no reason to go back, her dream is to see the world. Do you really think they will drop her off and be like "bye", it's not written in a way for that to be set up. She's joining, it's her dream, the fucking whole show is about people chasing dreams. No other side girl had a dream, facts.
Why do carrot bronies always hate on Jinbe? Are they this butthurt that he was confirmed over and over agian?
Actually, Brook has been my favourite SH since he joined, and I've had to battle hard to get people to even acknowledge his character. Everyone's jumped ship this arc now though.
Carrot just isn't good. Strawhat potentials just have that "feel" about them, and Carrot doesn't.
What the fuck happened to Pekoms?
He hasn't appeared in like 100 chapters and it's an arc about his fucking crew.
It's not even close to analogous, the only way this is a fair comparison is if Luffy asked Carrot to join the same way he did with Brook. If that had happened, and if it does happen(it wont), I'm not going to put on airs and ignore reality.
Anyone who didn't think Brook was going to join didn't even read his introductory chapter.
Face it, she's not. Keep stretching until infinity, you will still never have an affect on this outcome.
>Do you really think they will drop her off and be like "bye"
The Nox pirates reforming will be a good chance to get rid of her while satisfying her wanderlust, or maybe she will change her mind about wanting to sail after facing the grim circumstances with what happens to Pedro.
Oda wont add unpopular dead weight to the crew, and it OBJECTIVELY still hasn't happened, regardless of how much you want it to or pretend it has. She's not a main crew Strawhat, and she will never ever become one. Deal with it.
Lower than Luffy.
he's going to have his "prince" moment a la sanji and save the strawhats
They realize that Carrot will never get the setup required for her to join up like Jinbe did and are incredibly envious that their flavor of the arc nakama candidate is going to be forgotten in a couple arcs.
Carrot is a good artist. And caricature bun has long been foreshadowed.
>The fact that nearly every fruit using member of big moms crew has food themed powers is silly. It's like the entire concept of them has been abandoned, they're supposed to be 1 of a kind rare items, and lots of times people wouldn't even know what power a fruit would give until after they'd eaten it.
Yeah, it's not like there are people who search for specific Devil Fruits. And Oven, Daifuku, Mont D' Or, Brulee, and Pudding's fruits sure are food-themed eh, you fucking retard?
>Now more and more fruits are being designed in ways that scream "this fruit was written into the one piece universe exclusively for this character, it wouldn't make sense for anyone else in the world to have it".
Again, did you really miss the part where people can search for specific Devil Fruits that might suit them? And which characters were you referring to when you said "This fruit is written exclusively for this character"? Crocodile whose power is sand and operates on a desert island where can dry up waters, Enel who lives in the sky and acts as a god and has lightning fruit, Doflamingo who is both a literal and figurative string-puller? Oh wait, all those are from pre-timeskip and Doflamingo's powers have been shown long before his arc, before Marineford, even. It's been the case since long ago, I don't know why you are complaining now. Moving on to time-skip characters, how was gas fruit written exclusively for Caesar? How was concrete fruit written exclusively for Pica? How was barrier fruit written exclusively for Bartolomeo? Because there is NO fruit written exclusively for a character and you're fucking retarded.
>Perospero and Mr. 3's fruits are identical
Better complain that most zoans are identical since it allows them to change into another being. They have different properties and it depends on the users on how to utilize their power, Crodocile and Luffy said so. Perospero is better at handling his fruit than 3. He can make a fucking lab with it.
I liked it.
why didnt he haki him to death? he already knows hes a ""logia""
So Katakuri didn't see into the future that Pedro was about to blow him and his brother allowing toe strawhats escape?
Oda is a stupid chink this is why you don't introduce these overpowered concepts into a manga for god's sake
I joined during the transition of Water 7 and Enies Lobby, was a blast watching anime up till the waterfall fillers and transitioning to mangaman
Same reason Marco's (a yonko level pirate) and Vista's attacks didn't work on Akainu even though they literally said the used Haki on him: Oda is suffering the effects of hiroshima and he's going senile
Isn't haki necessary for Luffy to use his red hawk attacks? He probably was trying to.
Even if he doesn't use haki there, Jinbe outright explains that he's a "special parmecia" so Luffy doesn't believe he's a logia unless your quadquotations are what you meant by that.
In case you aren't joking:
Katakuri was busy fighting Luffy
he is actually a paramecia. he is just special and his body can move like a logia. and since he has really good Observation Haki. Luffy wasn't fast enough to hit him.
Hawk Gatling is G2 + Haki.
What's Jinbe role in comedy moment? Dude always serious and not funny like other Straw Hats
A widely used comedy archetype
how do you even evade gatling punches? It's impossible
Allow me to gently spoonfeed you, user-kun. Open wide.
yes and yes